
I got out at 185 yesterday. Lost half of my gains that I took a couple weeks ago. I won't touch this thing again.
I got out at 185 yesterday. Lost half of my gains that I took a couple weeks ago. I won't touch this thing again.

“Hot water burn baby!”

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I’m holding. ****’m, that’s why. I didn’t sell at $40 I sure as shit ain’t selling at price manipulated $120. They still need to buy all the shares available two or three times over in my opinion. Here is some DD that suggests Gamestop knows what could happen...

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0 or 100k a share, not selling. My unborn children can inherit my GME.

In the event it goes to zero I’d at least try to get some proof you owned it as it happened. Not sure if stock certificates even exist anymore (pretty sure they don’t and haven’t for years) but this would be a great one to have.

DTCC issues fake shares to everyone and keeps the money. These FTDs can be used to naked short the market. ETFs that FTD can be "unpackaged" and suddenly 50k ETF shares turns into 50k shares of each company that is in that ETF. Then either dumped on the open market or used to short it.

In theory this could allow Wall Street to export USD inflation by issuing fake shares or DTCC money to international companies/governments using the T-3 legacy system.

Given that the system is backed up AT LEAST 3 days it is completely overloaded and primed to explode unravelling what could be decades of manipulation.

One insane catalyst could blow up the system.”
If the shorts covered, why did they cyber attack this twitter account who has been decidedly anti-short seller and pro-GME? If it was all over, what would be the point?

I'm just trying to decide when to dump my final shares. Will this be a 1 day wonder or will this go on for a few days like the last run up.
Keep it as a hedge. What if these morons are right? There’s a lot of smart people involved in trying to “stick it to the man.” I wouldn’t want to regret selling instead of holding.

Plus, if the squeeze gets squoze, hedge funds will have to liquidate a lot of other positions that will have a ripple effect to the market. GME is a good offset to that and the negative beta furthers the rationale.
as great as today was, I'm almost expecting it to tank tomorrow. Who knows though.

Meanwhile, its opened up a whole new world for me. I'm jaded, but interested more in the stock market. I like reading about companies more than anything.
as great as today was, I'm almost expecting it to tank tomorrow. Who knows though.

Meanwhile, its opened up a whole new world for me. I'm jaded, but interested more in the stock market. I like reading about companies more than anything.
I like to gamble on football, but don't follow the other sports enough to consider myself a somewhat informed gambler.

This has filled that void.
These are the kind of comments that typically denote market tops.
Well, it also speaks to the nature of buying this particular stock. The value is due to supply and demand of shorted shares. Not necessarily the “fundamentals.” So on some level anyone who buys this stock better liken it closer to a gamble than say a reasoned thoughtful review of the business operations and future cash flows, at least for now during a transitionary time period between executive regimes and vastly differing visions for the future of the company. It’s a gamble, sure, but not any less reasonable then thinking you’ll win at the roulette wheel for crissakes. I happen to believe that millions of investors all over the world have purchased an opportunity to stick a finger in the eye of the people who continually thieve from us all. If you had one legit chance to get even with the bastards who engineered and profiteered from 2008 GFC, would you take it?

I have, and I will continue to HODL.
If you had one legit chance to get even with the bastards who engineered and profiteered from 2008 GFC, would you take it?

I have, and I will continue to HODL.
I don't think it's really possible to 'get even' with the bastards who engineered and profiteered from the 2008 GFC, but I do try to take steps to 'get mine'.
I have, and will continue to HODL.
But not this stock.
That's not to say I begrudge anyone on this ride. I find the whole tale fascinating.
I just figure the exit ramps would be closed on retail me trying to make out like a bandit.