(Fellow) Coffee Snobs

I grind whole beans, that is about as fancy as I get. The standby that I usually buy is Lavazza Caffe Espresso whole bean, but I dabble and try other whole bean coffee.

Right now I have some Community whole bean. Here's the odd thing with the Community coffee, well, maybe not odd to some of you. When I grind it at home on my Capresso conical burr grinder it has a completely different flavor profile than if I use the cheapo blade grinder I have at work. The odd part is I like the blade ground stuff better. Maybe it's because it grinds it so fine. Think I'll set my Capresso to a finer setting tomorrow and try that.

Blade grinders burn the beans they spin so fast. Also, for drip, you want a coarser grind than for espresso
Blade grinders burn the beans they spin so fast. Also, for drip, you want a coarser grind than for espresso
I know that blade grinders burn the beans. They also don't grind the beans they pulverize them and you also get an inconsistent grind unless you run those blades and go really fine, which I do when I use the blade grinder. The odd part is that I actually prefer the flavor profile the blade grinder produces over the burr grinder with that particular bean.

I just set my burr grinder to a finer setting for tomorrow so I don't forget. If I don't like it I will go with a coarse ground the next day. I have been doing a medium grind. Time to experiment a little with this bean.