GA women's coach said her Diamond Battles was best player on the court!! REally???

Guess Coach Abe can kiss away any chance of ever being head coach at Iowa when Lisa retires. Talking up your players and team is one thing. Saying things that everyone sees is factually inaccurate is another. She came across bitter and snarky. Not a good look for a D-1 coach IMO.
She won't be the next coach at Iowa. She's had a nice career, but it took her a long time to get to a P5 school, and she's well into her 50s. Bluder has given no indications that she's retiring anytime soon, or that she has lost her fire.
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Another way to compare the two:
Clark= 22 pts, 3 Reb, 12 Ass, 3 TO, 3 Stl, 3 pt % = 40%, +/- = 8.
Battles: 21 pts, 6 Reb, 1 Ass, 2 TO, 3 Stl, 3 pt = 43%, +/- = 1.

Clark had the same # of steals as Battles, which seems to be a component of defensive effectiveness. And, of course, there are the 2nd half comparisons to consider!
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Another way to compare the two:
Clark= 22 pts, 3 Reb, 12 Ass, 3 TO, 3 Stl, 3 pt % = 40%, +/- = 8.
Battles: 21 pts, 6 Reb, 1 Ass, 2 TO, 3 Stl, 3 pt = 43%, +/- = 1.

Clark had the same # of steals as Battles, which seems to be a component of defensive effectiveness. And, of course, there are the 2nd half comparisons to consider!
12 Ass to 1 Ass…That is the real difference! 😂
She said Diamond was the best player on the court "tonight." Honestly without my rose color glasses on I think she was. It was 1 game, you take the 4 token free throws out at the end of the game and Caitlyn has 17 points, it was an uneven performance due to some great defense. Things got a little sideways at the end but honestly it is a fair enough take, nothing to quibble about guys.
What about the 13 assists? Clark had more steals.
Guess Coach Abe can kiss away any chance of ever being head coach at Iowa when Lisa retires. Talking up your players and team is one thing. Saying things that everyone sees is factually inaccurate is another. She came across bitter and snarky. Not a good look for a D-1 coach IMO.
Must be an SEC thing. Give a listen to the LSU coach sometime, wow.
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She won't be the next coach at Iowa. She's had a nice career, but it took her a long time to get to a P5 school, and she's well into her 50s. Bluder has given no indications that she's retiring anytime soon, or that she has lost her fire.
I think the next Iowa women’s basketball coach is on the sideline at OU, whenever that happens.

Regarding the Georgia coach, she should have said first two quarters she had the better player then Caitlin does what CC3 does, and that’s take over games. Both are great players.
I think the next Iowa women’s basketball coach is on the sideline at OU, whenever that happens.

Regarding the Georgia coach, she should have said first two quarters she had the better player then Caitlin does what CC3 does, and that’s take over games. Both are great players.
I agree. Hopefully she’d want to come back after Bluder retires. I would think being close to home may help Iowa’s chances getting her some day.
Here is the link to the full presser... Press Conference: Iowa vs. Georgia Postgame - 2023 NCAA Tournament - YouTube Watch and make you own opinion about who represents the game and their programs better. Both the coaches and the players.
Thanks for posting the presser. Coach Abe credited CC with 16 points, because she justified not crediting CC with free throws at the end of the game! :rolleyes: She stated that Battles was the high scorer in the game, which clearly was a mistruth! She appeared to be convinced that her team was disregarded, yet Abe refused to credit Iowa's team efforts on the day. I realize she just lost, but she seemed very pissy to me. She alluded to the score being close before Iowa made free throws at the end, but she failed to mention the flagrant nature of those fouls!
For the record, I am neither outraged nor bitter regarding the post-game remarks just evaluating them, which is why most of us are on these boards! Bluder, CC, and Gabby all complimented Georgia on their game. Abe could probably learn something from their demeanor.
Thanks for posting the presser. Coach Abe credited CC with 16 points, because she justified not crediting CC with free throws at the end of the game! :rolleyes: She stated that Battles was the high scorer in the game, which clearly was a mistruth! She appeared to be convinced that her team was disregarded, yet Abe refused to credit Iowa's team efforts on the day. I realize she just lost, but she seemed very pissy to me. She alluded to the score being close before Iowa made free throws at the end, but she failed to mention the flagrant nature of those fouls!
For the record, I am neither outraged nor bitter regarding the post-game remarks just evaluating them, which is why most of us are on these boards! Bluder, CC, and Gabby all complimented Georgia on their game. Abe could probably learn something from their demeanor.

Her "cute eyes" comments about Gabby.... Although kind of funny, seems a little out of line. Typically don't hear coaches talk about other players LOOKS.

You are the head coach.., you should know the names based on scouting or have the roster in front of you to reference.
I've posted my thoughts about what the coach said and I as many do, disagree for several reasons. But, why in the heck did she feel the need to bring that subject up in the first place. I don't ever remember where a coach early in a press conference where that coach's team lost, brought it up.
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Her "cute eyes" comments about Gabby.... Although kind of funny, seems a little out of line. Typically don't hear coaches talk about other players LOOKS.

You are the head coach.., you should know the names based on scouting or have the roster in front of you to reference.

Funny when asked about how her scout on Gabby worked out, she played dumb like she didn't know what her stats were. Of course she knew Gabby blistered their butts.
Guess Coach Abe can kiss away any chance of ever being head coach at Iowa when Lisa retires. Talking up your players and team is one thing. Saying things that everyone sees is factually inaccurate is another. She came across bitter and snarky. Not a good look for a D-1 coach IMO.

Do you think she gives a crap? Coach Abe made it very clear what was important to her during that press conference, she wants her program on a pedestal, look-at-us was her attitude. She's not here to make friends in her home state or at her alma mater, she's building a basketball program in the state of Georgia. I got the impression she was tired of being asked about Iowa.
I think the next Iowa women’s basketball coach is on the sideline at OU, whenever that happens.

Regarding the Georgia coach, she should have said first two quarters she had the better player then Caitlin does what CC3 does, and that’s take over games. Both are great players.
Just looked up how Jennie is doing. Playing UCLA for a sweet sixteen later today and tied for the Big 12 regular season title. After making it to the round of 32 last year also. Not a bad start to her career there. Would be an amazing coach to have once Bluder hangs it up.
Diamond in the rough is a very good player with 21 pts but only 1 assist while Clark had 22 pts and 12 assists. Twelve assists for nearly 30 pts. Wow.

This coach, a former Iowan I believe, should know better. There are some weird losers around.
Just because a coach says something good (possibly incorrect) about her own player doesn't mean she's slighting our player. Coachspeak.
Just because a coach says something good (possibly incorrect) about her own player doesn't mean she's slighting our player. Coachspeak.

Exactly,.. There's just some overly touchy fans around here,.. They expect to kick an opponent's ass and then hear them say thank you...
After she punched Gabbie in the face, she was jawing at the rest of the Hawkeyes on the floor, then tried to chase after the ref before finally going to the bench. None of this was televised. After the foul was upgraded, she gave these bullshit reactions like it was unbelievable that she was called.

If it was an accident, help Gabbie up and be cool about it. She blamed everyone but herself, talked trash after doing it, and it seemed typical of their program.
Not to mention that she missed the ball by feet. Not inches. It lookes as Intentional as any foul I've seen. A men's game would've resulted in at least some pushing or shoving. And Caitlin getting shoved twice and the Georgia player was smiling immediately after doing it. The coach should've been apologizing after the game for her players behavior. If either or both players had gotten injured our season is over. Gabby got hammered right to the face. I played a little rough in college and never committed a foul like that. Haven't seen a foul like that in a very long time and never in the women's tournament. Georgia was classless. I'm still pissed about it. Caitlin should have drilled a 3 with 1 second left. She was open for the shot and it would have been justified. Eff Georgia. They just passed u conn as my least favorite team. And with a coach from Marion and 2 year hawkeye player. Shameful.
The least Abe could do would be acknowledge her teams behavior at the end of the game. And refusing to acknowledge the points Caitlin got from the dirty fouls is childish.
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The coach was selling Georgia basketball, To me her press conference was much more about selling the Georgia brand then actually discussing what transpired on the court.
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I think the next Iowa women’s basketball coach is on the sideline at OU, whenever that happens.

Regarding the Georgia coach, she should have said first two quarters she had the better player then Caitlin does what CC3 does, and that’s take over games. Both are great players.
That ship may have sailed if Bluder doesn’t retire in 2-3 years. Oklahoma has the ability to match or exceed any salary, and she is getting pretty set career/family wise.
Calm down y'all. Nothing wrong with an opposing coach building her team and her players up. Coaches do it *all the time,* including our coaches. Coach Abe is totally right about saying the game was played evenly. Georgia was right there, and Battles scored more efficiently than any other guard as well as played great defense.
I honestly didn't think Battles was that great. She can score a bit & plays good D (not great).....but also made some head-scratching mistakes. Give me an all-around baller like CC any day of the week.
I honestly didn't think Battles was that great. She can score a bit & plays good D (not great).....but also made some head-scratching mistakes. Give me an all-around baller like CC any day of the week.
I'd take Clark any day as well. But that doesn't diminish the fact that Battles had major contributions for her team yesterday. That's what the coach was saying.
I doubt they were her call.

And honestly, only the last one was a cheap shot and that was the one where the player smiled right after doing it. That one really should have been two fouls, first the actual foul on the floor when the ref blew the whistle and a second for the shove after the whistle.

The first one was correctly upgraded, but I really don't think she meant to smack Gabby in the face like that. I think it was just a scramble to foul as fast as possible since the clock had been running so much time while the refs didn't blow a foul. And when you're scrambling and flailing about you sometimes make a mistake.
I agree. I also thought she was trying to foul and reached for the ball and hit her smack in the face. The second push when Clark was going down should have been an ejection, (not that it would have mattered with a few seconds left), but that type of play should be swiftly dealt with.
I agree. I also thought she was trying to foul and reached for the ball and hit her smack in the face. The second push when Clark was going down should have been an ejection, (not that it would have mattered with a few seconds left), but that type of play should be swiftly dealt with.
There was 1.6 seconds left exactly. It just proves that the flagrant foul was intentionally dirty. You don't do that to the npoy, especially in the tournament. Should be some punishment handed out but the ncaa is about as tough as Silver, the nba commissioner.
I thought Clark was a little off yesterday so Diamond may have had the better game but Iowa was the better team and that's why Iowa is advancing and Georgia is going home. I wouldn't read to much into what Abe said, nothing wrong with arrogance in a head coach that talks up her team and her players. She had her team ready to play in a very tough environment.

One thing that gets tiring when following our womens team is all the complaining about officiating from fans. It's bad across the board and as long as they don't pay worth a crap it will never get better. The officials they get for womens basketball is marginally better than high school. I didn't like the dirty play at the end of the game either but at least they called it, I've seen officials look the other way in those situations because they don't want the game decided by technical free throws. Clark gets mugged in every game, sometimes the officials call it and sometimes they don't. She's the best player on the court, she should be used to it by now.
I thought Clark was off also until the 4th quarter and then she really picked it up. Thinking about it though I think it was Bluders call to walk the ball up against Georgia, thinking we could lessen the turnovers. It actually took Clark out of her game, that and they controlled their offensive glass. There were almost NO transition baskets, and walking the ball up really hampered Clarks game. She wants to rip and go even on made baskets, and there was none of that yesterday.
I thought Clark was off also until the 4th quarter and then she really picked it up. Thinking about it though I think it was Bluders call to walk the ball up against Georgia, thinking we could lessen the turnovers. It actually took Clark out of her game, that and they controlled their offensive glass. There were almost NO transition baskets, and walking the ball up really hampered Clarks game. She wants to rip and go even on made baskets, and there was none of that yesterday.
True but I really loved Bluders use of the high post to combat that suffocating zone defense. I felt she had an excellent game plan for their defense which may be why they slowed Clark down.
The coach was selling Georgia basketball, To me her press conference was much more about selling the Georgia brand then actually discussing what transpired on the court.
I agree with that. She was probably ouchy about Iowa getting all the limelight. Not to mention the SEC doesn't like other conferences or their players getting any press. She miss spoke when she said CC only has 17 points. Maybe she should recheck her stat sheet.
A coach standing up for her player. Intolerable!

If the 5
Just because a coach says something good (possibly incorrect) about her own player doesn't mean she's slighting our player. Coachspeak.
But to lead off with comments like that. The normal would be to be asked something about her or Iowa's players an then defend her player. But the first thing out of her mouth .(if we go by this transcript) is mine is best.
Do you think she gives a crap? Coach Abe made it very clear what was important to her during that press conference, she wants her program on a pedestal, look-at-us was her attitude. She's not here to make friends in her home state or at her alma mater, she's building a basketball program in the state of Georgia. I got the impression she was tired of being asked about Iowa.
I get your point, so let’s do that to Coach Abe. Let’s look at her program. A program that reacted so badly the last two minutes they lost their cool, had three straight TOs and drew two huge flagrant fouls that could have resulted in injury. Nice look. She may be tired of being asked about Iowa but a head coach should, repeat should, although they do not always, at least show a bit or respect for the opponent. Especially considering she is a former Iowa player. She came across as if she hated Iowa. She should talk up her program but there are ways to do it that do not come across in the manner she did. I have been a H. S. coach for over 20 years and if I see a coach who has a team who acts like they did and then the coach comes across like she did I would have a hard time recommending that program to my athletes. Just my opinion.
If the 5

But to lead off with comments like that. The normal would be to be asked something about her or Iowa's players an then defend her player. But the first thing out of her mouth .(if we go by this transcript) is mine is best.
Who cares?

A few points from making the S16, deeply disappointed and she has to bow to CC? She is proud of her team, proud of her best player.

Good for her.
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GA coach grew up in Iowa and is a former Hawkeye WBB player under VS. She is just trying to build up her team. I did not like it but I understand it. She is trying rebuild the GA program. Not a bad first year. Lisa Bluder way better coach and person. Go Hawks!!!!
I get your point, so let’s do that to Coach Abe. Let’s look at her program. A program that reacted so badly the last two minutes they lost their cool, had three straight TOs and drew two huge flagrant fouls that could have resulted in injury. Nice look. She may be tired of being asked about Iowa but a head coach should, repeat should, although they do not always, at least show a bit or respect for the opponent. Especially considering she is a former Iowa player. She came across as if she hated Iowa. She should talk up her program but there are ways to do it that do not come across in the manner she did. I have been a H. S. coach for over 20 years and if I see a coach who has a team who acts like they did and then the coach comes across like she did I would have a hard time recommending that program to my athletes. Just my opinion.

Why do we need to look at her program? Iowa won the game, let's move on. I didn't like the last few seconds of the game either, the officials called the fouls and Iowa won the game. I have a different read of her press conference than everyone else, I have no issues with her promoting her program and her players as that's what coaches do. Her team came in and played very well in a hostile environment and were in the game up until there was less than 20 seconds left. I do wish one of the reporters would have had a backbone to ask her about those last 20 seconds but no one did.
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Diamond in the rough is a very good player with 21 pts but only 1 assist while Clark had 22 pts and 12 assists. Twelve assists for nearly 30 pts. Wow.

This coach, a former Iowan I believe, should know better. There are some weird losers around.
Sounds like Kim Mulkey.