
If they were taking off the option to buy the stocks, they should have at least halted all trading on the stocks. Forcing people to only sell and not possibly buy is obvious price manipulation, pure and simple.

Disagree. You can’t prevent people from closing a position.
how is a company like amc going to keep paying a dividend?
I included that in my post. Assuming AMC can keep paying dividends as they have done historically.

Paying dividends is not a guarantee for common stocks, they don't have to pay one, and it doesn't have to be the same, so you do have to look at the dividend history and assess whether dividends will continue. AMC is pretty consistent at $.20 per quarter historically going all the way back to 2016. 2020 is when the dividends stopped. If you believe they can survive Covid then I'd say it's a good chance they will someday pay dividends again as that is what the company board has a history of doing.
Again, if you’re smart enough to find these trades (aka “create content” on WSB) you’re fine and doing nothing wrong.

where it becomes a “ramp” or P&D scheme is when everybody’s coordinating it, encouraging it, and outright understands what they’re doing. Like the Social Capital CEO asking “what’s next” and promising to “put a few hundred thousand in to start”. He was likely advised to donate everything, by the way.

Oh, I almost guarantee he was advised. I imagine it was crisis mode at Social Capital after GME rocketed 200 pts after his tweet and then his sale at a big gain. He then went on CNBC as damage control. He was pretty defensive and wouldn't answer any questions about fundamentals of the stock. Pump and dump is illegal and I imagine he has a lot of smart people around him advising him of the appearance.
Oh, I almost guarantee he was advised. I imagine it was crisis mode at Social Capital after GME rocketed 200 pts after his tweet and then his sale at a big gain. He then went on CNBC as damage control. He was pretty defensive and wouldn't answer any questions about fundamentals of the stock. Pump and dump is illegal and I imagine he has a lot of smart people around him advising him of the appearance.
I've been following Chamath for quite a while now and he's made me quite a bit of money by investing in his companies. I think he might be the next Warren Buffet. You can have your opinion, but I'm supporting the guys who support the little guys. You’re even missing the most valid criticism of him and its that he's promoting himself because he’s running for Gov of California. I'd vote for him if I was a resident.
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Robinhood just sent an email saying its changed AAL, AMC, BB, BBBY, CTRM, EXPR, GME, KOSS, NAKD, NOK, SNDL, TR, and TRVG to position-closing only.

Good reminder to deactivate my account so I don't get emails from them anymore.
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Robinhood just sent an email saying its changed AAL, AMC, BB, BBBY, CTRM, EXPR, GME, KOSS, NAKD, NOK, SNDL, TR, and TRVG to position-closing only.

Good reminder to deactivate my account so I don't get emails from them anymore.

Why aal?
Robinhood just sent an email saying its changed AAL, AMC, BB, BBBY, CTRM, EXPR, GME, KOSS, NAKD, NOK, SNDL, TR, and TRVG to position-closing only.

Good reminder to deactivate my account so I don't get emails from them anymore.
Can those companies sue them? It seems like a material hit on their profitability, reputation (calling them overvalued) and survivability.
Robinhood and Citadel in bed

Given that Robinhood is playing a central role in retail investors pumping dark horse stocks, it’s worth examining once again how it makes money: namely, by selling user’s trades to other large firms before they are actually executed. Those firms make money by effectively seeing what the retail investors on Robinhood are going to do before they actually do it, and acting accordingly. Those firms are basically buying information that then informs their own trades.

For the past few years, Robinhood has spent a great deal of energy marketing itself as born out of the Occupy Wall Street movement and champions a mission to “democratize finance for all.” The reality, however, is that this rhetoric distracts from the fact that it's actually helping preserve the status quo—namely by turning its customers (but more so their orders) into products.

The secret to Robinhood's success (and profitability) is simple: payment for order flow. To ensure trades are commission free, trades are sold to "market makers'' or large firms such as Citadel Securities—Robinhood’s largest customer, which tried to bail out Melvin Capital after its Gamestop shorts cost it billions. Market makers execute those trades (sometimes at an inferior rate) and can use their privileged position to place themselves in the middle and make a profit. Crucially, in this arrangement, more trades and more volatility mean there’s more for firms like Citadel to work with. Here is the Financial Times explaining how it works:

Citadel Securities pays tens of millions of dollars for this order flow but makes money by automatically taking the other side of the order, then returning to the market to flip the trade. It pockets the difference between the price to buy and sell, known as the spread.

Easy access to the market against the backdrop of wild swings in prices have led to higher trading volumes for stocks and options this year—increasing the raw material Citadel Securities uses to turn a profit. At the same time, the rise in volatility has forced spreads wider, increasing the potential income for market makers.
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@Tom Paris

For reference, the Dems are social media hating Ted Cruz and Ron Desantis. Why? Texas and Florida. Potential presidential candidates. They’re just trying to injure them. Cruz didn’t incite anything. He certainly didn’t try to kill AOC. Should sue her.
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That’s .... stupid. Really. Also, Pelosi, Schumer, Aoc, tlaib, Omar, insert dem douchbag here have a bigger claim on the title.
@Tom Paris

For reference, the Dems are social media hating Ted Cruz and Ron Desantis. Why? Texas and Florida. Potential presidential candidates. They’re just trying to injure them. Cruz didn’t incite anything. He certainly didn’t try to kill AOC. Should sue her.

Dude, shut the f@ck up with this, and pay attention to where you are.
Socialist room? My apologies. Continue with your ignorant bs.

I accept your idiotic apology as soon as you stop trying to derail this thread with your played-out, hackyass, unoriginal poli-troll routine. You're a known quantity that's trying to ruin the first thread in a long time that isn't bullsh!t political sh!t posts, and it's obvious.
It was actually a FuncoLand employee. Many people are saying this.
Do they have russian accents?

When asked about the GS situation today, the Whitehouse said they were monitoring the situation.

Read RH's statement about volatlity. With the pummeling they are getting, don't you think they would say that they were told to do something by politicians?
This is right and a good point. Fundamentals say it shouldn't be this high, but technicals show it should be even higher.
This is semantics, but I don't believe either fundamental or technical analysis would show you that the stock should be valued that high. If you'd use any of the normal technical tools to find resistance levels they'd all be much lower. The breakout was due to a special cause that technical analysis wouldn't handle very well. This "infinity squeeze" is a black swan type of event at this time.
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Looks like crazy GME is up to $312 after hours. I keep trying to short just 1 share for fun but there aren't any shares available to short apparently. Damn hedge funds have them all!

Also fun fact: I heard today 56% of Robinhood users own some GME! No wonder they are getting killed.
Is AMC gonna bounce back tomorrow? Or should I just accept my 10$ loss 😂
I'm holding on to see if all of the publicity from today may lead to a surge of public buying tomorrow, especially now that the major apps have eased up on their no-buy lists. People who never gave a lick about buying stocks are very intrigued right now...
In my opinion, 80% of their users are going to blow themselves up in time anyway.

I get that for some people this is just fun. I also get that for some people this is their way of trying to “fight the man” or OWS 2021... I also get that some people have made a lot of money.

I’d suggest that if you’re not a producer of quality research ideas on Reddit, you’re the sucker. Trying to help people from being so incredibly irresponsible with their money, but again the ones that need to hear this are just modern day versions of “Hawkbleeder”.

That’s the thing, these Reddit kids are having a gas, but ultimately they are buying and selling amongst each other, and when they all have no money left to buy more the price will come tumbling down, and those who don’t get out early - or who came in late - will lose everything.
So dumb question. Let’s say you buy in for 4 shares at $250 a piece for $1000. The share price goes to $500 so you earning is now $2000? Seems like a lot of hassle for a small amount. I’d rather just throw $1000 down on a football game.

The money to be made now is shorting.
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That’s the thing, these Reddit kids are having a gas, but ultimately they are buying and selling amongst each other, and when they all have no money left to buy more the price will come tumbling down, and those who don’t get out early - or who came in late - will lose everything.

Until the next stimulus check...
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