Gene Hackman, his wife, and dog all found dead

Neighbors can help family with this too.

We have an aged widower still in his house. Every night he pulls the shade on a specific window. Every morning he lifts the shade as a signal to us neighbors he is up and ok. If the shade is still down when I leave for work I call his kids who live 45 minutes away. Same goes for evenings and lowering the shade.
Good on you.
Neighbors can help family with this too.

We have an aged widower still in his house. Every night he pulls the shade on a specific window. Every morning he lifts the shade as a signal to us neighbors he is up and ok. If the shade is still down when I leave for work I call his kids who live 45 minutes away. Same goes for evenings and lowering the shade.
True. My uncle had a stroke a couple of years ago. His neighbors noticed he hadn’t picked up his paper in a couple of days and noticed him slumped over in his chair. He’s still alive. Not in a state I’d want to live in, but glad he had someone watching out for him.
Agreed. I'm favoring the following:
He died naturally.
She cant ‘live without him’ So takes OD of pills thereby going out together.
Dogs was kenneled prior to all of the above and he dies due to lack of food and water over days and days.

Just a theory. :)

Hopefully we get more real answers in the coming days.

It is possible but I would think a suicide by her would usually take place after a few days or weeks. I also think she would have called 911 in the hopes of saving him.

It sounds like he collapsed and wasn't even repositioned. Another issue is I think she was in the bathroom. Usually ODers have the time to go lay down somewhere like a couch or a bed or maybe next to her husband.

Not unless she decided to lay down in a bathtub or something.

On the other hand from what we know that is probably the best hypothesis there is.
So, my best theory given new info on remains being mummified and pills is maybe he died and she killed herself in sadness and one of the dogs died from lack of water.

Alternative she killed herself first and he had Alzheimer’s and died from lack of food water like the one dog.
It sounds like he collapsed and wasn't even repositioned. Another issue is I think she was in the bathroom. Usually ODers have the time to go lay down somewhere like a couch or a bed or maybe next to her husband.

Not unless she decided to lay down in a bathtub or something.
I agree with that 100%. My only other thought to explain some of that time line stuff is that she OD'd, went to lay down or whatever and then got back up to the bathroom to vomit, which is common with OD's, and then collapsed in the bathroom.

But yeah, I'm just speculating entirely so we will find out soon enough I suppose. Maybe my hypothesis changes as more details become available.

She also may not have called 911 as he was DNR (which at 95 would be very common) and they had some sort of 'go out together pact' and she knew it was time to execute the plan.
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So, my best theory given new info on remains being mummified and pills is maybe he died and she killed herself in sadness and one of the dogs died from lack of water.

Alternative she killed herself first and he had Alzheimer’s and died from lack of food water like the one dog.
Boy that's a sad scenario I hadn't is often how dementia patients die but in less of a cause and effect way.
I had no idea the human body decomposed so quickly. They were seen two weeks ago. So in less than two weeks a body is mummified and decomposing? Had no idea. Also seems that 1 of 2 scenarios most likely. Neither necessarily nefarious.
1) he fell down and died and she was so overcome with grief she OD'd out of a feeling like it was her fault as the caregiver and deep love for him.
2) as his caregiver with dementia she just could no longer bear the burden of caring for him and didnt want him in a facility, so she OD'd and he died shortly thereafter naturally.
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I had no idea the human body decomposed so quickly. They were seen two weeks ago. So in less than two weeks a body is mummified and decomposing? Had no idea. Also seems that 1 of 2 scenarios most likely. Neither necessarily nefarious.
1) he fell down and died and she was so overcome with grief she OD'd out of a feeling like it was her fault as the caregiver and deep love for him.
2) as his caregiver with dementia she just could no longer bear the burden of caring for him and didnt want him in a facility, so she OD'd and he died shortly thereafter naturally.
Not an expert on decomposition but the mummification probably was brought on by the dry Mew Mexico air.

There are events in the past where bodies were found in the desert from very long ago and were mummified, not decomposed, due to the dryness of the area preserving the body.

Here is an article discussing that very thing, amongst others: