Gen Z and Millenial hatred and vitriol toward boomers

Where did I say everyone had a pension? Once again you are making assumptions to fit your own narrative. People who have pensions have faired far better in retirement than those that do not. That is my point, because the 3 pronged approach, social security, pension, and personal savings, works. When you are missing one of those three, in the majority of cases, people struggle to retire. Usually because they haven't been able to save enough money. And that can be for a variety of reasons, from never getting paid enough to put money away and pay bills to just being irresponsible.

But there has never been a 3 pronged approach. Are you really wanting to force every company to have a pension plan?
Change the 401k laws to increase the employer contribution. Current rules:

The employer must make at least either:
  • A matching contribution of 100 percent for salary deferrals up to 1 percent of compensation and a 50 percent match for all salary deferrals above 1 percent but no more than 6 percent of compensation; or
  • A nonelective contribution of 3 percent of compensation to all participants

Change it to increase the nonelective contribution to 5% and the matching contribution to 10%. Or do the math and come up with some other number that gets us in the wheelhouse where people can retire more comfortably with just a 401k.
But there has never been a 3 pronged approach. Are you really wanting to force every company to have a pension plan?
There are a lot of ways to do it, but certainly the largest corporations recording record profits can afford to give some of that back to their employees in the form of pensions (Which the employees would contribute to as well). Obviously it isn't as viable for small businesses, but I'm sure people much smarter than me can figure out a reasonable way to create groups or some other method to provide pensions.
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There are a lot of ways to do it, but certainly the largest corporations recording record profits can afford to give some of that back to their employees in the form of pensions (Which the employees would contribute to as well). Obviously it isn't as viable for small businesses, but I'm sure people much smarter than me can figure out a reasonable way to create groups or some other method to provide pensions.
I personally would rather see the corporate match on 401K's be higher than what it is now. That way people can build a better retirement and it follows them. Your 3 prong approach becomes, personal contribute, corporate contribution, and social security.
I personally would rather see the corporate match on 401K's be higher than what it is now. That way people can build a better retirement and it follows them. Your 3 prong approach becomes, personal contribute, corporate contribution, and social security.
I could agree to something like that. It just can't be up to the individual to somehow have to do two of the prongs themselves because only the top 15-20% of earners are going to be able to make enough to make that a viable path and not live a paltry existence up until retirement. Increasing employer contributions is one idea to offset it.
The Kellogg's CEO that suggested people save money by eating cereal for supper.

Or the news article that suggested people save money by skipping a meal every day
Read something interesting.

Over 1 million baby boomers will die between now and election day.

About 2 million Gen. Z'ers will earn the right to register and vote by then.
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As a gen x, I appreciate that I have not been drafted into war. I had the ability to attend college with some small amount of support from my boomer parents. If I was ever in a jam financially, they were there to support me.

My father bought the farm from my grandmother after several years of renting the farm. In his 40s, he went to work 2nd shift at the nearby prison, while he still farmed. I helped with a lot, but when I went off to college, he was on his own.

I don't think boomers had it easier from a day to day lifestyle. I appreciate what that generation has done and each of the generations before them.

I hope that my son will reflect in his mid 40s and feel the same. My goal is to provide more to him than I had provided to me (financially).
Wtf. He’s not racist but wants white people to come together. This is not just a boomer issue.

He's crying about mixed race actors in tv commercials. That is straight up boomer racist. He doesn't want to come together with anyone. He wants others to quietly tolerate his contempt for people who are different than him. BAU for these miserable dinosaurs.
Surveys? Okay, that’s silly. Marketing people will tell you that anyone over the age of 65 isn’t surveyed because we’re not huge consumers of products.
We’ve stopped buying lots of new things. We don’t trade in cars as often. We hold on to what we already have. That ten year old item still works so why would I get rid of it?
Also I am suspicious of this dude. He’s too well spoken to be oblivious to how negatively this will come across.
I’m Gen X. I despise Boomers and Silent Generation. They are a bunch of over-critical, mean, judgy a-holes. Especially Boomers, they had everything handled to them and then pull up the ladder behind them. Individually, some of them are ok but as groups they are awful.
So am I. Kinda agree on Boomers but below Xers are spoiled entitled brats. We are the balanced middle children.