The governor of California lives and works in California and the mayor of Los Angeles also lives and works in California. If you bothered to read my post, you'd see I mocked the Iowans like you who obsess and fret about cities where you don't live and don't spend any time.
Know why I don't repeatedly post on the internet about housing costs in Nantucket or crime in Roswell? I don't live there and I don't spend any time there. But you do you, bruh. Grab that shield and spear and fight the Conservative Crusade.
Also: who said California is without problems? Of course it has problems and unique challenges, especially compared to the Midwest. But the way you guys talk, every square-foot of California rivals Gaza or is a real-life scene from The Walking Dead. GTFO with that nonsense.
Keep dodging I guess. Or continue to misrepresent what was said to make yourself feel better.