Ferrari vs. Starocci

The first one I can understand, but the second one was egregious. Ferrari just shot him to the edge, Starocci circles in, and they give a stalling for what?
That was really a 2-1 match. Star doesn’t have the offensive pace Mess, Barr, Vaness has, but when he gets in on a shot, he almost always finishes . I knew Ferrari is hard to score on, but I didn’t realize he was that good defensively. He’s only going to get bigger and better. Repeat this match in a year and I think he has a legit shot to win.
That was really a 2-1 match. Star doesn’t have the offensive pace Mess, Barr, Vaness has, but when he gets in on a shot, he almost always finishes . I knew Ferrari is hard to score on, but I didn’t realize he was that good defensively. He’s only going to get bigger and better. Repeat this match in a year and I think he has a legit shot to win.
Stallrocci gonna get an 8th year of eligibility?
That was really a 2-1 match. Star doesn’t have the offensive pace Mess, Barr, Vaness has, but when he gets in on a shot, he almost always finishes . I knew Ferrari is hard to score on, but I didn’t realize he was that good defensively. He’s only going to get bigger and better. Repeat this match in a year and I think he has a legit shot to win.
I'd give him a chance to win if it's repeated in March.
There are still a lot of positives for the Hawks. The three biggest

Drake is definitely a NC contender

Ferrari is definitely a multi time NC contender, they should let him fly this year and bump Gabe down, but that won't happen. No matter, look out the next 4 years.

Buchanon is still the favorite

Most of the rest are AA level guys. A very balanced team.

Every wrestling fan has to be looking forward to the Oky state dual, it should be a real barn burner.
the one where he couldn’t get a takedown on a true freshman?
Yeah, would love to be educated on just how dominant that 3-1 win (actually 2-1 without the bs stall point) was for a four-time national champion over a true freshman who's wrestled barely a handful of collegiate matches. Lol.
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