June Inflation

So we give him credit for lower inflation numbers but we can’t blame him for high cost of goods?
How does that make sense?

Every other industrialized economy is experiencing inflation but we are doing better than they are.

I think if you are going to look at something like that you should peg the US's performance against other similar economies instead of in a vacuum.
Scruddy and his ilk hate positive economic news.

It's "Party over country" for the Radical Right.

Really sad look. Pathetic, as well.
Lolol 4 years of transitory inflation is positive news to you? You may want to rethink which one of us is thinking of party ahead of country.
So we give him credit for lower inflation numbers but we can’t blame him for high cost of goods?
How does that make sense?
Don't try to apply logic to them. It doesn't work.
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Every other industrialized economy is experiencing inflation but we are doing better than they are.

I think if you are going to look at something like that you should peg the US's performance against other similar economies instead of in a vacuum.
We should compare my size 13 shoe up your ass and compare someone else’s size 11 shoe up your ass. I’m sure you’ll love both options though. We can be in a vacuum if you’d like.
The point is, we're the USA there isn't supposed to be any similar economies.
That’s nonsensical. Just because we have the largest economy in the world doesn’t mean that other countries decant have similar economies in regards to their resiliency, strengths/weaknessees, etc.
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Every other industrialized economy is experiencing inflation but we are doing better than they are.

I think if you are going to look at something like that you should peg the US's performance against other similar economies instead of in a vacuum.

Comparing to other countries also shows that it is not solely a US problem. I know people want to blame it all on Joe but the triggers of this inflation started prior to Biden taking office and affected the world.

Biden was handed a country in bad shape and we are steadily improving across the board. Just in time for Trump to take over and claim that he fixed everything a month later.
Still have the usual posters here predicting that "hard landing" that they've been saying for two years...and counting.

Fact is absolutely no one had a playbook on how to handle something like the Covid followup. Balancing the "printing money" vs hoping the economy would recover on it's own was never a guaranteed outcome.

Lot's of opportunity to second guess any strategy!!!!
The Fed and the WH have really done a pretty damn good job handling post Covid...and inflation was always artificially low under the previous administration.
NO ONE can argue that the trend line on inflation is not going in the right direction.
More good news.

And my retirement account looking better every week!

Probably gonna end up in a higher tax bracket and would have never envisioned this in the summer of 2020.
Elite are the only ones benefiting. The rest not my problem pick up a
Second job grocery shopping for me or driving me to and from my parties. Hope BRICS hits this lowife hard.
Every other industrialized economy is experiencing inflation but we are doing better than they are.

I think if you are going to look at something like that you should peg the US's performance against other similar economies instead of in a vacuum.
This gets so old.
What are you babbling about? US market indices are currently at all time highs, so your statement makes zero sense.
yeah you talking about the market makes total sense. Live in the real world buddy. Go visit struggling people and find out why they are struggling when nothing in their life has changed since the previous residential election. They have the same jobs, vehicles family etc. why are they now falling behind financially? The market is great, why would they be falling behind if the market says otherwise.
What are you babbling about? US market indices are currently at all time highs, so your statement makes zero sense.
We have to understand the motivation for those critical of the economy....the Party NOT in the WH needs to paint a "gloom and doom" picture since people vote with their checkbook.
Additionally, we all remember Trump's proclamation that "your 401k will collapse under Biden".

Everyone's 401 is higher now than when Trump left office.
Again...given what this country looked like in Trump's last year in office, the Covid recovery under Biden shows more positives than negatives!

If guys like Scruddy, Rico, and others are struggling...that's their issue.
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yeah you talking about the market makes total sense. Live in the real world buddy. Go visit struggling people and find out why they are struggling when nothing in their life has changed since the previous residential election. They have the same jobs, vehicles family etc. why are they now falling behind financially? The market is great, why would they be falling behind if the market says otherwise.
Their free money from the government ran out.
yeah you talking about the market makes total sense. Live in the real world buddy. Go visit struggling people and find out why they are struggling when nothing in their life has changed since the previous residential election. They have the same jobs, vehicles family etc. why are they now falling behind financially? The market is great, why would they be falling behind if the market says otherwise.
Yeah, I know right? Our country has never had an issue before with poor people struggling to make ends meet, certainly not during Trumps' tenure, working poor people didn't even exist back then.

How about you come around to reality and just admit that you believe illogically and without a shred of evidence to support it, that if Trump gets back into the WH we'll suddenly experience this "great reset" in our economy. Home prices will suddenly drop 30%, gas and food prices will be rolled back to 2016 levels and everyone will get 10% annual raises for the rest of their working careers. It's gonna be great!
Every other industrialized economy is experiencing inflation but we are doing better than they are.

I think if you are going to look at something like that you should peg the US's performance against other similar economies instead of in a vacuum.
Damn thanks Joe
Yeah, I know right? Our country has never had an issue before with poor people struggling to make ends meet, certainly not during Trumps' tenure, working poor people didn't even exist back then.

How about you come around to reality and just admit that you believe illogically and without a shred of evidence to support it, that if Trump gets back into the WH we'll suddenly experience this "great reset" in our economy. Home prices will suddenly drop 30%, gas and food prices will be rolled back to 2016 levels and everyone will get 10% annual raises for the rest of their working careers. It's gonna be great!
I am living in reality, have been every day, you cult members are just following orders. Remember anyone but Trump.

Also using myself as a reference, I wasn’t poor before Biden took over. At least not at the level I am today. But good try at avoiding the question.
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We have to understand the motivation for those critical of the economy....the Party NOT in the WH needs to paint a "gloom and doom" picture since people vote with their checkbook.
Additionally, we all remember Trump's proclamation that "your 401k will collapse under Biden".

Everyone's 401 is higher now than when Trump left off.
Again...given what this country looked like in Trump's last year in office, the Covid recovery under Biden shows more positives than negatives!

If guys like Scruddy, Rico, and others are struggling...that's their issue.
Isn’t it minorities who have the least amount of sticks and 401k so wouldn’t this great growth only benifit whitey? Thought you were the champion of change? Why not take that huge return and profit and give to the less fortunate minority. You like to talk the talk not walk it and people should just get better jobs I’m sure
Isn’t it minorities who have the least amount of sticks and 401k so wouldn’t this great growth only benifit whitey? Thought you were the champion of change? Why not take that huge return and profit and give to the less fortunate minority. You like to talk the talk not walk it and people should just get better jobs I’m sure
You people simply don't understand Merica is the most successful when growth starts at the bottom and works it's way up.
It's already been proven that "trickle down" economics is a farce. Your "huge return and profit and give to the less fortunate " sounds like the Republican approach to cutting taxes for the wealthy.

Entry level employment includes mandatory 401k contributions for most these days.

Your logic is deeply flawed.
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I am living in reality, have been every day, you cult members are just following orders. Remember anyone but Trump.

Also using myself as a reference, I wasn’t poor before Biden took over. At least not at the level I am today. But good try at avoiding the question.
So Biden enters the WH and suddenly **POOF** you're poor? Sure. Almost everyone I know is still working the same jobs now that they were 4 years ago and are more or less in the same financial position they were at that time. Maybe you should spend less time here bantering endlessly with the likes of me and focus your efforts on improving your own position in life or gaining a greater understanding of why you seem to be an outlier in your local economy. This narrative that a majority of Americans are teetering on the edge of poverty is not accurate. If it is truly your current financial condition, then buck up and get going, improvement is largely self motivated, it doesn't just magically happen.
yeah you talking about the market makes total sense. Live in the real world buddy. Go visit struggling people and find out why they are struggling when nothing in their life has changed since the previous residential election. They have the same jobs, vehicles family etc. why are they now falling behind financially? The market is great, why would they be falling behind if the market says otherwise.
Wage growth has been very good for low income earners overall. You being among the exceptions simply demonstrates how little value you bring.
yeah you talking about the market makes total sense. Live in the real world buddy. Go visit struggling people and find out why they are struggling when nothing in their life has changed since the previous residential election. They have the same jobs, vehicles family etc. why are they now falling behind financially? The market is great, why would they be falling behind if the market says otherwise.
In 2008, when the Great Recession happened I was told by Republicans to pull up my bootstraps and stop complaining.

So,I'd say the same to you.
I am living in reality, have been every day, you cult members are just following orders. Remember anyone but Trump.

Also using myself as a reference, I wasn’t poor before Biden took over. At least not at the level I am today. But good try at avoiding the question.
May I ask what field of employment you are in because I am trying to understand why you are struggling right now?
More good news.

And my retirement account looking better every week!

Probably gonna end up in a higher tax bracket and would have never envisioned this in the summer of 2020.
Thanks for reminding me to check. My funds are up quite a bit over last week.
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So Biden enters the WH and suddenly **POOF** you're poor? Sure. Almost everyone I know is still working the same jobs now that they were 4 years ago and are more or less in the same financial position they were at that time. Maybe you should spend less time here bantering endlessly with the likes of me and focus your efforts on improving your own position in life or gaining a greater understanding of why you seem to be an outlier in your local economy. This narrative that a majority of Americans are teetering on the edge of poverty is not accurate. If it is truly your current financial condition, then buck up and get going, improvement is largely self motivated, it doesn't just magically happen.
In 2008, when the Great Recession happened I was told by Republicans to pull up my bootstraps and stop complaining.

So,I'd say the same to you.
If you weren't poor then, it's your own fault if you are poor now.
Not a cult and also want a democracy to help out everyone even the poor and suffering.

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