
AMC is currently trading at $7.92. The stock pays a historical dividend of $.20/quarter or $.80/year. If you bought now and just held the company for its historical dividend you would make 10.1% per year on your investment. Now, that assumes the company remains viable and can continue to pay $.80 per year dividend.

Point is, limiting the trade of AMC to "protect the small investors" was a bunch of BS. Even at $16/share a person could still invest in the stock for its dividend and earn 5% per year. Limiting trading was pure market manipulation to buy time for the shorts to get out of their position.

how is a company like amc going to keep paying a dividend?
I could not do this for a living. I'm sitting here wanting to cry because my YOLO account is down big from yesterday. But it's still up big from last week. I literally do not have the mental toughness required, LOL.

That is what I keep telling myself. I have bene following wsb for a long time and gamestop specifically for a couple of months. It is crazy how accurately they have predicted it. I was watching it in the 15 - 17 range. Then they had mentioned 4th quarter earnings were coming out and it may drop and be a better entry point. It dropped after earnings to the 13 to 14 range. I never got in but keep telling myself even if i had bought 1000 or 2000 shares, seeing it go from 45 to 36, then from 60 to 159 and back to 60 in a day, i probably would have put a stop loss in at 100 and been out. I would have loved to say I would have held for the big payday in the 400s but most likely would have been out much earlier, with still a nice gain, but just not life changing money.
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a lot of people are wishing they would have read their terms of service. There are specific regulations brokers have to follow around pattern day trading and good faith violations.
I disagree. These are nothing but coordinated pump and dumps. It’s illegal.

That isn't what happened here, they caught two funds that were overly short in a stock, and I can tell you right now, retail made money on this trade, but I bet some other hedge funds made more. Now there was some group momentum to this, but this was caused by the shortsellers, they created the rocket propulsion to this trade and they got caught. The bubble was going to pop, the market should have let it do it organically or the SEC should have put a 10 day hold on trading of the stock. What occurred today, appears to be hedge funds forcing companies to stop trading the company except to sell, to lower the price. That is pure manipulation.
You'd have a point except this is what hedge funds have been doing for decades. If it isn't criminal for them then it's not criminal for others. I agree that it should be illegal, but this is what happens when you don't enforce the laws evenly.

I’m no hedge fund expert, so perhaps it happens as you say (I doubt it). Can you cite examples of hedge fund pump and dumps? The SEC would probably like to know about them as well.
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I’m no hedge fund expert, so perhaps it happens as you say (I doubt it). Can you cite examples of hedge fund pump and dumps? The SEC would probably like to know about them as well.

What is different in this stock than occurred in Herbalife? Other than the magnitude. Hedge funds can use twitter, get on T.V. and state their positions pumping up the stock. You had the short and the long, in that situation with retail and other hedge funds jumping in on the long. This phenomenon has occurred for over 5000 years, and there are ample examples of hedge funds doing it.
Again, if you’re smart enough to find these trades (aka “create content” on WSB) you’re fine and doing nothing wrong.

where it becomes a “ramp” or P&D scheme is when everybody’s coordinating it, encouraging it, and outright understands what they’re doing. Like the Social Capital CEO asking “what’s next” and promising to “put a few hundred thousand in to start”. He was likely advised to donate everything, by the way.
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Again, if you’re smart enough to find these trades (aka “create content” on WSB) you’re fine and doing nothing wrong.

where it becomes a “ramp” or P&D scheme is when everybody’s coordinating it, encouraging it, and outright understands what they’re doing. Like the Social Capital CEO asking “what’s next” and promising to “put a few hundred thousand in to start”. He was likely advised to donate everything, by the way.
Sounds like a sandy vagina from not buying in early.
I would ditch them just on principle alone. Check out Webull, they appear to be what Robinhood claimed to be.

One thing is for sure, their IPO is going to be a disaster.
Anyone know anything about transferring entire accounts to Webull? I was planning on switching out of robinhood anyways, I only used that to get around pattern day trading rules when I started it since they offer cash-accounts. I'm out after today. Hopefully I'm one of many.

Main question I guess, anyone know if you typically get the sign up bonuses for moving the whole account? Or should I start a new one and start moving stuff later.
What is different in this stock than occurred in Herbalife? Other than the magnitude. Hedge funds can use twitter, get on T.V. and state their positions pumping up the stock. You had the short and the long, in that situation with retail and other hedge funds jumping in on the long. This phenomenon has occurred for over 5000 years, and there are ample examples of hedge funds doing it.


In 2014 short interest in HerbaLife was 85% of the float. The stock was at $12 a share when Ackman went all in. Nobody thought it was a good company. It was entirely a short squeeze. It went up 300%, Icahn cleared out, and it was back in the teens by the end of the year.

In 2014 short interest in HerbaLife was 85% of the float. The stock was at $12 a share when Ackman went all in. Nobody thought it was a good company. It was entirely a short squeeze. It went up 300%, Icahn cleared out, and it was back in the teens by the end of the year.

Exactly my point. When hedge funds want to get cute and overly short a stock, they get caught with their pants down. I am ok if regulation wants to come in and limit the amount of short stock % against the float. That would be reasonable and would stop some of fuel that created this trade.
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I don't think it's been mentioned but what stops this from happening again? Especially given the anger from the little investors about it not being a fair playing field. I could see this same thing happening in a few months when a lot of people are shorting a certain company.

In 2014 short interest in HerbaLife was 85% of the float. The stock was at $12 a share when Ackman went all in. Nobody thought it was a good company. It was entirely a short squeeze. It went up 300%, Icahn cleared out, and it was back in the teens by the end of the year.

The technicals of it are the same. I don’t think the methods were similar, but whatever. I know there is a very fine line to whether people are just sharing trade ideas or trying to “ramp” a stock.

I’m certain of two things:
1) I won’t change anybody’s opinion here
2) most of you guys are going to lose money chasing these internet stock tips.
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I don't think it's been mentioned but what stops this from happening again? Especially given the anger from the little investors about it not being a fair playing field. I could see this same thing happening in a few months when a lot of people are shorting a certain company.

The hedge funds learning from their mistake and being careful with what and how much they short in the future.
The technicals of it are the same. I don’t think the methods were similar, but whatever. I know there is a very fine line to whether people are just sharing trade ideas or trying to “ramp” a stock.

I’m certain of two things:
1) I won’t change anybody’s opinion here
2) most of you guys are going to lose money chasing these internet stock tips.
I'm certain of one thing.

1) You won't make money chirping from the sidelines with no skin in the game either.

I realize the risk, but the possible rewards are worth it for me. I've heard a lot of talk about idiot investors this past week, but people are way more savy then what people give them credit for. Everyone knows the risks.
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I don't think it's been mentioned but what stops this from happening again? Especially given the anger from the little investors about it not being a fair playing field. I could see this same thing happening in a few months when a lot of people are shorting a certain company.
Nothing... until they it gets too hot and they block the masses from trades like they did today which to me is criminal. If trades weren't frozen for everyone then it should have never been for some. Today, they choose the bail the hedge funds out. I won't be surprised to see this happen again except people will get out faster. But, I do agree there should be an investigation.
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The technicals of it are the same. I don’t think the methods were similar, but whatever. I know there is a very fine line to whether people are just sharing trade ideas or trying to “ramp” a stock.

I’m certain of two things:
1) I won’t change anybody’s opinion here
2) most of you guys are going to lose money chasing these internet stock tips.

Pepperman, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pool. It is not what I invest in. Wife has said if I lose her money I will greatly pay the price. The problem is I have made her 400% and now that 400% is her money and I now can't lose that. Give me JNJ, VST (electric company) DBX and some AR and I am a happy camper. Already up 20% + for the year.

That doesn't equate that I don't think investors should be allowed to squeeze another entity that has not acted appropriately in my mind, and set themselves up for that. So you think the Hedge funds should have been allowed to get out scott free? At what point is the stock high enough in your opinion for the squeeze, when you want to start arbitrating what is right you start manipulating the markets as well and the one thing you are claiming to protect you are harming as much or more.
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Pepperman, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pool. It is not what I invest in. Wife has said if I lose her money I will greatly pay the price. The problem is I have made her 400% and now that 400% is her money and I now can't lose that. Give me JNJ, VST (electric company) DBX and some AR and I am a happy camper. Already up 20% + for the year.
Ugh. I know this is a fairly serious thread but rules are rules,

Pic of wife making you pay the price?
If they were taking off the option to "buy" the stocks, they should have at least halted all trading on the stocks. Forcing people to only sell and not possibly buy is obvious price manipulation, pure and simple.
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So you think the Hedge funds should have been allowed to get out scott free? At what point is the stock high enough in your opinion for the squeeze, when you want to start arbitrating what is right you start manipulating the markets as well and the one thing you are claiming to protect you are harming as much or more.

I don’t think any of this. If there really was a coordinated manipulation or restriction of retail trading, that’s a crime too.
If they were taking off the option to buy the stocks, they should have at least halted all trading on the stocks. Forcing people to only sell and not possibly buy is obvious price manipulation, pure and simple.

How are people forced to sell, if it's not possible to buy? Who are they selling it to?
I don’t think any of this. If there really was a coordinated manipulation or restriction of retail trading, that’s a crime too.

Is discussing on a forum coordinated manipulation? What occurs when multiple hedge funds have a dinner together and decide on a trade? How is that any different than what occurred here. I agree there is a bit of a boiler room activity occurring here, but it is going to be so difficult to prove.
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Is discussing on a forum coordinated manipulation? What occurs when multiple hedge funds have a dinner together and decide on a trade? How is that any different than what occurred here. I agree there is a bit of a boiler room activity occurring here, but it is going to be so difficult to prove.
If WSB is a coordinated manipulation than this very thread is an illegal market manipulation.

WSB has no leader, no one is "in charge". If someone has a good idea, people are free to follow or not. Just because Jedhawk77 was trying to peddle silver earlier, doesn't make it a coordinated effort. If he showed some data to back it up, like SLV was shorted 140%, then I'd look into and make my own decisions.
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Meme stocks up after hours. GME +35% AMC +22% BB +10%

This might not be over yet. There are some people with real money (like Elon) that have no love for the hedge fund shorts winning this.

Robin Hood says they'll allow "limited trading" in these stocks as well. We'll see how long that lasts. Can they afford to shut people down again?
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Is discussing on a forum coordinated manipulation? What occurs when multiple hedge funds have a dinner together and decide on a trade?

They'd better hope their institutional clients (the folks who stroke the big checks) don't hear about it. The massive pension plans and endowments don't look kindly on that type of behavior.
Just saw Robinhood is drawing on credit lines. Could they be losing money because of the number of transactions in small amounts in these stocks?