GA women's coach said her Diamond Battles was best player on the court!! REally???

I'm politely suggesting one more time that many of you need to shut up and have some perspective. Caitlin is amazing, and we know that, and the press knows that, and Coach Abe acknowledged that. Are y'all so insecure that you have to be outraged that she wants to celebrate her own players too?

You sound just as bitter and arrogant as the UConn fans who were angry at Lisa Bluder's press conference after we lost to UConn in the Sweet 16 in 2021. All Bluder was saying was that we played a pretty good game, and if we clean some things up, we could be right there with them in the coming seasons. Simply being optimistic about our future and motivating our players to keep working hard. But UConn fans were soooo salty that Bluder didn't spend the whole press conference praising King Geno and Princess Bueckers. UConn fans are the worst! Don't be like them!

Coach Abe mentioned in the interview that she had been recruiting Diamond Battles since she was a junior in high school. Then Battles goes on to have a great 4 year career with Abe at UCF and a fantastic 5th season with her at Georgia. So they've grown together for 7 years. Have some empathy what they must be feeling having that come to an end. They deserve recognition for making it a competitive game.

Lastly, those of you trying to equate Battles and Clark's defensive efforts by pointing out they both had 3 steals just sound ridiculous. Anyone with a brain who watched that game could see that Georgia/Battles' defense was ten times more disruptive.
Anyone with a brain could see that CC came up clutch at the end of the game…..Battles not so much.
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She accomplished the “no friends” goal. She came across as a bitter old bitch. Sounds like she has some family on here defending her and her thug duo that assaulted the Iowa women in the last six seconds. She is very lucky the Iowa coaches and players are a classy bunch. Had those players pulled that crap against and Alabama or Tennessee, there would have been a brawl on the floor.

I don't equate points rebounds, ect as my only reason for who was the better player on the court, it comes down to defense, efficiency and intangibles. From my non eagle eye, battle is a much better defender than Clark. She isn't the primary ball handler so she won't have the assists. Battles was 7-15 (3-7 on 3's) 46%, Clark was 6-17 (4-10 from 3) 35%. Clark just seemed a bit off to me the other day. Doesn't mean she performed very well yesterday I just thought Battle was better and can support that, which is where their coach was likely coming from. It was 1 day and 1 game, the faux outrage is nuts. I am all for loving and supporting my team, doesn't mean I can't see why another coach would give adulation to their player on the day.
I do not give a shit about who their coach (or you) thinks is the best player. Much more concerned about her team's behavior on the court, and her attitude in the press conference. Also, I do not see outrage here. I only see hawk fans sticking up for one of their own.
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Just want to start off by saying I respect where you’re coming from and here are my thoughts after watching that press conference:

I think it’s more about how she said things that rubbed people the wrong way. I don’t think it’s bad that she thinks her player was the best one on the court or that her team is just as good etc. Without being asked she led off the press conference stating as much and didn’t give much credit to Iowa though. She did acknowledge Clark was a good player. However, when asked about how their defense worked on Gabbie Marshall after Gabbie knocked down 5/8 3s she said it was good. No credit was given to “pretty eyes.” 😉

I have no issue with coaches talking up their program or how much their players mean to them at the end of their careers but she didn’t have to be such a *itch about it. It’s like she was yelling at everyone in the room and looking down on them for not watching Georgia basketball play all year. Why would they unless they’re from Georgia or in the same conference etc? It came off passive aggressive too and I believe was meant to be a slight against Clark when she said Clark’s free throws at the end don’t count towards her point total for the game either. I thought Lisa had a very classy response as always when a reporter asked her who the best player on the court was.

And no, it’s not a requirement to give the other team tons of compliments following a tough loss. I feel for them as I’m sure the loss does sting. At the end of the day, she’s right. Georgia is a very good team and we were fortunate to get passed them. And if you watch Lisa and the Iowa players afterwards, they were very complimentary of Georgia and acknowledged that.
If she was going to pick and choose what points counted, she probably should have taken off Battle's banked 3. Also, she said Caitlin had 16 points before the free throw. That keeps her from accounting for Caitlin's biggest basket of the game that gave them the 4 point lead and 18 for the game. The 4 free throws came after that.
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