Fall Guy movie

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
On my second attempt and can’t make it past the 50 minute mark. Holy hell, how can they screw this up this badly? All done with that flaming pile of shit.
On my second attempt and can’t make it past the 50 minute mark. Holy hell, how can they screw this up this badly? All done with that flaming pile of shit.
Try The Tall Guy.

Some people just live to complain
My ratio of “Great movie” to “Movies I hate” threads is like 87,493 to 1.

Him and her had a 15 minute scene of just sitting there talking. If I want that shit, I’ll watch The Gilmore Girls. This is fvcking Colt Seaver man. He needs to be fvcking shit up. Not sitting there true lovin’ like some beta cuck. Figure it out please everyone.
I think your internal clock was off - pretty much every 15-10 min there's a big action setpiece.
Remember when they turned the Pearl Harbor movie into a love story? Perfectly good airplane bombing story messed up with smooches? That's the same vibe this one is giving off. Just show my the blow ups and fist fights.
I knew it would suck when I saw it was a Fall Guy movie. The Dukes of Hazzards movie sucked. The A-Team movie sucked. The Miami Vice movie sucked. The Starsky & Hutch movie sucked. The C.H.I.P.S movie sucked.

A Magnum PI movie would suck. A TJ Hooker movie would suck. A Cagney and Lacey movie would suck.

They all suck.
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I watched it on a recent flight and thought it was entertaining. I tend to watch "bad" movies on flights that I wouldn't bother to watch at home.
Yeah. That's where I saw it too. Out of my 20 hours back and forth from Italy it was hardly the worst. I think that trophy belonged to a movie called Abigail.
Remember when they turned the Pearl Harbor movie into a love story? Perfectly good airplane bombing story messed up with smooches? That's the same vibe this one is giving off. Just show my the blow ups and fist fights.
, fair enough. I had fun with it and I thought it hilarious how the romance plot was basically copied in the movie blunts character was making.
I knew it would suck when I saw it was a Fall Guy movie. The Dukes of Hazzards movie sucked. The A-Team movie sucked. The Miami Vice movie sucked. The Starsky & Hutch movie sucked. The C.H.I.P.S movie sucked.

A Magnum PI movie would suck. A TJ Hooker movie would suck. A Cagney and Lacey movie would suck.

They all suck.
Outside of A Team and to a lesser extent Magnum, I never saw the original shows you listed. Maybe that’s why I enjoyed A Team movie more than most for some reason.

Dukes of hazard is worth watching only for Jessica Simpson eye candy.

I think fugitive is on the shortlist of movies as good as or better than the tv adaptation.
, fair enough. I had fun with it and I thought it hilarious how the romance plot was basically copied in the movie blunts character was making.

Outside of A Team and to a lesser extent Magnum, I never saw the original shows you listed. Maybe that’s why I enjoyed A Team movie more than most for some reason.

Dukes of hazard is worth watching only for Jessica Simpson eye candy.

I think fugitive is on the shortlist of movies as good as or better than the tv adaptation.
A Team was a great movie. I'd say better than the show actually was. Fall Guy and Dukes, not so much. Of course the time these things came out had a lot to do with it. They were fresh ideas in the 80's.
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Wasn’t a terrible movie, but they should have dressed Emily Blunt in better stuff. Would have been more enjoyable. There were a few good laughs and stunts in it. With CGI stunts are less impactful and entertaining for a general audience. They are almost ubiquitous at this point.