ESPN STORY: Please sign Petition Demanding Register Issue a Front Page apology to Carson King

That's an oxymoron if I've seen one. Because literally everyone on the OT are giant douches in my opinion. It is basically far left and far right spewing the same garbage at one another and each side thinks they are so damn smart and never wrong. Made the mistake trying to post there once and have a civil discussion. Why no one on football board wants to hear this crap from either side. Place is almost as bad as cyclone fanatic.

On the discussion on hand love how this has gone national with the DMR and AB looking like fools.
Oh come on. Not everything is political over on HROT. ;)

I will say though, that it was a dark day in HROT history when Rank Em threads went the way of the dinosaur......:(

M2 is the truth.
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If that petition gets up to a million, the dm reg might actually have to do it.
I highly doubt they'll fire Calvin because of a petition, even though I absolutely think they should let him go.

If they choose not to, then it will be apparent that the DMR is willing to go down in flames along with their employee.
I may well get ripped for this, but IDGAF. Both Carson AND the DSM Register are in the wrong here. I don't care what age you were, you hopefully grow up and clean up your social media as you get older. I use stories like this to teach my kids all the time about the type of online reputation they want to leave. And racist jokes aren't funny. They are stupid, and tosh.0 was a stupid show. I'm glad its off the air so these little wannabes aren't hearing and regurgitating that idiot's shtick. Society has norms when it comes to racism. Sorry it bit a good kid in the butt later in his life, but if it wasn't the Register, it might have been an employer.

Now, that being said, the Register had NO BUSINESS putting it in the article it did. It had absolutely nothing to do with this awesome story. The kid has obviously grown up and matured. He could have pocketed that money, but he did something great. Something that will help kids of all ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds. And ESPECIALLY from this Aaron Calvin loser, who has the audacity to call out this kid for the EXACT same sin he himself committed. So while the apology is in order, the better thing for the Register to do would be to publicly admonish and fire Aaron Calvin.[/QUOTE


Something from a 16 year old should haunt them for the rest of their life, Hell No!

I will take all the non PC non perfect people that actually do something good in this world and you can have all the perfect PC social justice warriors that do nothing but nit pick real people that actually do something other than bitch
If you're not into politics, that's fine. But this whole thing is inherently political.

Why did the DMR dredge up tweets that a 16 year old made in 2011??

Because they were illegal? Nope.

Because they were politically incorrect? Yep.

And it's left vs right, because liberals tend to think this political correctness is a good thing, and conservatives do not.

So to act like it's preposterous for this to be a political, or a left vs right thing, is, well... preposterous.

It's actually one of the best real-life examples of the political divide, that I can think of.

If conservatives had their way, this whole thing never happens. That's politics bro.

Ok, but I disagree, since this entire story has nothing to do with politics. There was no "political" benefit to be gained, no opponent to defeat, no bargain to be made.

Carson King was the beneficiary, and the victim, of his 15 minutes of fame. He was elevated to the status of hero, and in a effort to find something newsworthy :rolleyes: in the 24 hour news cycle, the DMR found and published some contrary information. The assumption that the DMR is liberal is certainly true, but I blame it on a failed attempt for relevance in a ridiculously competitive media environment.

You claim that "If conservatives had their way, this whole thing never happens." Probably true, since CK probably takes his $600 and buys a lot of Busch Light.
Do not accept the match money from inbev anheuser busch. Since they sold out this young man then their donation is fake.
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You claim that "If conservatives had their way, this whole thing never happens." Probably true, since CK probably takes his $600 and buys a lot of Busch Light.

Incorrect. You're still not getting it.

The whole incident would never have happened, because if you put a group of common-sense conservatives in the Des Moines Register Editor's room, discussing whether these tweets should be part of the story... it's an easy "No!" decision, which takes less than a minute to make.
Incorrect. You're still not getting it.

The whole incident would never have happened, because if you put a group of common-sense conservatives in the Des Moines Register Editor's room, discussing whether these tweets should be part of the story... it's an easy "No!" decision, which takes less than a minute to make.

Oh, I get what you are saying. I just don't agree.
When I was in Jr. High and high school, there was always a group of losers that would sit around and make fun of everyone else. They did nothing worthwhile on their own, but they tried to make themselves feel better by tearing down everyone else.

That's what the DMR feels like here. They see someone do something noteworthy and cool, and rather than herald it as a great, positive story, they have to trash on it. I hope like hell they're regretting their decision to pursue this at all and they realize that their rationalization for running with it is completely bogus.
The one comment that I will make about this whole thing is this the reporter his moral compass is so backwards and pretty much non-existent that it's absolutely eye opening and quite frankly he's not very smart with all those tweets that he had in his closet he's not very bright
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A thought just occurred to me...if the DMR was truly just "doing their job" here by running a deep background search on a newsmaker. How come we haven't received a litany of other 8 year old posts from others?

I doubt that they really are this "thorough" with all of the people that they write about. Also, I just read elsewhere that Mr. King's social media "record" also reveals that he has participated on at least one missions trip abroad and also volunteers with the Special Olympics.

Funny that the DMR didn't see any reason to share those facts. Also, at this point it seems clear that the DMR is not at all as quick to respond to their own internal missteps as they are at throwing rocks at a do-gooder. I don't think they realize how much that reveals about their own smugness.
A thought just occurred to me...if the DMR was truly just "doing their job" here by running a deep background search on a newsmaker. How come we haven't received a litany of other 8 year old posts from others?

I doubt that they really are this "thorough" with all of the people that they write about. Also, I just read elsewhere that Mr. King's social media "record" also reveals that he has participated on at least one missions trip abroad and also volunteers with the Special Olympics.

Funny that the DMR didn't see any reason to share those facts
. Also, at this point it seems clear that the DMR is not at all as quick to respond to their own internal missteps as they are at throwing rocks at a do-gooder. I don't think they realize how much that reveals about their own smugness.

A thought just occurred to me...if the DMR was truly just "doing their job" here by running a deep background search on a newsmaker. How come we haven't received a litany of other 8 year old posts from others?

I doubt that they really are this "thorough" with all of the people that they write about. Also, I just read elsewhere that Mr. King's social media "record" also reveals that he has participated on at least one missions trip abroad and also volunteers with the Special Olympics.

Funny that the DMR didn't see any reason to share those facts. Also, at this point it seems clear that the DMR is not at all as quick to respond to their own internal missteps as they are at throwing rocks at a do-gooder. I don't think they realize how much that reveals about their own smugness.
If this is they do business then we'll all be better off when they are gone, which may not be long at all. We could be witnessing an epic collapse, and it was self-inflicted.
The one comment that I will make about this whole thing is this the reporter his moral compass is so backwards and pretty much non-existent that it's absolutely eye opening and quite frankly he's not very smart with all those tweets that he had in his closet he's not very bright
Now he's whining to Buzzfeed about how his tweets were taken out of context and that he was just quoting Kanye."

Funny....Carson was quoting Tosh.0, but apparently that "context" didn't warrant inclusion in the article.
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The Bolshevik Marxist "gotcha code" is selectively enforced, unfortunately for Carson, hes a white Christian male. Lets stick to the first amendment and the bill of rights. Take your "politicical correctness" and stick it.
I heard he was atheist. Shove your conservative agenda up your ass. You guys suck
I notice it's only liberals saying "don't make this political!"

That's because they know, it is leftist insanity which clouded the DMR Editor's judgement.

When really, it was an easy call: these 8 year old tweets were irrelevant to the story.

And so... as leftists do... they turn what should have been nothing, into a shit-storm.
You are a douchebag. The register endorsed Romney.