Federal Department of Education

To ensure that all children, even those from very ignorant and poor states like those from the South, can still get a decent education.

Because let's be honest, if you let some states have their way, the South winning the Civil War will find its way into the textbooks and evolution will have to take a back seat to whatever, "Of Pandas and People," bullshit the creationists try putting out there.
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Obviously, it is needed to micromanage school lunch menus.

Seriously? I wasn't aware of that. Could you post a link to this alleged "micromanagement"? I thought they just required a district that accepted federal money to feed poor kids to prepare lunches that met basic dietary and health guidelines. TIA.
Seriously? I wasn't aware of that. Could you post a link to this alleged "micromanagement"? I thought they just required a district that accepted federal money to feed poor kids to prepare lunches that met basic dietary and health guidelines. TIA.
Even this smaller issue is important. States could gut these programs as well, leaving millions of students hungry each day.
Even this smaller issue is important. States could gut these programs as well, leaving millions of students hungry each day.

They can do that now, though. Nothing requires that they accept federal money. How many have turned down the money for free and reduced lunches, though? Red States? Red States? Bueller?
They can do that now, though. Nothing requires that they accept federal money. How many have turned down the money for free and reduced lunches, though? Red States? Red States? Bueller?
You take away federal funding and I can guarantee you red states will try killing off low income lunches. They're already trying to gut funding wherever they can. Low hanging fruit, like lunches, would be among the first to go.

Hell, we already are seeing states like Iowa jacking with pensions. And that's with unions pushing back. None of these kids have any representation. What chance do they have?
A public education has been the great equalizer in the US for decades. It has been the foundation of our nearly uninterrupted economic growth and worldwide importance. Public education has allowed millions upon millions of Americans a better shot at rising in life. The return on our nations investment may well be incalculable.
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A public education has been the great equalizer in the US for decades. It has been the foundation of our nearly uninterrupted economic growth and worldwide importance. Public education has allowed millions upon millions of Americans a better shot at rising in life. The return on our nations investment may well be incalculable.

Why does public education have to = Department of Education?
Public education for elementary and high school
students has broken down in the inner cities of
Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Detroit. And that
is only in the Midwest. Until we fix the educational
standards, we will continue the social promotion
of 8th graders( who have a 3rd grade reading level)
into high school.

Bottom Line: The status quo is not working, we need
to give parents more school choices on where to get
a quality education for their children.
Because the South is a bunch of inbred rednecks isn't a good enough answer for me. Most of the south is way, way behind in regards to public education so obviously the Department of Education isn't working.
Why does public education have to = Department of Education?

Who else is going to set and enforce any kind of standard? The states? How would that get Mississippi to the same point as Wisconsin? It wouldn't.
Public education for elementary and high school
students has broken down in the inner cities of
Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Detroit. And that
is only in the Midwest. Until we fix the educational
standards, we will continue the social promotion
of 8th graders( who have a 3rd grade reading level)
into high school.

Bottom Line: The status quo is not working, we need
to give parents more school choices on where to get
a quality education for their children.

Translation: LuteHawk wants Christian schools to receive public funds.
Who else is going to set and enforce any kind of standard? The states? How would that get Mississippi to the same point as Wisconsin? It wouldn't.
At what point do you just look at Mississippi and say, "You're never going to be Wisconsin. You are going to get the same amount of federal funding per student as Wisconsin. It is up to you if you want to make education a priority."

No federal department is going to change the cultural differences between Mississippi and Wisconsin.
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Funny stuff here. A couple years ago, the cons were on a "it's equality of opportunity not equality of outcome" kick.

Now they've devolved to where they don't care if a child in Mississippi doesn't have the same educational opportunities as a child in Wisconsin.
Even this smaller issue is important. States could gut these programs as well, leaving millions of students hungry each day.

The mission of school isn't to provide students with lunch. It's to provide an education.
At what point do you just look at Mississippi and say, "You're never going to be Wisconsin. You are going to get the same amount of federal funding per student as Wisconsin. It is up to you if you want to make education a priority."

No federal department is going to change the cultural differences between Mississippi and Wisconsin.

Shouldn't the right answer be, "Hey MS, get your head out of your butt and educate your kids?" Like I said, it's about setting the standard and then enforcing it. Get serious on enforcing it. No one can tell me that kids in MS, or any state for that matter, are just naturally dumber than any other. If we leave it up to MS, their kids never get educated and continue to be a drain on every other state.

The Fed absolutely shouldn't be micromanaging a state. But they should set the standard and force the state to fix the problem. Either that or pull all funding and spread it amongst the other 49. But that creates far more problems than it solves.
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Translation: LuteHawk wants Christian schools to receive public funds.

Yep, and even as an evangelical, I'm not cool with that...unless, of course, the Christian schools are held to the exact same standards and same requirements (which they won't be, nor should they unless they take federal money).
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Shouldn't the right answer be, "Hey MS, get your head out of your butt and educate your kids?" Like I said, it's about setting the standard and then enforcing it. Get serious on enforcing it. No one can tell me that kids in MS, or any state for that matter, are just naturally dumber than any other. If we leave it up to MS, their kids never get educated and continue to be a drain on every other state.

The Fed absolutely shouldn't be micromanaging a state. But they should set the standard and force the state to fix the problem. Either that or pull all funding and spread it amongst the other 49. But that creates far more problems than it solves.

Federal departments cannot pull all program money from states who refuse to follow one federal edict. It has been ruled unconstitutional.
Federal departments cannot pull all program money from states who refuse to follow one federal edict. It has been ruled unconstitutional.

OK. I wasn't actually suggesting they do that, just an exaggeration to make a point.
Even this smaller issue is important. States could gut these programs as well, leaving millions of students hungry each day.
They would not do this. And kids are going hungry because they are offered food they aren't even willing to try. I bet my school dumps 500 pounds of "California medley" into the trash every year because the kids won't eat it. I would rather them be full on stuff like we were served growing up instead of being forced to take food they will only throw away...and then be hungry all afternoon.
The mission of school isn't to provide students with lunch. It's to provide an education.

Yea. How about you go and teach a bunch of second graders who haven't eaten anything all day because their parents suck and can't even provide food for them on a regular basis.
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Yep, and even as an evangelical, I'm not cool with that...unless, of course, the Christian schools are held to the exact same standards and same requirements (which they won't be, nor should they unless they take federal money).

DeVos' non-answer to that very question demonstrated to me that she would not be in favor of public and private schools being held to same accountability standards.
I think there should be national standards for education so the Dept of Education sounds like a good idea.
What I don't like are states spending more money on fake online schools, home schooling or religious schools. If the public schools are not good enough for you, fund the alternative yourself. The public schools will have more funding if it is not wasted on the alternatives above.
DeVos' non-answer to that very question demonstrated to me that she would not be in favor of public and private schools being held to same accountability standards.

I have no problem with private schools not meeting the same standards...if they aren't receiving fed money. If vouchers happened and they are now receiving fed (or state for that matter) money, then they absolutely should meet the same standards and requirements (ie, special ed, BD, counseling requirements, etc). But then, are they still private? To me, they aren't. If you are receiving public funds, you are a public school and should be required to act as such.

That was one (of many) reasons why it was obvious DeVos is a horrible choice.
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Very wrong.

It's not the schools job to let them go to the bathroom either. So, how about no bathroom breaks or eating during the school day. Do that on your own time.

Why stop there? Get rid of recess, PE and all of the specials. Nothing but readin' rightin' rithmatic. Go back to that 2+2 and get rid of common core, since that's devil stuff there.
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I have no problem with private schools not meeting the same standards...if they aren't receiving fed money. If vouchers happened and they are now receiving fed (or state for that matter) money, then they absolutely should meet the same standards and requirements (ie, special ed, BD, counseling requirements, etc). But then, are they still private? To me, they aren't. If you are receiving public funds, you are a public school and should be required to act as such.

That was one (of many) reasons why it was obvious DeVos is a horrible choice.

Her answer was so bad. And not just because she may not want to hold then to the same standards, but she couldnt articulate anything beyond her talking point. Her knowledge of education seemed to be an inch wide and an inch deep.