I've always supported KF in his decision on Davis. GD has had some good games and some good years but usually it's the Jimmies and the Joe's that bail him out. Today I am solidly in the the "we need to see other coordinators" camp.
I have been living here in austin 26 years and never has there been a more hated man ever in the history of longhorn sports ( well, at least in the last couple decades) than this davis guy, i tried telling you people about this for like 4 or 5 years now, he was run out of town
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2 things you can count on...........Indiana doesn't play good defense....and Iowa won't play good offense.......if either coach can figure it out someday, they could be juggernauts.....
Seriously, why doesn't Iowa hire someone who can fix this?
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I've always supported KF in his decision on Davis. GD has had some good games and some good years but usually it's the Jimmies and the Joe's that bail him out. Today I am solidly in the the "we need to see other coordinators" camp.
the word around here in Austin is vince young totally did not listen to greg davis and won the national champ on his own despite gd
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Agreed. The d is doing enough to win this game. Greg Davis is making no changes and showing no creativity to help get this o moving the ball...zzzz
The D is doing all it can do. The offense from players to coaches has to get their heads out of the *sses. The oline coaching and play calling look horrible. Can any make a play on this team.
We need to fire whoever is responsible for recruiting WR's. This offense is stalling because they are garabage. The don't run good routes and get open. When they do, they drop it or don't make the play.

No offense works when it is completely one dimensional.
I've given Davis the benefit of the doubt based upon what we always had on the outside. But, this is flat unacceptable. We make the offensive scheme look so difficult. And teams with lesser talent seen to make up for that. Kirk has evolved and has let him do his thing with in Kirk's game plan, but he has clearly wasted his chance
With the class that'scoming in - hopefully - I would hope that KF thinks he can make one more run but he knows he has to do it with better play calling. The thing about the receivers that I noticed is that they do nothing to help out CJ when he's scrambling.
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So they go up-tempo at the end of the first half and move the ball - they go up-tempo at the end of the game and move the ball. I'm not saying do it the whole game but for Christ'sake nothing was working keep changing it up!
Use Fant more !!! The kid has goods hands and can get open. So frustrating watching this conservative b.s all the time

I wish! He got maybe two targets the whole game and one of those was a great from a poorly thrown ball! Some good play calling and the right utilization of this kid and he's an all American.. What will iowa do with him is the question???
Barta should have waited to see how this year went before a new contract. Besides, WHO THE HELL IS KNOCKING DOWN THE DOORS TO STEAL KIRK AWAY FROM US?!??!! Texas??? LSU??? Hell, Purdue wouldn't even go after him with that boring, pathetic style.
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In 17 years Kirk Ferentz has never fired a staff member. He isn't going to start now. Most programs who strive to win championships and not just compete will make changes when there is incompetence in areas. Iowa (Gary Barta) rewards 7 wins. #HappyToParticipate
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2 things you can count on...........Indiana doesn't play good defense....and Iowa won't play good offense.......if either coach can figure it out someday, they could be juggernauts.....
Seriously, why doesn't Iowa hire someone who can fix this?
Because the regents have a hardon for anything Ferentz.
I have been living here in austin 26 years and never has there been a more hated man ever in the history of longhorn sports ( well, at least in the last couple decades) than this davis guy, i tried telling you people about this for like 4 or 5 years now, he was run out of town

Yes, you indeed do that.
1) So, tell me then. If you fire Davis today, are you prepared to pass in the song books on every game the rest of the season?

2) Who do have in mind then to replace him with? I want examples...

I can think of only two guys that to me would be acceptable, and I know this will cause a hue and cry from the pitchforks crowd, but I'd take Ken O'Keefe or Joe Philbin back in a heartbeat.

But don't give me any garbage candidates that operate what Texas Tech does or some reasonable facsimile thereof, because 1) it'd ruin the defensive philosophy and effectively mean you can Phil Parker too - and 2) I don't believe Ferentz would can Parker anyway.

Iowa's problem is talent. It ain't truly all on Greg Davis. Davis' play-calling would be more imaginative if he had talent that dictated he could do so.

Now...if you want to rip on recruiting, be my guess. Cause it MUST get better on offense.
We need to fire whoever is responsible for recruiting WR's. This offense is stalling because they are garabage. The don't run good routes and get open. When they do, they drop it or don't make the play.

No offense works when it is completely one dimensional.

I believe the Wide Receiver coach needs to be fired as well. It looks like Coach Ferentz should consider cleaning house with his offensive coaching staff coaching staff
It will never happen with a comical 10 year extension, but this isn't GD's fault. and coaches the same way. I matter who the OC is. He plays every game to try and be close. The only time he comes out of his shell is when his hand is forced. Loved Wadley's post game commentsry yesterday. Clearly the players are disgusted with the game plan.
Barta should have waited to see how this year went before a new contract. Besides, WHO THE HELL IS KNOCKING DOWN THE DOORS TO STEAL KIRK AWAY FROM US?!??!! Texas??? LSU??? Hell, Purdue wouldn't even go after him with that boring, pathetic style.

hehe I remember the days in the mid 2000's when everyone would stress after Kirk won a bowl because an NFL team was going to steal him away.........

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