HR All-American
Jan 31, 2004
To all of you that still have subscriptions, go take a look at the video of Askren that Willie had on the front page. I know that the video has been discussed but Willies obvious bias towards the Hawks can no longer just be ignored. Name 1 other journalist that has an obvious bias towards a team and does everything in their unprofessional power to put that team down. I can't think of any.
I agree. I saw the provocative headline, "Askren Slams Iowa Style," and the Willie Saylor byline, and, against my better judgment, I clicked on the link. I saw a homemade movie of Askren making fun of Iowa fans for not knowing what stalling is and then dismissing Iowa wrestlers as a bunch of goons who only know how to push and are afraid to take risks. Is there a kernel of fair criticism there -- that Iowa wrestlers (and everyone else in D1 wrestling) should be more offensive-minded? Sure. We discuss it all the time on the board. But it was so far over the top, and so single-mindedly focused on Iowa fans and wrestlers, when the criticism could apply to everyone else including Missouri, that it was a joke. If Flo is this hard up for good content, try running an old video of a John Smith or Dave Schultz match.

As for Askren, last year he was the guy promoting the stupid idea that Iowa should axe Brands and hire David Taylor. To put it mildly, Askren is not tall enough to tie Tommy's or Terry's shoelaces, based on their relative international careers or any other relevant metric. Maybe Askren should have shot more in the 2008 Olympics and he would have gotten past the second round.

The guy has been hit in the head in MMA one too many times, if you ask me.

I like Flo, as I have said many times on this board, but they need to hire some adults quickly. Sorry to rant . . . .

This post was edited on 3/1 8:35 PM by Gusaford
People can say all they want that Flo is good for wrestling but I have had enough.
A few months ago I cancelled my personal subscription. Today my coaching staff cancelled and we cancelled subscriptions our kids have and a couple schools in our area. About 40+ in all. While promotion is great, i have spent my adult life teaching wrestling is a brotherhood and Flo is showing something else. I have had negative interactions with people in the sport for years but without exception we re bonded on the basis of the common hardship shared in wrestling. (Even Cael and I are on decent terms. HA!). Don't like Flo's take on my favorite program and have every right to cancel and give them a negative review. With all the coverage now available, message boards, YouTube and other websites...we now have choices. I choose to work a little harder than deal with their crap. Watching my politics or faith getting vilified on TV and movies is enough. I don't have to deal with it from them.
This post was edited on 3/1 8:50 PM by 255
I wish there was a way that we could tell them exactly why we are dropping our subscription. Willie is a classless little punk.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Askren posted it on his facebook page and it's already been all over the wrestling boards, so FLO is late to the party as usual.
I have long disliked FLO because of how anti-Iowa they are. It's disgusting. But whatever. I've come to terms with the fact that the Hawks are the Yankees of college wrestling. You either love them or you hate them. As for Askren....when was he last relevant??
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I got cuffed behind the ears for saying he was a below average freestyler even though he made the Olympic team but he even said he sucked at freestyle. He was a great champion because he tried something people had not before. He was clever enough to see that everyone is used to the same positions in the sport so he found new positions. He would move people in unusual ways that HE worked on and forced people outside the common drills and positions. In many ways it was brilliant. It allowed him to dominate in mat wrestling. His takedowns were not special but when he got on the mat he would disrupt the usual game plan and gain control. The problem is that he never fully developed it. Gable and Smith, for example, took their innovations, developed them and changed how everyone wrestles. It changed the sport in their eras and beyond. Askrin got what he wanted out of college wrestling, crapped out internationally and stopped. I don't think he cares about the sport. He does not do anything beside bitch to help. Is he relevant? No. He brings nothing to the sport or MMA for that matter besides self promotion.
Askren was a punk in high school. He used to call email his opponents before matches and talk trash. He just made because he could never beat Pendleton in college, never could medal in wrestling word championships or Olympics and can't break into the real MMA (UFC) because he would get his ass kicked their too. He is just desperately trying to stay relevant. By the way he also just lost to Clayton Foster in the FPL 4 main event. Once punk always a punk
Lol at Askren...he wrestled on irrelevant teams for a historically irrelevant program. He has to do something to make himself feel important.
Asskren is irrelevant and trying to do the shock jock stuff to get relevant. People should ignore the assclown and I wish every Iowa fan would drop flo. BTW, Willie Saylor has to be one of the ugliest son of a bitches I have ever seen. He needs to get laid but doesn't have enough money.
hawkeyesports92 posted on 3/2/2015...

Asskren is irrelevant and trying to do the shock jock stuff to get relevant. People should ignore the assclown and I wish every Iowa fan would drop flo. BTW, Willie Saylor has to be one of the ugliest son of a bitches I have ever seen. He needs to get laid but doesn't have enough money.

He does not need to get laid. We don't want his offspring in the gene pool....
As a wrestling fan, I do not think FLO, in general, is anti Iowa. Iowa gets some great press from FlO. They have done a lot of stories on Ramos and Metcalf and they have been pretty fair with Iowa on a lot of occasions. When ever a program is talked about as much as Iowa is, there are certain to be some less than flattering comments made. Otherwise it would appear that FLO was sucking up to Iowa and kissing their A$s.

Askren and his antics have people talking and that is probably the only good thing about what he said and the way he said it. Personally, Askren's comments are a reflection on him.

I do think that if I were the people at FLO I would have put up someone with the other side of the argument also. Whenever someone uses the straw man argument (these people said this - but the accused are not allowed to decent themselves) I am put off. I agree that Askren seemed pretty classless and tasteless, but that does not mean FLO is anti Iowa.
The title of flo radio today was "Why Askren was wrong". If we're going to rip them when we think they're wrong, we should also give them credit when they deserve it.
I think people forget that Flo serves a different purpose than say USA Wrestling. They are THE wrestling media and if something newsworthy happens within the wrestling community that people would be interested, than they should post the video.
I consider the Flo guys (CP, Willie, Bader) very similiarly to ESPN football experts (Gruden, Mortenson, etc). Thier job isn't to promote the sport of football or make sure any fan bases don't get upset, thier job is to provide commentary and opinions for people to dicuss who like to talk about the sport.
Also, when you look at Flo's entire body of work I would say that the Iowa progam is one of the biggest benefiters. Flo has done in depth series on Metcalf, Ramos, "The Iowa Program", and half of Mark Perry's. Not to mention there is one on Terry Brands coming out this year. I think its silly to cherry-pick times that Willie hasn't been as favorable to Iowa and not mention all the free promotion they get on the largest resource for wrestling in the country.
Originally posted by 1stplacehawk:
The title of flo radio today was "Why Askren was wrong". If we're going to rip them when we think they're wrong, we should also give them credit when they deserve it.
Did you listen to it? I have and I'm not sure why we should them credit. Lot of ripping on Iowa, it's fans, Matt McD and Ramos. Wee Willie is an idiot and if you don't think so then try listening to him (it's painful) on flo radio. There are a few things that are said that are positive (by Pyles) but then it's turned around that Iowa gets in it's own way - not flattering or more importantly not fair in my opinion. I'm with 255 - no more $ from me to Flo.

Regarding Asskren - he's complaining about fans wanting stalling? Duh - fanatics typically are biased but ripping on Iowa wrestlers is off as I didn't hear any of them complaining. He's a tool who's trying to stay relevant or he just doesn't understand fans which is reasonable as he wrestled for Mizzou. I can understand his bias but don't appreciate Flo's.
Originally posted by 1stplacehawk:
The title of flo radio today was "Why Askren was wrong". If we're going to rip them when we think they're wrong, we should also give them credit when they deserve it.
I fully agree. Kinda shocked how many people on this thread are so butt hurt. BFD if a rep of Flo doesn't like Iowa, really, who cares? To rip their whole site and personally attack someone is getting ridiculous.

It's general consensus that Askren is a dipsh*t. I'd like to think we Iowans have thicker skin by now and can take a few jabs from Willie, Askren, PSU, Mizzou, etc.

I personally love Flo and think many people take it for granted because of their dislike for Willie.
Originally posted by Exo:

Originally posted by 1stplacehawk:
The title of flo radio today was "Why Askren was wrong". If we're going to rip them when we think they're wrong, we should also give them credit when they deserve it.
I fully agree. Kinda shocked how many people on this thread are so butt hurt. BFD if a rep of Flo doesn't like Iowa, really, who cares? To rip their whole site and personally attack someone is getting ridiculous.

It's general consensus that Askren is a dipsh*t. I'd like to think we Iowans have thicker skin by now and can take a few jabs from Willie, Askren, PSU, Mizzou, etc.

I personally love Flo and think many people take it for granted because of their dislike for Willie.
If weee little Willie bashed on other teams it would be different. He practically drools over anything PSU but rips on Iowa any time he has a chance. He is a fat little elf and I won't pay for another minute of FLO until he is gone.
Likewise. As long as Willie is around, I'm not likely to subscribe to Flo.

Flo is now a major wrestling media company. To have as one of their faces, a guy who selects one team to rip on is not professional.

As far as Flo's recent move....a tight match #1 vs #2 with extracurriculars and heated battles.... what does Flo do? Well, they go ask an outspoken partisan of one of the schools to rag on the other school. Fair and balanced.

Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:

Originally posted by Exo:

Originally posted by 1stplacehawk:
The title of flo radio today was "Why Askren was wrong". If we're going to rip them when we think they're wrong, we should also give them credit when they deserve it.
I fully agree. Kinda shocked how many people on this thread are so butt hurt. BFD if a rep of Flo doesn't like Iowa, really, who cares? To rip their whole site and personally attack someone is getting ridiculous.

It's general consensus that Askren is a dipsh*t. I'd like to think we Iowans have thicker skin by now and can take a few jabs from Willie, Askren, PSU, Mizzou, etc.

I personally love Flo and think many people take it for granted because of their dislike for Willie.
If weee little Willie bashed on other teams it would be different. He practically drools over anything PSU but rips on Iowa any time he has a chance. He is a fat little elf and I won't pay for another minute of FLO until he is gone.
Originally posted by rossel 33:
Likewise. As long as Willie is around, I'm not likely to subscribe to Flo.

Flo is now a major wrestling media company. To have as one of their faces, a guy who selects one team to rip on is not professional.

As far as Flo's recent move....a tight match #1 vs #2 with extracurriculars and heated battles.... what does Flo do? Well, they go ask an outspoken partisan of one of the schools to rag on the other school. Fair and balanced.

Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:

Originally posted by Exo:

Originally posted by 1stplacehawk:
The title of flo radio today was "Why Askren was wrong". If we're going to rip them when we think they're wrong, we should also give them credit when they deserve it.
I fully agree. Kinda shocked how many people on this thread are so butt hurt. BFD if a rep of Flo doesn't like Iowa, really, who cares? To rip their whole site and personally attack someone is getting ridiculous.

It's general consensus that Askren is a dipsh*t. I'd like to think we Iowans have thicker skin by now and can take a few jabs from Willie, Askren, PSU, Mizzou, etc.

I personally love Flo and think many people take it for granted because of their dislike for Willie.
If weee little Willie bashed on other teams it would be different. He practically drools over anything PSU but rips on Iowa any time he has a chance. He is a fat little elf and I won't pay for another minute of FLO until he is gone.
They asked Askren to do this? If that's what you think you did not listen to the radio show.

Some of you guys need to get over it. Do you stop watching the NFL network when Warren Sapp says something bad about your favorite team? No, of course not. You just disagree and move along. Flo is no different. And everyone knows that Willie is a State Penn homer. BFD. Desmond Howard is a Michigan fan but we still watch gameday.

And they weren't ripping on Ramos or McDonough. They were explaining the stupid, twitter war. BTW, McDonough acted like a fifteen year old little girl. All you have to do is go and read it yourself if you don't believe me. Accusing VA of being an "internet toughguy". In that context he couldn't have been more off base.

I love the Hawkeyes just as much as anyone here, but my vision is not clouded by my yellow lenses. Why is there a thread everytime Flo or anyone else says something adverse about Iowa?

BTW, Askren is irrelevant in wrestling and even MMA. Why his opinion of our team matters to any of you is mind blowing to me.
Flo's goal is to sell subscriptions and get views on their pages. A great way to do this is to bash Iowa, because everybody loves to do it, and Iowa fans will flock in defense of their beloved program and cry fowl. I guess to me it seems obvious they are continually trying to stir the pot, as any media organization that wants to surivive does. I stopped giving my money to FLO not based on their borderline troll Iowa digs, but because their live streaming service is sketchy at best, and response to said sketchiness is basically non-existent. Their organization has lots of room for improvement.
Goodness people listen to the damn radio segment. They basically took what Askren said (which was mostly factual by the way) and said it was a BS thing to do to publicly do what he did. He was wrong because it's not an Iowa problem, it's a 90% of collegiate wrestling (and refereeing) problem.

Also praised both Brands and how good of guys they are when cameras aren't around. Said they may act the way they do in public because we WANT it to be "Iowa vs the world". Again.. mostly factual.

I just think alot of us can't see any good in these guys because Willie pissed a lot of Hawkeye fans off awhile back. Granted, we should have been pissed. Askren is just as much in the wrong for this video as Willie was about that BS tweet months ago. But now we have a bunch of guys just clinging to that so we can spin anything these guys do into something anti-Iowa. Enough already.
You guys are onto something. I compiled some of the Anti-Iowa propaganda I could find on Flowrestling. I'm sure there's more out there, but it's a start.

The Program: Iowa Hawkeyes 36 Down
Hawkeyes Pt 2: Mindmeld
The Book Of Iowa

The Vengeance of Mark Perry (Essentially his decision to wrestle at Iowa, beating Hendricks, Brands/Ironside role in development, etc)
All Access Brent Metcalf At Worlds
Black and Gold: Iowa v. The World
Tony Ramos Episode 1: The Kid Likes to Fight
Tony Ramos Episode 2

Iowa Short time Workout- Sadly this propaganda piece is the MOST viewed video on Flo's site (AKA Iowa Hate machine)
Raw Hawkeyes Practice: Again, another piece that has been viewed by most of the wrestling community. I don't get how Flo sneaks into Iowa's room like this and is able to film? Which leads to a bigger question: Is there a MOLE within the Hawkeye ranks, secretly filming Iowa intel and leaking it to the Flo staff? I say trust no one! (I'm looking at you Luke Lofthouse)
Schwab and Metcalf Hammer Trouble Joe Flo infiltrates the Iowa wrestling room and CLEARLY doesn't use the equipment safely or respectfully.

This is just the tip of the iceberg guys, it appears Flo has been onto Iowa wrestling for years, because there's hundreds of Iowa matches, interviews with Hawkeye athletes, coaches and more.

It gets scarier still, because there's apparently going to be an epic documentary about Terry Brands coming out later this year!
How does a person access the exchange between McDonough, Askren, and Ramos. I googled "Matt McDonough Twitter" and got to a page...but I see no exchange there.
Originally posted by ChristianPyles:
You guys are onto something. I compiled some of the Anti-Iowa propaganda I could find on Flowrestling. I'm sure there's more out there, but it's a start.

The Program: Iowa Hawkeyes 36 Down
Hawkeyes Pt 2: Mindmeld
The Book Of Iowa

The Vengeance of Mark Perry (Essentially his decision to wrestle at Iowa, beating Hendricks, Brands/Ironside role in development, etc)
All Access Brent Metcalf At Worlds
Black and Gold: Iowa v. The World
Tony Ramos Episode 1: The Kid Likes to Fight
Tony Ramos Episode 2

Iowa Short time Workout- Sadly this propaganda piece is the MOST viewed video on Flo's site (AKA Iowa Hate machine)
Raw Hawkeyes Practice: Again, another piece that has been viewed by most of the wrestling community. I don't get how Flo sneaks into Iowa's room like this and is able to film? Which leads to a bigger question: Is there a MOLE within the Hawkeye ranks, secretly filming Iowa intel and leaking it to the Flo staff? I say trust no one! (I'm looking at you Luke Lofthouse)
Schwab and Metcalf Hammer Trouble Joe Flo infiltrates the Iowa wrestling room and CLEARLY doesn't use the equipment safely or respectfully.

This is just the tip of the iceberg guys, it appears Flo has been onto Iowa wrestling for years, because there's hundreds of Iowa matches, interviews with Hawkeye athletes, coaches and more.

It gets scarier still, because there's apparently going to be an epic documentary about Terry Brands coming out later this year!
Christian: I love Flo, and am happy to pay the subscription fee. There is a lot of great content, and Flo is a great promoter of the sport and of various collegiate programs. But Askren's piece was lousy content, for ten different reasons, and Flo totally whiffed on that one. If a former Hawkeye great did a home movie dishing dirt on another program or its fans, please don't run it.
Originally posted by Gusaford:
Originally posted by ChristianPyles:
You guys are onto something. I compiled some of the Anti-Iowa propaganda I could find on Flowrestling. I'm sure there's more out there, but it's a start.

The Program: Iowa Hawkeyes 36 Down
Hawkeyes Pt 2: Mindmeld
The Book Of Iowa

The Vengeance of Mark Perry (Essentially his decision to wrestle at Iowa, beating Hendricks, Brands/Ironside role in development, etc)
All Access Brent Metcalf At Worlds
Black and Gold: Iowa v. The World
Tony Ramos Episode 1: The Kid Likes to Fight
Tony Ramos Episode 2

Iowa Short time Workout- Sadly this propaganda piece is the MOST viewed video on Flo's site (AKA Iowa Hate machine)
Raw Hawkeyes Practice: Again, another piece that has been viewed by most of the wrestling community. I don't get how Flo sneaks into Iowa's room like this and is able to film? Which leads to a bigger question: Is there a MOLE within the Hawkeye ranks, secretly filming Iowa intel and leaking it to the Flo staff? I say trust no one! (I'm looking at you Luke Lofthouse)
Schwab and Metcalf Hammer Trouble Joe Flo infiltrates the Iowa wrestling room and CLEARLY doesn't use the equipment safely or respectfully.

This is just the tip of the iceberg guys, it appears Flo has been onto Iowa wrestling for years, because there's hundreds of Iowa matches, interviews with Hawkeye athletes, coaches and more.

It gets scarier still, because there's apparently going to be an epic documentary about Terry Brands coming out later this year!
Christian: I love Flo, and am happy to pay the subscription fee. There is a lot of great content, and Flo is a great promoter of the sport and of various collegiate programs. But Askren's piece was lousy content, for ten different reasons, and Flo totally whiffed on that one. If a former Hawkeye great did a home movie dishing dirt on another program or its fans, please don't run it.
I voiced my concerns privately and publicly (On Flo Radio) about how I felt about it being run. No arguments here.
Originally posted by ChristianPyles:

Originally posted by Gusaford:
Originally posted by ChristianPyles:
You guys are onto something. I compiled some of the Anti-Iowa propaganda I could find on Flowrestling. I'm sure there's more out there, but it's a start.

The Program: Iowa Hawkeyes 36 Down
Hawkeyes Pt 2: Mindmeld
The Book Of Iowa

The Vengeance of Mark Perry (Essentially his decision to wrestle at Iowa, beating Hendricks, Brands/Ironside role in development, etc)
All Access Brent Metcalf At Worlds
Black and Gold: Iowa v. The World
Tony Ramos Episode 1: The Kid Likes to Fight
Tony Ramos Episode 2

Iowa Short time Workout- Sadly this propaganda piece is the MOST viewed video on Flo's site (AKA Iowa Hate machine)
Raw Hawkeyes Practice: Again, another piece that has been viewed by most of the wrestling community. I don't get how Flo sneaks into Iowa's room like this and is able to film? Which leads to a bigger question: Is there a MOLE within the Hawkeye ranks, secretly filming Iowa intel and leaking it to the Flo staff? I say trust no one! (I'm looking at you Luke Lofthouse)
Schwab and Metcalf Hammer Trouble Joe Flo infiltrates the Iowa wrestling room and CLEARLY doesn't use the equipment safely or respectfully.

This is just the tip of the iceberg guys, it appears Flo has been onto Iowa wrestling for years, because there's hundreds of Iowa matches, interviews with Hawkeye athletes, coaches and more.

It gets scarier still, because there's apparently going to be an epic documentary about Terry Brands coming out later this year!
Christian: I love Flo, and am happy to pay the subscription fee. There is a lot of great content, and Flo is a great promoter of the sport and of various collegiate programs. But Askren's piece was lousy content, for ten different reasons, and Flo totally whiffed on that one. If a former Hawkeye great did a home movie dishing dirt on another program or its fans, please don't run it.
I voiced my concerns privately and publicly (On Flo Radio) about how I felt about it being run. No arguments here.
My grievance, if you will, isn't necessarily with Flo it is with Willies anti Iowa bias. No one can deny it is there. Do any of the other guys on Flo bag on any one particular team? No. My logic is this, I love almost everything Flo does with the exception of Willie. If you had to pay for ESPN and one of their guys was bashing your team non stop and didn't bash any others would you pay to watch? Not a chance. You would spend your money elsewhere even though that is the best program out there. Christian, I love your work. Willie, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
Originally posted by WEH8ST8HAWK:

Originally posted by ChristianPyles:

Originally posted by Gusaford:

Originally posted by ChristianPyles:
You guys are onto something. I compiled some of the Anti-Iowa propaganda I could find on Flowrestling. I'm sure there's more out there, but it's a start.

The Program: Iowa Hawkeyes 36 Down
Hawkeyes Pt 2: Mindmeld
The Book Of Iowa

The Vengeance of Mark Perry (Essentially his decision to wrestle at Iowa, beating Hendricks, Brands/Ironside role in development, etc)
All Access Brent Metcalf At Worlds
Black and Gold: Iowa v. The World
Tony Ramos Episode 1: The Kid Likes to Fight
Tony Ramos Episode 2

Iowa Short time Workout- Sadly this propaganda piece is the MOST viewed video on Flo's site (AKA Iowa Hate machine)
Raw Hawkeyes Practice: Again, another piece that has been viewed by most of the wrestling community. I don't get how Flo sneaks into Iowa's room like this and is able to film? Which leads to a bigger question: Is there a MOLE within the Hawkeye ranks, secretly filming Iowa intel and leaking it to the Flo staff? I say trust no one! (I'm looking at you Luke Lofthouse)
Schwab and Metcalf Hammer Trouble Joe Flo infiltrates the Iowa wrestling room and CLEARLY doesn't use the equipment safely or respectfully.

This is just the tip of the iceberg guys, it appears Flo has been onto Iowa wrestling for years, because there's hundreds of Iowa matches, interviews with Hawkeye athletes, coaches and more.

It gets scarier still, because there's apparently going to be an epic documentary about Terry Brands coming out later this year!
Christian: I love Flo, and am happy to pay the subscription fee. There is a lot of great content, and Flo is a great promoter of the sport and of various collegiate programs. But Askren's piece was lousy content, for ten different reasons, and Flo totally whiffed on that one. If a former Hawkeye great did a home movie dishing dirt on another program or its fans, please don't run it.
I voiced my concerns privately and publicly (On Flo Radio) about how I felt about it being run. No arguments here.
My grievance, if you will, isn't necessarily with Flo it is with Willies anti Iowa bias. No one can deny it is there. Do any of the other guys on Flo bag on any one particular team? No. My logic is this, I love almost everything Flo does with the exception of Willie. If you had to pay for ESPN and one of their guys was bashing your team non stop and didn't bash any others would you pay to watch? Not a chance. You would spend your money elsewhere even though that is the best program out there. Christian, I love your work. Willie, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
Come on guys grow a pair. Who really gives a f**k what Askren has to say?
Myself it just showed how stupid he is..How many shots did the Missouri guys take?
Sad but true defense in wrestling has taken over the sport even in the lower weights way to many 2-1 matches and it is just not when a Hawk is wrestling.
Myself i back up the saying "Hate us because we hate you also" and let it go that way.
They ONLY reason I give a crap is that RECRUITS are all about social media. They live and breathe it all the time and soak up as much as possible into their easily persuaded brains.

Willie is a tool, no debate, the other guys like Bader are cool. They just need to ditch the troll. I have a feeling if he ever stepped onto a mat he was on his back most of the time and has permanent eye damage from the lights.

Love Flo, don't like Willie. You have to make the decision which is more important. Its' just too bad you have to choose a side as their shouldn't be.
CP...thanks for coming in and giving us your POV. Flo does do a lot of Iowa stuff but one could argue that you have to based on the market.

I don't think there is an anti Iowa bias at Flo. I do not think Willie is a Dbag. Willie, feel free to procreate. I also do not have a problem with you posting Ben's rant. It makes for good copy and debate. The only problem I really see is for Flo. I'd imagine that Flo has a slim profit margin covering a niche sport and pissing off a sizable contingent of them could be bad for business. I do see some Shock Jock type moves at Flo but its all good IMO. My fellow Hawk fans can feel how they want...As an Arizona basketball fan, once you have to put up with Bill Walton as a commentator, Willie ain't too bad. Perspective.

It's funny that the same people who harp on the Brands antics as somehow "unsporting" (he said in his pass the Grey Poupon voice) would probably jump on Ben's rant and yell....FACT! and applaud Flo for posting it. If you hate Iowa, you'll agree...and vice versa. I think that Ben's opinion is kinda obvious. The only wrestler's that can be super aggressive these days are guys that would dominate in any era...David Taylor, Ruth, Metcalf...and yes, Ben. Kids are scared to take chances because they know that if they give up a TD, the other guy will be allowed to stall the rest of the match out. Our guys play this game too and its a damn shame for the sport.
I like FLO. I just wish they made it easier to navigate to where you want to go.
Originally posted by Azchief32:
CP...thanks for coming in and giving us your POV. Flo does do a lot of Iowa stuff but one could argue that you have to based on the market.

I don't think there is an anti Iowa bias at Flo. I do not think Willie is a Dbag. Willie, feel free to procreate. I also do not have a problem with you posting Ben's rant. It makes for good copy and debate. The only problem I really see is for Flo. I'd imagine that Flo has a slim profit margin covering a niche sport and pissing off a sizable contingent of them could be bad for business. I do see some Shock Jock type moves at Flo but its all good IMO. My fellow Hawk fans can feel how they want...As an Arizona basketball fan, once you have to put up with Bill Walton as a commentator, Willie ain't too bad. Perspective.

It's funny that the same people who harp on the Brands antics as somehow "unsporting" (he said in his pass the Grey Poupon voice) would probably jump on Ben's rant and yell....FACT! and applaud Flo for posting it. If you hate Iowa, you'll agree...and vice versa. I think that Ben's opinion is kinda obvious. The only wrestler's that can be super aggressive these days are guys that would dominate in any era...David Taylor, Ruth, Metcalf...and yes, Ben. Kids are scared to take chances because they know that if they give up a TD, the other guy will be allowed to stall the rest of the match out. Our guys play this game too and its a damn shame for the sport.
Great post Az. Completely agree
Say what you will about Willie, but throughl Twitter and other avenues I've become a big fan of CP. I may not always agree with the rankings but I love that he actually puts an explanation with each weight class. I wish flo had a LOT more CP content.
vais used to post here frequently, aint seen much of him lately. now comes over to tell us how much flo loves iowa. not buying it.listed those programs then said they were the most watched they have done,like we should be grateful for their attention.they were the most watched videos so they should be thankful they were allowed to do them.bottem line for there to be any reconciliation for some of us, willie needs to show some sort of contrition towards the iowa fan base. some of you don't agree so what I don't care. I am not trying to sell you anything.

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