Fire Morningstar


HB Heisman
Feb 11, 2009
:) Figured somebody was gonna start a thread like this.

Just thought I'd be helpful..............
i thought it was funny kwood, but my life will be fine with or without tea
I've never been a fan of Ryan M or Berhow. Neither was that impressive as an Iowa Style wrestler. I don't see how that translates very well.
So the second cutest girl in school turned us down on a date for the Prom. I know........ broken hearts all over.
I waited to check till this morning and
the Sun DID come up after all.

High School kids making decisions that will impact them for the rest of their lives. Let them change their minds if they need to. Can't have been that easy for him. We should all want what is best for him and his family. Sucks for us as fans, but we are just fans, not family or relatives.

Take a deep breath and get a bit of perspective. Relax, laugh and move on. Maybe even watch some of those really good Session 5 videos.
One of my daughters played college soccer 3 hours away from our home, it was a royal pain in the ass to make that drive and manage the game schedule around my work schedule. My opinion, the closer the better, is better for the family. My kids that go to Iowa, which is nearly 9 hours away, I see them once every few months if I am lucky, couldn't imagine trying to see them play sports twice per week while still living in Ohio.

Was this a factor for GT and fam, I have no idea, but there are many reasons why a kid would want to stay close to home if they have the chance, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Sorry to see him go, he was going to be an Iowa great, now he will be lucky to qualify for nationals over the next four year because psu has no idea how to create a successful wrestler. ;)
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