Gen Z loves Kamala

As usual, you're failing to take the full measure of this. The aging demographic will only continue to grow, thus increasing the number of conservatives and Republicans. By the time most people get to that stage in life, they've finally figured things out.

Lol. No demographic falls for scammers, fake news, and social media myths more than old folks. Pretty sure you are one who has suggested Biden is losing his faculties specifically because he’s getting older.

Also, each generation of old folks is different from the previous. We boomers are still pretty damn racist and xenophobic, making Trump appealing to far too many of us. The next generation of old people will be less so.
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The single largest voting bloc - women voters - now favoring Harris 52% to 47% is more significant IMO.

The gap is likely to widen as Harris makes reproduction rights and health care central features of her campaign.

She's a woman that first married when she was 49 years old and she is motherless.

She hasn't lived the same life as the majority of other women. She's not their standard-bearer.
Dems are getting a sugar high right now. Going to have to see how things play out once that wears off I think. I really don't have any strong predictions on how the heck this will turn out.

Will say that Obama was a really charismatic leader and speaker. I've seen none of that with Harris. Maybe she'll find her game... but I'll have to see it before believing it.
Harris is as unlikeable as Hillary. Only dumber.
She's a woman that first married when she was 49 years old and she is motherless.

She hasn't lived the same life as the majority of other women. She's not their standard-bearer.

Weird. I wouldn’t expect a guy born into wealth who has been married several times, bangs porn stars, and hangs out on Epstein Island to be the standard bearer for more than like 50 people. Amazing how he has any support.
She's a woman that first married when she was 49 years old and she is motherless.

She hasn't lived the same life as the majority of other women. She's not their standard-bearer.
Harris has been a pro-choice activist her entire life. What does motherhood have to do with this issue?

If lifestyle (or “lived the same life”) was a critical barrier to votes then Donald Trump - who inherited hundreds of millions and has been pampered from birth - would never win a blue collar voter.
Too bad young people don't vote much. :(
Correct - Gen Z is age 12 to 27, so not a huge voting block; however, I imagine the Dems continuing attempts to wipe out student loans is their attempt to buy voters. One of my daughters is a Gen Z’er and even she admits it’s not right to have the government simply extinguish her college debt, as she knew what she was doing when getting student loans.
Lol. No demographic falls for scammers, fake news, and social media myths more than old folks. Pretty sure you are one who has suggested Biden is losing his faculties specifically because he’s getting older.

Also, each generation of old folks is different from the previous. We boomers are still pretty damn racist and xenophobic, making Trump appealing to far too many of us. The next generation of old people will be less so.

You guys continue to overplay the racism schtick.

Perhaps you should just run better candidates and that way you'd avoid having to replace a candidate so late in the game.
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You guys continue to overplay the racism schtick.

Perhaps you should just run better candidates and that way you'd avoid having to replace a candidate so late in the game.
Does it ever give you pause that white nationalists believe that they finally have a leader who represents them, and that whatever it is that they find appealing, you are okay with?
The msm forced sugar high of Harris is about to come crashing down. As it should for someone selected, not elected, and pitifully regarded by anyone with a functioning brain stem. Sorry gang. The dems are ridding themselves of the Biden/Harris clowns once and for all. They aren't even gonna cheat for them its that bad. See ya in 2028.
World Cup Smile GIF by FIFA
The msm forced sugar high of Harris is about to come crashing down. As it should for someone selected, not elected, and pitifully regarded by anyone with a functioning brain stem. Sorry gang. The dems are ridding themselves of the Biden/Harris clowns once and for all. They aren't even gonna cheat for them its that bad. See ya in 2028.
You are a Russian troll.
Was thinking the other day that the whole BLM/racial reckoning thing might've ended up helping republicans a lot more than democrats.

All of sudden you started seeing a whole bunch of black conservatives on social media and the like.

Plus, with time, you'd expect them to shift right anyway. (the further segregation is in the past....)

Democrats latching on to this idea that they're going to secure a long-term demographic advantage seems to be a really big blunder.
Dumb. You have no clue.