Folks, just a heads up.

Angry Will Ferrell GIF
Ciggy is no longer going to be able to puke out his inbox here daily? Oh the humanity! Any Lib with an ounce of respect should do something! Don't take this! Leave if you have to!!
@cigaretteman might need to finally clean his keyboard to post something. Every key is clogged with years of dried, crusted semen mixed with tears except:

- V
- C
- Deplorable

Also, @fredjr82 meltdown in this thread and @Huey Grey general lack of understanding have made for some good lolz this morning. Thanks all!
I don't think its about people making money off them links, but keeping original author from the clicks

Which they are not going to get with a paywall anyway. Getting their names out there might create more subscribers.

I subscribe to @torbee 's writer's collaboration. Would I if I hadn't known some of their work? No.
I almost always post a link to my source if I am quoting a portion of an article. Usually I post the relevant part and then the link.

Is that ok?
None of the posters here are making money off of others content. That is laughable

Rivals sells ads alongside the content posted here.

FreeRepublic went through this years ago, and was in litigation started I believe by the LA Times, but joined by other news orgs (NYT, WaPo, etc) that wanted to prevent copying the entirety of their copyrighted works somewhere that someone else was making money off of it.
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I think Kwik said earlier it's okay to copy and paste parts of an article as long as there is a link included.
Correct, that falls under fair use.
I think on FreeRepublic they allow two paragraphs

Funny thing is, FreeRepublic doesn’t sell ads, they’re entirely funded by user donations and are non profit. It was just a user driven news aggregator that had a comment feature so people could bitch about the article (like we do here). They still weren’t allowed to post the full articles.
Sounds like Rivals got a cease and desist letter.

Didn’t anyone on here do bit torrent and receive a cease and desist?

We would get them periodically when I was downloading GOT.
Then why did OP blame plagiarism?
It’s not plagiarism when the source is cited. Plagiarism is when someone copies another’s work, and presents it as their own.

It’s more like a cease and desist. The people objecting feel their income is being affected, just like my bit torrenting, instead of paying for HBO.