Four Los Angeles sheriff's officials found dead in apparent suicides

The governor of California lives and works in California and the mayor of Los Angeles also lives and works in California. If you bothered to read my post, you'd see I mocked the Iowans like you who obsess and fret about cities where you don't live and don't spend any time.

Know why I don't repeatedly post on the internet about housing costs in Nantucket or crime in Roswell? I don't live there and I don't spend any time there. But you do you, bruh. Grab that shield and spear and fight the Conservative Crusade.

Also: who said California is without problems? Of course it has problems and unique challenges, especially compared to the Midwest. But the way you guys talk, every square-foot of California rivals Gaza or is a real-life scene from The Walking Dead. GTFO with that nonsense.

Keep dodging I guess. Or continue to misrepresent what was said to make yourself feel better.
Keep dodging I guess. Or continue to misrepresent what was said to make yourself feel better.
Keep pretending you spend time in these "scary" places or that you genuinely give a damn about them. Or continue to fearmonger and be a paranoid loon who rants on the internet instead of seeing the world in person.
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