Do you prefer yesterday’s product over freestyle? Everyone has their preference, but between the conference finals and last years NCAA finals I have seen a very boring product. I believe it was @smalls103 who had offensive stats from the finals last year. They were atrocious.Spencer Lee isn't bypassing Folkstyle when he has a chance to do something few ever accomplish, or the Team aspect of his participation.
I prefer Folkstyle by a wide margin, but agree that Freestyle would be easier on some joints due to the exposure risk. That said, guys get hurt wrestling Freestyle too, and I absolutely abhore the leg lace rolls that end a match in 10 seconds. That part is ridiculous.
Relative to Iowa injuries, I'm a firm believer that Iowa University has all the tools at it's disposal to limit the injury carnage, and yet guys still get injured. Tom and Terry Brands have been in this game a LONG time, I'm confident they're not risking their Wrestler's health by putting them through things that would inherently increase their odds of getting injured. They need all hands on deck and nobody knows that better than them.
Shit happens and you deal with it as best you can.
Inheriting freestyle more won’t eliminate injuries. That’s impossible. The goal is to reduce the injuries and I think freestyle does that.
As far as Tom and Terry know what they’re doing. They absolutely do in regards to wrestling. But there is so much more to it than that. They are not ST coaches by any means. I’ll use football as an example. There’s a reason why millions and millions of dollars are invested into nutrition and ST. You won’t find a single D1 program that doesn’t have specialists in those areas. It’s critical.