Final Four to Replace Podolak

what's akrum wadley doing nowadays?
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What was ed doing before he took over?
Before the Iowa job, Ed was a color commentator for NFL games at NBC (including with Marv Albert) and with ESPN (including with Jim Simpson). He was introduced to NBC by Len Dawson. So, the Iowa gig was arguably a step down for Ed but obviously a labor of love. For a very high percentage of his 40+ years providing commentary for Iowa games, he was an unbelievably good commentator and walked the line between commentator and fan perfectly. Undeniably, Ed enjoys a party. But, also undeniably, he is an extremely bright and astute person and businessman.
This is the final 4. The original list of candidates was most certainly larger. Do you know whether or not the larger list had people of color?
I don’t. But it seems highly unlikely that there weren’t at least several people of color very interested in the job.
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I’ve been involved in a situation like this in the professional world. A company I worked for was only hiring white people for executive roles.

This company claimed there was no pipeline of people of color qualified for executive roles. I - and others - pointed out that this was nonsense. I also noted that they acting against their own DEI policy and greatly increasing the likelihood they would be sued for having racist hiring practices.

When it was pointed out that they could be sued, they were magically able to find some highly qualified people of color to hire in executive roles. Funny how that works.
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So who were the non-white guys that applied and were unfairly left out? Still waiting...
I din’t have any way of knowing that, do I?

But I’ve been around the block enough to know that when you have a highly attractive job and the qualified pool includes a whole bunch of people of color and the list of finalists is all white, there are some real problems with the selection process
I’ll add that there’s a long history of companies hiring white people disproportionately and then using the anonymity of the hiring process to claim their weren’t enough people of color applying as an excuse. Numerous investigative reports have uncovered this kind of activity.
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I din’t have any way of knowing that, do I?

But I’ve been around the block enough to know that when you have a highly attractive job and the qualified pool includes a whole bunch of people of color and the list of finalists is all white, there are some real problems with the selection process
But yet, admittedly, you are making these comments with zero knowledge of the situation. Race baiters tend to do that.
As a frame of reference, the proportion of people of color among the scholarship football players at Iowa typically varies between 40% and 44%, depending on the year.

Here’s a list of potential candidates from someone who actually covered the team:

The people of color on Stiles’ list make up 44%, about what you’d expect, given the historic roster composition. It’s reasonable to think the applicant list would look pretty similar.

If you think there weren’t a large number of people of color interested in that job, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Lamoni I’d love to show you.
Nothing against these 4 guys, but seems like a very underwhelming list. Maybe the pay is not that great but there are established media guys that are former Hawkeyes like Anthony Herron, Dana Hughes, and Matt Bowen that IMO opinion would be much better candidates.
I agree on all fronts. I’m hoping this post by the OP isn’t super credible. I just haven’t seen this news anywhere but that post.
I’ll add that there’s a long history of companies hiring white people disproportionately and then using the anonymity of the hiring process to claim their weren’t enough people of color applying as an excuse. Numerous investigative reports have uncovered this kind of activity.
Would you have a problem if the list were all black players? And btw you are naive if you don’t think it works both ways. Not too hard to get online and articles talking about a priority to hire based on race over merit.

And maybe 4 guys considered are actually the 4 most qualified for the job after a vetting process. But continue on with the lazy race card excuse with no evidence.
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As a frame of reference, the proportion of people of color among the scholarship football players at Iowa typically varies between 40% and 44%, depending on the year.

Here’s a list of potential candidates from someone who actually covered the team:

The people of color on Stiles’ list make up 44%, about what you’d expect, given the historic roster composition. It’s reasonable to think the applicant list would look pretty similar.

If you think there weren’t a large number of people of color interested in that job, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Lamoni I’d love to show you.
Mcnutt took keokuk HS job. With HS season on Friday nights and travel he’s not a viable candidate.
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As a frame of reference, the proportion of people of color among the scholarship football players at Iowa typically varies between 40% and 44%, depending on the year.

Here’s a list of potential candidates from someone who actually covered the team:

The people of color on Stiles’ list make up 44%, about what you’d expect, given the historic roster composition. It’s reasonable to think the applicant list would look pretty similar.

If you think there weren’t a large number of people of color interested in that job, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Lamoni I’d love to show you.
Anybody can make a random potential list on twitter. That doesn’t mean it’s realistic. McNutt is a perfect example. He’s got a head coaching gig every Friday night. Doubt he has any interest though I hope he ends up on the Iowa sidelines again at some point. No way Chad Greenway would either.
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As a frame of reference, the proportion of people of color among the scholarship football players at Iowa typically varies between 40% and 44%, depending on the year.

Here’s a list of potential candidates from someone who actually covered the team:

The people of color on Stiles’ list make up 44%, about what you’d expect, given the historic roster composition. It’s reasonable to think the applicant list would look pretty similar.

If you think there weren’t a large number of people of color interested in that job, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Lamoni I’d love to show you.
I’m going blind. I feel fortunate that I don’t see color because it does not have an impact on my perception of a human. That said, I appreciate a quality analyst, regardless of hue, religion, or sexual orientation. Glad we have quality humans left in the mix.
The company that employs Mitch King might have a problem with him doing that on weekends because they are exclusive or captive . Think about it the NCAA and football teams usually have commercials for a Geico or Allstate or State farm or American family. Direct competitors
I spent some time recently near Kansas City. danan Hughes is a radio star there for chiefs radio.
I think Matt Vandeberg is a realtor in the area??? Maybe he could take it and he and his blondie wife could take over total domination of Hawkeye sports media.
Drew Tate. He would be entertaining.
I think I've heard him call in to radio shows in the past I think Nationwide. They would say going to Drew a former Big ten college quarterback with his opinion... It certainly sounded like him on the voice anyway
As a frame of reference, the proportion of people of color among the scholarship football players at Iowa typically varies between 40% and 44%, depending on the year.

Here’s a list of potential candidates from someone who actually covered the team:

The people of color on Stiles’ list make up 44%, about what you’d expect, given the historic roster composition. It’s reasonable to think the applicant list would look pretty similar.

If you think there weren’t a large number of people of color interested in that job, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Lamoni I’d love to show you.
1. As he states, this is just Stiles' opinion on who he thinks we be good commentators, not a list of applicants. Can't say he is wrong about anyone on that list, but they may not be any good behind a microphone, may not like the time commitment, may not like the pay, a variety of reasons.
2. People interested in the job does not equate to people applying for the job.
3. Percentages are irrelevant to who actually applied.
4. This is not even a rational conversation at this point; it's just trading guesses.
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I agree on all fronts. I’m hoping this post by the OP isn’t super credible. I just haven’t seen this news anywhere but that post.
I get it. Just have to trust me on this....these are the final four and they're all going thru the final round of interview/testing. I don't have any info on who the others were that were considered in the initial vetting process and frankly I don't care if they're black, white, straight, gay, male, female, or Martian.....if they can quickly analyze a play and make it easy for the audience to understand, that's all I give a shit about.
I get it. Just have to trust me on this....these are the final four and they're all going thru the final round of interview/testing. I don't have any info on who the others were that were considered in the initial vetting process and frankly I don't care if they're black, white, straight, gay, male, female, or Martian.....if they can quickly analyze a play and make it easy for the audience to understand, that's all I give a shit about.
I wouldn't mind a heavy dose of homerism from the winning candidate, as well.
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Per the race issue here -- You need someone that has a feel for the whole game. Linemen and RBs only know a limited part of the play book. Same for defense - someone that knows the whole part of the defense AND knows something about what the offense is doing. I am not sure, but seems like the group that knows the most are white (qbs for sure) and the LBs perhaps. Then you need someone that is comfortable speaking to a crowd (although a crowd over the radio!).