Seal it up Mr. Trump. We all know who doesn't want to pay for what is necessary.
I'll help pay for it.
Will that help you support lawfulness?
Seal it up Mr. Trump. We all know who doesn't want to pay for what is necessary.
Seal it up Mr. Trump. We all know who doesn't want to pay for what is necessary.
We will pay trillions through the impact on the economy to dodge billions in security measures.
That computes when applied to Lib math.
tih, would you approve if people were elected that wanted to seal the border? Sealing the border also includes an Ellis Island type of thing. Seasonal workers check in, get vaccines, etc. What is your immigration reform platform, if any?
Spend a lot more money/resources on avenues of legal immigration, including a comprehensive policy on the same procedure for people already here.
I have no belief that our government, and our people, will spend what is necessary to "secure" any border in my lifetime. You want to do it? Be my guest.
The best thing to slow illegal immigration is to make legal immigration a much better option and opportunity.
As I've said before, those posters who claim to "have no problem with LEGAL immigration" are full of shit, as they still want to severely limit (or stop) immigration, whether LEGAL or not.
Wait, you seriously think that people in congress will vote to approve the level of spending needed to "secure the border", and then the people will be ok with that cost?
Then why hasn't it happened?
You mean they are not here illegally?
Nice pics
Was my assertion of those passing the ACA incorrect?
I am actually pretty open minded when it comes to discussions, if you can provide constructive criticism I am all ears. I have admitted being wrong before, may not agree with everything said but I try to be open (to most - as some things have no wiggle room).Thanks
Would I really be able to change your mind if it was?
That's another issue. In any case, the first thing that needs to be done is to seal the border. Hell, I will even grant amnesty to those already here in exchange if that's what it takes. An honest discussion about what to do with those already here and future policies can't be had until this happens.
Your thoughts on that?
The border has never been more secure than it is now. 100% sealing it is physically and financially impossible, as is building a wall. Illegal entry has been essentially zero for several years now, and the majority of illegals simply overstay visas, so "sealing the border" would not help that at all. "Sealing the border" just a Republican talking point requirement so they don't actually have to do anything on immigration reform.
yes, prepare to be running for your lifeAre you ever going to post all that proof you said you have about illegals not being arrested for any crimes?
" Essentially zero". LOL. Of course sealing it 100% is impossible and a "wall" is impractical. That isn't the point. The tide needs to be stemmed. Why are you against an Ellis Island for the southern border?
Yeah, that's pretty much my main problem with them. I have no problem with legal immigration, I had two grandparents who were legal immigrants.
What did they have to do to immigrate?
Are you on board with making the requirements/cost/process exactly the same?
That's not what they say. They say they are opposed because the illegals broke the law, butted in line, didn't wait their turn, didn't follow proper procedure, yada, yada.Another stupid article on this subject. Most people's main problem with illegal immigration is the money/services drain that is put on regular folks. Receiving an unlimited supply of poors, most of whom will receive public assistance, is unsustainable. That is all.
That's not what they say. They say they are opposed because the illegals broke the law, butted in line, didn't wait their turn, didn't follow proper procedure, yada, yada.
Maybe if they did put it into cost terms, we could get some movement on a decent compromise.
Which costs more? Deporting all illegals or granting amnesty to all illegals?
Statistics that have been released support the balance between incoming/outgoing. Do you have something that contradicts it?
Please post those stats for the southern border. This includes countries other than Mexico of course.
First article I opened:
Says illegal immigrants in U.S. Has been steady for 6 years at 11-12M.
Maybe stop making them live in the shadows and huddling together as a community?
Have you ever wondered why you believe that the Irish/Italian/Jews/Polish/Germans/whoever assimilated better than Hispanics/Latinos/whoever? The former were allowed to obtain public/private work and become part of the fabric of their own society.
Two, by all appearances, perfect candidates to help govern their own people in California are ATTACKED when granted the opportunity to do so. The difference? Legality of their entrance...something that wasn't even an impediment to the former category.
That's not what they say. They say they are opposed because the illegals broke the law, butted in line, didn't wait their turn, didn't follow proper procedure, yada, yada.
Maybe if they did put it into cost terms, we could get some movement on a decent compromise.
Which costs more? Deporting all illegals or granting amnesty to all illegals?
The Irish/Italian/Jews/Polish/Germans/whoever you speak of. Did they enter this country legally? Are we as a country just supposed to let them walk across the border at will and let them do as they please? Oh well, you came here without legal documentation, but what the heck, lets get you set up with a job and place to live on Uncle Sam.
From the same research group from your link a month later.
So they arrived on a boat and filled out paperwork. Great, good for them. They have obviously created a spectacular legacy from very little.
You on board with allowing that little "required" for new immigrants to be legal?
This seems sensible. Just let the market take care of it. No need for a big program. Lock up the Trumps of the world for hiring them. Require ID to access services. Problem gets solved over night and we can even make money by fining the Trumps to get out of jail. Go after the pushers, not the junkies. hit the head, not the tail. Act like a conservative and this becomes easy, but you're going to have to be willing to piss on your donor class.The Irish/Italian/Jews/Polish/Germans/whoever you speak of. Did they enter this country legally? Are we as a country just supposed to let them walk across the border at will and let them do as they please? Oh well, you came here without legal documentation, but what the heck, lets get you set up with a job and place to live on Uncle Sam.
Sure, why wouldn't I. A cursory background check, do the paperwork and get the proper documentation. Like I said, I have zero problem with legal immigration.
Sigh, do any of you read the thread?
What did those people need to do to be "legal"?