Feb Jobs report

And... January's report was revised DOWN 167,000

Keep clapping
Do you understand what that means in the overall scheme of things?

In conjunction with today's numbers, it shows no upward pressure for inflation and quickens the probability of interest rate drops.
Plus...less pressure for employers to DRASTICALLY raise wages and then pass along costs in higher product costs.

This is tremendous news by any standard.
Weird….it’s almost as if the announced numbers are for public consumption / narrative driven and the revisions reflect reality that will not be pushed out far and wide like the initial report.

Now why would the government do such a thing?

last month November and December numbers were revised up over 100k. Its almost like these are estimates..
Still showing job growth and low unemployment.

But I can see why you want to find another narrative. Being the independent thinker/voter that you are.
Stop projecting BS into my comment. I said that it will change in a couple weeks like it always does.
I don’t need to project anything into your takes, Sharky. You’ve shown us who you are.

That’s why I call you out on it.
You didn't call crap out. It's a fact that they come out with this report and break their arm patting themselves on their backs over it (Rep or Dem) and the report always changes. It's a stupid report with never ending changes as to who is reported and what is reported.

Being a loudmouth a-hole isn't a good way to go through life, BTW.

If everything was so hunky-dory right now, then there wouldn't be the large numbers of people saying that the economy was an issue in this election. Jobs is just a small portion of what drives it. I haven't looked, but I'm guessing the jobs added are government jobs and health industry. The private sector is shrinking.
You didn't call crap out. It's a fact that they come out with this report and break their arm patting themselves on their backs over it (Rep or Dem) and the report always changes. It's a stupid report with never ending changes as to who is reported and what is reported.

Being a loudmouth a-hole isn't a good way to go through life, BTW.

If everything was so hunky-dory right now, then there wouldn't be the large numbers of people saying that the economy was an issue in this election. Jobs is just a small portion of what drives it. I haven't looked, but I'm guessing the jobs added are government jobs and health industry. The private sector is shrinking.

“I haven’t looked…”

Just like the folks that are suggesting that the economy isn’t good, you’re operating based on vibes and feels, Sharky. We’ve had this discussion before. No amount of data or facts are gonna change your narrative. That’s the problem.

There’s a vast segment on the population that is swayed by feelings and emotion. And it’s ironic coming from the “**** your feelings” crowd.

That’s kinda my point in going after you.
Stop projecting BS into my comment. I said that it will change in a couple weeks like it always does.
Multiple of the MAGA posters are spitting out this take so it must be what the rightwing media Borg is pounding on the job numbers.

Rightwing media so correctly understands how stupid their audience is.

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