Gaetz report release is imminent …

Statutory rape claims against Gaetz in the report just released. So will the law and order folks in FL prosecute him for those and the drug purchase and use claims? And to think that Bonespurs nominated him to be Attorney General. That just shows that Bonespurs has no clue about hiring anyone, and doesn't do any kind of check up on them. He just rewards his toadies. But I guess sex claims against Gaetz and sex claims against Bonespurs are kind of the same thing. No wonder Bonespurs thought he could be a good AG. Birds of a feather stick together.
3 years statute of limitations for this particular set of circumstances in Florida.
Northern, Doobi and Pepsicock on their way to shitpost on HBOT:

Pepsi is the wild card in the trio because sometimes the gifs he posts in these threads have nothing to do with the thread itself. Yet, in his mind, he's hitting a home run with the post.

Doobi, just posts stupid shit a lot of the time. He often doesn't know how stupid it is.

And Northern, is just.......Northern.
Dude paid 17 year olds to have sex with him. Jfc. How weak are we as a people that we don't go apeshit that Trump wanted him for Attorney General?
Gaetz becoming Attorney General is laughable if it were not so pathetic. With Trump it's all about suckage - to him! It matters little if the person is qualified. Gaetz not only met Trump's suckage requirement but he surpassed it exponentially.
Gaetz becoming Attorney General is laughable if it were not so pathetic. With Trump it's all about suckage - to him! It matters little if the person is qualified. Gaetz not only met Trump's suckage requirement but he surpassed it exponentially.
America under Trump is laughable. Americans can never trust their federal government to “do the right thing” as long as Trump resides in the WH.
Crybaby IS an insult- you bet.
Biden may have been a decent human at one point in his life, but that ship sailed a while ago, and now he’s a fried out puppet for Dr. Jill and the shadow figures who pull those puppet strings.
You ask me why I “can’t learn”?
My God.
Well now we have the true President Elon Musk pulling the strings for Trump. From one puppet to another.
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Never change, lefties. Never change.. (jk, please change and improve yourselves)
My general sense of things is that Trump never really wanted Gaetz as his AG and never had any illusions that he would be confirmed. Gaetz is a very polarizing figure, even within the GOP. And getting 50 senators to confirm him was probably not realistic.

I think Gaetz was looking for a way to bow out of the House and save face. He knew the ethics report was coming and he knew it was going to have some pretty embarrassing stuff in it. He hoped that by resigning from the House it would prevent the report from going public.

For his part, Trump rewarded his loyal soldier by floating Gaetz as his AG nominee in order to give him a dignified reason to resign from the House, knowing that Gaetz would never get confirmed and would end up taking a job at OAN or one of the other conservative channels
If true that’s idiotic
Not his best moment.
Gaetz is now threatening to run for Marco Rubio’s Senate seat. I hope he does so he and his Daddy can find out that the rest of the State is embarrassed by his mere presence when he is trounced in a primary.
I had heard a rumor DeSantis was going to appoint him CFO after Patronis steps down to run for Congress.
I had heard a rumor DeSantis was going to appoint him CFO after Patronis steps down to run for Congress.
If you heard that around Tally why would you ever believe it?
It’s a blue dot in a sea of red and lotsa folks who depend on their state jobs ( hint they aren’t usually the best and brightest)
I don't support Joe or hunter biden?

Another weakassed deflection attempt... but since you can't condone these loser's actions.... well... its all you can do. You must be in the Sexual Abuser of the month club with all those drunkards, pervs and child screwers you love . Trump. Gaetz. Musk. Epstein. 🤕 So sad... so sad.
Another weakassed deflection attempt... but since you can't condone these loser's actions.... well... its all you can do. You must be in the Sexual Abuser of the month club with all those drunkards, pervs and child screwers you love . Trump. Gaetz. Musk. Epstein. 🤕 So sad... so sad.
Damn do Repubs HAVE to claim Epstein too?
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Another weakassed deflection attempt... but since you can't condone these loser's actions.... well... its all you can do. You must be in the Sexual Abuser of the month club with all those drunkards, pervs and child screwers you love . Trump. Gaetz. Musk. Epstein. 🤕 So sad... so sad.
Or do birds of a feather flock together? Scruffy I now feel dirty just replying to one of your posts. Yuch!

Bro is in prison for being a liar, chis. You need better sources.

"Among many things the former Seminole County tax collector admitted to as part of a wide-ranging case for which he is currently serving 11 years in prison was falsely accusing local political opponent Brian Beute of having sex with a minor, similar to the outlandish claim he made against Gaetz."

Bro is in prison for being a liar, chis. You need better sources.

"Among many things the former Seminole County tax collector admitted to as part of a wide-ranging case for which he is currently serving 11 years in prison was falsely accusing local political opponent Brian Beute of having sex with a minor, similar to the outlandish claim he made against Gaetz."
There's scruffy's, still defending the sexual abusers and drunkards of the world. Birds of a feather flock together. It's painfully obvious at this point.
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There's scruffy's, still defending the sexual abusers and drunkards of the world. Birds of a feather flock together. It's painfully obvious at this point.
You voted for Joe biden, credibly accused rapist.
The Party Boy Club. Birds of a feather flock together. So in this clip do you suppose Epstein is telling Trump what kind of woman he's going to bring up to his penthouse, or is Trump asking Epstein to go to his Island for some underage fun?
But the GOP has to claim Epstein then?!
You voted for Joe biden, credibly accused rapist.
Ah yes, the only used tactic by scruffy, deflection. I guess the truth is really screwing you up. Damn dude, you're doubling down on supporting the child screwers, sexual abusers, and drunkards. You must really be invested in it. So sad.
You voted for Joe biden, credibly accused rapist.
As opposed to an accused, admitted, tried, convicted in a heartbeat, fined, rapist/sexual abuser? Good job scruffy, right in your fan club there isn't it? So sad... so sad.
Ah yes, the only used tactic by scruffy, deflection. I guess the truth is really screwing you up. Damn dude, you're doubling down on supporting the child screwers, sexual abusers, and drunkards. You must really be invested in it. So sad.
Deflecting is 100% of your Schick. Probably a coping mechanism on account of voting for a known rapist/dementia patient.
Deflecting is 100% of your Schick. Probably a coping mechanism on account of voting for a known rapist/dementia patient.
See, you're doing it again. Doesn't it cost you quite a bit be a member of the Sexual Abuser of the Month Club Supporter? I hope it's not cutting into your trailer payments and Keystone Light supply. I hear the money for that goes to pay towards E Jean Carol's sexual abuse $5.5 million fine that your buddy Bonespurs has got hanging over him. Is that true? Or is it paying the half a billion $$ fine to the state of New York for being found guilty of 34 counts of financial felony? Or is it paying for all his lawyers for his upcoming trials? Do you really know where your money's going? You should find that out. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh yeah, one more question about your support in that club. Do you have to pay more money if you support multiple sexual abusers, child screwers and drunkards, or do you just get to pick one, and then pay more as you support more and more of them?
See, you're doing it again. Doesn't it cost you quite a bit be a member of the Sexual Abuser of the Month Club Supporter? I hope it's not cutting into your trailer payments and Keystone Light supply. I hear the money for that goes to pay towards E Jean Carol's sexual abuse $5.5 million fine that your buddy Bonespurs has got hanging over him. Is that true? Or is it paying the half a billion $$ fine to the state of New York for being found guilty of 34 counts of financial felony? Or is it paying for all his lawyers for his upcoming trials? Do you really know where your money's going? You should find that out. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh yeah, one more question about your support in that club. Do you have to pay more money if you support multiple sexual abusers, child screwers and drunkards, or do you just get to pick one, and then pay more as you support more and more of them?
I didnt read any of that but assume it's wild cope bc you voted for known rapist joe biden

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