See, you're doing it again. Doesn't it cost you quite a bit be a member of the Sexual Abuser of the Month Club Supporter? I hope it's not cutting into your trailer payments and Keystone Light supply. I hear the money for that goes to pay towards E Jean Carol's sexual abuse $5.5 million fine that your buddy Bonespurs has got hanging over him. Is that true? Or is it paying the half a billion $$ fine to the state of New York for being found guilty of 34 counts of financial felony? Or is it paying for all his lawyers for his upcoming trials? Do you really know where your money's going? You should find that out. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh yeah, one more question about your support in that club. Do you have to pay more money if you support multiple sexual abusers, child screwers and drunkards, or do you just get to pick one, and then pay more as you support more and more of them?