Summer school is NOT 1/2 year of credits. If you are really good maybe 12 credits max, but I think most take 6-9 credits.
Depends on the school...some schools do the "trimester" system others have a different set up...
For example: Michigan has 4 semesters. There are Fall and Winter semesters. That's the tradition school year (most go off and do an internship or random summer job during the "summer"). Then we have two half semesters (semester is shorter but hours per week doubled...for example, if you are taking a 3 credit hour class it is 6 hours per week): spring and summer. The typical is you take two classes in each.
That is a minimum of 6 credit hours in each semester (two 3 credit hour classes) but the average is probably 7 (one 3 hour, one 4 hour) with a decent number taking 8 credit hours (obviously two 4 credit hour classes).
The typical student is not taking all 4 semesters each year. But football players are. So they are probably averaging 15 credit hours in spring and summer. That is a full semester. Of course they are only taking 12 credit hours (the minimum to be considered a full time student) in the fall to compensate for FB season. So not all graduate in their 3rd year of eligibility but a significant number do especially if they enrolled early... I said...if it takes a FB player more than 4 years (these days) to get an undergrad degree it is likely they failed classes and are ineligible...or went to tOSU where they have classes that don't count towards a degree (sorry, had to put that dig in)
Now my example is anecdotal as it applies specifically to Michigan. However, I can’t imagine our system is all that different than most schools (even with a trimester full summer term)...I just used Michigan to illustrate my point. do know that both All and Cade got their degree from Michigan...I have no clue if you put either or both on schollie but what has become and is now the typical practice is not to...the collectives pay the tuition and they don't count towards the 85