
The left is equally as responsible for the divisiveness in today's world if not more so. Trump says what he believes and the left has a fit and calls it divisive. His opinion is different than that of people on the left and if peace and togetherness is so important to those on the left, all they have to do is agree with Trump. Why is it Trump's fault for the divisiveness? Make America Great Again - is divisive? America first - is divisive? We need to protect our citizens and restore law and order - is divisive?
Um, so history lesson. “America First” was a phrase first adopted by the Nazi sympathizers back in the early days of WW2...
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Ugh...what mixed feelings.

He’s an awesome man and absolutely deserves this. That’s why it sucks...he’s being used as a political pawn...which means many people won’t give this the weight and appreciation it/he deserves.

I wish it could have been received in different circumstances.

Gable obviously doesn't see it that way. This is an honor for Gable-- not you. Take your puckered feelings and step aside.
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I would agree with that except antifa and the criminals engaging in riots and acts of violence are far from the only people/group who Trump directs his hate, disrespect, and bigotry towards.

Idk how any sane person can read one week's log of his tweets and think he's good for America. It's one thing to vote for him over Biden because you prefer republican policies. It's another entirely to endorse, and advocate for Trump in the cultlike manner that his followers currently are. The claims that he's the greatest president in American history. These people are victims of propaganda and it's sad and discouraging to witness.
I think a lot of people who support Trump could live without his tweets. Sometimes they seem right the money and sometimes they seem way way over the top. However, some of his accomplishments and some of the things he has done are either amazing (peace deals with Israel and UAE and Bahrain and Serbia and Bosnia) or head scratchers as in why didn't someone do this earlier ( first step process to release non violent criminal, bringing soldiers home from foreign countries, removing the huge tariffs we pay, funding traditional Black colleges on a more than year by year basis). If you can get past his personality and look at his accomplishments it is fairly impressive.

Guys like Biden who only speak from teleprompter and only make very controlled public appearances are hard for some people to trust. People who spout off the cuff and attack people who are opposed to them like Trump does, are hard for others to trust. Like it or not, we know what Trump thanks and feels about the issues and we know that he is going to try to accomplish what he promises. Biden is quite different in the area. ( You will know who my supreme court picks are if I get elected. I am for fracking- I am against fracking etc etc...)

However, the records of each candidate are vastly different and Trump has done more to improve the quality of life in America in his 3 plus years than Biden has done in 47.
I would hope a Democratic President wouldn't pull the same move considering the timing and the circumstances.
You know damn well they would. Acting like one party is above the other is ridiculous. Now the people that follow those parties. Ones definitely better than the other lol.
I think a lot of people who support Trump could live without his tweets. Sometimes they seem right the money and sometimes they seem way way over the top. However, some of his accomplishments and some of the things he has done are either amazing (peace deals with Israel and UAE and Bahrain and Serbia and Bosnia) or head scratchers as in why didn't someone do this earlier ( first step process to release non violent criminal, bringing soldiers home from foreign countries, removing the huge tariffs we pay, funding traditional Black colleges on a more than year by year basis). If you can get past his personality and look at his accomplishments it is fairly impressive.

Guys like Biden who only speak from teleprompter and only make very controlled public appearances are hard for some people to trust. People who spout off the cuff and attack people who are opposed to them like Trump does, are hard for others to trust. Like it or not, we know what Trump thanks and feels about the issues and we know that he is going to try to accomplish what he promises. Biden is quite different in the area. ( You will know who my supreme court picks are if I get elected. I am for fracking- I am against fracking etc etc...)

However, the records of each candidate are vastly different and Trump has done more to improve the quality of life in America in his 3 plus years than Biden has done in 47.
Most of these "accomplishments" are either exaggerated, superficial ("peace deals"), were already in the pipeline, or where Trump had to pull along his own party to get it done, because they blocked anything for the previous administration. Anyone who thinks the quality of life is better now, simply isn't in touch with reality. Now what any of this has to do with Gable's long-deserved honor, is way beyond me. For once the Strongman got something right.

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