June Inflation

Thanks for reminding me to check. My funds are up quite a bit over last week.
Having multiple investments, some in mutual funds, but I'm a Vanguard fan.

VIGAX and VWUSX are up between 20%-25% YTD.

So much winning.
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Having multiple investments, some in mutual funds, but I'm a Vanguard fan.

VIGAX and VWUSX are up between 20%-25% YTD.

So much winning.
Same here with Vanguard. Low cost index funds make up about 45% of my investments with another 30ish% in bonds. The rest is currently in short term investments.
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I am living in reality, have been every day, you cult members are just following orders. Remember anyone but Trump.

Also using myself as a reference, I wasn’t poor before Biden took over. At least not at the level I am today. But good try at avoiding the question.
Again...why do you feel you're struggling financially?

Poor investments, personal health issues, marital, employment uncertainty, mental health???

Maybe we can help?
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Again...why do you feel you're struggling financially?

Poor investments, personal health issues, marital, employment uncertainty, mental health???

Maybe we can help?
Because everything costs more. The price of goods has gone up way more than my wages along with my wife no pics wages. We don’t go on vacations like we did before. We don’t do nearly the same about of house/yard projects we used to. We didn’t get any new vehicles or toys yet it’s harder to pay off the same bills we had before.
You tell me why we would fall behind financially if nothing has changed besides the cost of everything.
I’d love to hear what I’m doing wrong.
Because everything costs more. The price of goods has gone up way more than my wages along with my wife no pics wages. We don’t go on vacations like we did before. We don’t do nearly the same about of house/yard projects we used to. We didn’t get any new vehicles or toys yet it’s harder to pay off the same bills we had before.
You tell me why we would fall behind financially if nothing has changed besides the cost of everything.
I’d love to hear what I’m doing wrong.
Wage growth has outpaced inflation since February of 2023. The rise in inflation began back in May of 2020 due to the pandemic and supply chain issues coupled with record profits. It peaked in June of 2022 at 9.1% while wages were growing at 6.7%. From March 2020 to March 2024 wages outpaced inflation in 26 months. Inflation was higher in 22 months. The last few months the trend has remained positive.

If you weren't able to manage through the "rainy days" and are still struggling, that's on you.
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Because everything costs more. The price of goods has gone up way more than my wages along with my wife no pics wages. We don’t go on vacations like we did before. We don’t do nearly the same about of house/yard projects we used to. We didn’t get any new vehicles or toys yet it’s harder to pay off the same bills we had before.
You tell me why we would fall behind financially if nothing has changed besides the cost of everything.
I’d love to hear what I’m doing wrong.
What field do you and your spouse work on?
Because everything costs more. The price of goods has gone up way more than my wages along with my wife no pics wages. We don’t go on vacations like we did before. We don’t do nearly the same about of house/yard projects we used to. We didn’t get any new vehicles or toys yet it’s harder to pay off the same bills we had before.
You tell me why we would fall behind financially if nothing has changed besides the cost of everything.
I’d love to hear what I’m doing wrong.
It's long past time for Biden to whip up an executive order to lower the cost of all goods and services.
Yeah, I know right? Our country has never had an issue before with poor people struggling to make ends meet, certainly not during Trumps' tenure, working poor people didn't even exist back then.

How about you come around to reality and just admit that you believe illogically and without a shred of evidence to support it, that if Trump gets back into the WH we'll suddenly experience this "great reset" in our economy. Home prices will suddenly drop 30%, gas and food prices will be rolled back to 2016 levels and everyone will get 10% annual raises for the rest of their working careers. It's gonna be great!
What? You don't remember all the right wingers advocating for the working poor here from 2017-2020?
What? You don't remember all the right wingers advocating for the working poor here from 2017-2020?
No brah, the right-wingers here were apparently killing it financially then, jet setting around the world daily and establishing social safety networks, benevolent trusts and golden parachutes for the working rich (i.e., the rest of us, no one was actually poor) so that they could also afford their champagne and caviar soirees. It was glorious, I miss it so, so much.

But then big bad Biden shows up and the entire economy collapsed at our feet. Thanks for nothing Joe!
You people simply don't understand Merica is the most successful when growth starts at the bottom and works it's way up.
It's already been proven that "trickle down" economics is a farce. Your "huge return and profit and give to the less fortunate " sounds like the Republican approach to cutting taxes for the wealthy.

Entry level employment includes mandatory 401k contributions for most these days.

Your logic is deeply flawed.
I have but also feel it’s a huge Ponzi scheme about to burst. BRICS will **** the dollar and it’s here already. Won’t be long.
Good job Brandon, my groceries are only up 60% since you took office. What a victory lap...

"There was zero inflation when I became president."

- Joe Biden, June debate

You own all of the inflation dems.
My wage has nearly doubled since Jan 2021, sorry yours has not.
Wage growth has been very good for low income earners overall. You being among the exceptions simply demonstrates how little value you bring.
Wage growth for low income good? Don’t grocery shop? Buy home products? Remodel work around the house? Appliances? What exactly has gone up less then wage? So you make more at the bottom but everything else is more so how’s that gain again?
I am living in reality, have been every day, you cult members are just following orders. Remember anyone but Trump.

Also using myself as a reference, I wasn’t poor before Biden took over. At least not at the level I am today. But good try at avoiding the question.
You just had a kid. That might be a little reason why you're struggling more now than you were then, bud. That ain't cheap.
You just had a kid. That might be a little reason why you're struggling more now than you were then, bud. That ain't cheap.
They aren’t cheap. But it has actually cost us less this last year having a kid than what it cost us every year leading up to this year trying to have a child. So we should actually be ahead in that regard as well.
I appreciate you actually putting some thought into it though opposed to the lame excuses others are giving.
A good message to the plebs going into election, mate. "Sorry your bills doubled, have you tried not being poor?" - the dems
That message would only work on the stupid and poorly educated. Trump has all of you locked up already.
A lot I bet
Says the guy who doesn’t see crime Happening in my white filled gated community while driving my green electric car everyone can afford fella.

Out of touch hope you get reality checked by a crackhead. You’ll probably accept the fault and not press charges you seem the type.
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Just get a second job guys! Stop being poor.. am I don't this right, spaceman?

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