Go on Record about a second Trump presidency…


HB Heisman
Apr 4, 2023
Most likely outcome (choose from the following):

1. Trump’s presidency will go down as the greatest of all time. Trump will bring unprecedented prosperity to America, foreign conflicts will be resolved, our country’s borders will be secure, and there will be a peaceful transition of power January 2029.

2. Trump’s presidency will be mostly good and there will be a peaceful transition of power at the end of it in 2029.

3. Trump’s presidency will be somewhat good and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

4. Trump’s presidency will be neither good nor bad and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

5. Trump’s presidency will be somewhat bad and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

6. Trump’s presidency will be a shit show, as expected, but nothing remotely bad as the libs predicted will happen and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

7. Trump’s presidency will be___________(fill in the blank in your response), Trump will try to make the case to the American people to stay in power, enough Republicans will convince him to step away at the end of his term, and Trump reluctantly agrees and there is a successful transition of power in 2029.

8. Trump’s presidency will be ___________. Trump will make the case to stay in power, there will be fraction and division in the Republican Party, and it becomes a big ordeal with Trump eventually having to walk away and leave in a similar fashion as 2021. MAGA starts uprisings and lawlessness.

9. Trump’s presidency will be __________. Trump will make the case to stay in power, will have the backing of most Republicans, violence and civil war break out with _______ (Trump’s regime is put down and democracy is restored or Trump’s regime wins out, he controls the military, and the USA is a dictatorship).

10. Trump’s presidency is ____________. His dictatorship aims are ___________________. He dies in office due to a Big Mac cardiac attack or he is assassinated.

11. Trump becomes a dictator from day one. He is a major threat to the United States and the world. The world responds by ________. Division and violence in America are _____________. Trump’s political enemies are _____________. Illegal immigrants and other nonwhite, non-Christians are ________. This is the end of American democracy, Trump stays in power until death and autocratic power is handed down.

12. Come up with your very own unique position.

I will go on record as #8. Trump’s presidency will be a shit show, with a lot of social unrest and violence worse than the 1960s. At the end, Trump will try to stay in power, there will be serious division in the Republican Party, but eventually Trump will be forced to leave and he will sulk away in protest, leaving the White House in a similar fashion as 2021.

With the caveat that if you are a Trump fan the answer will be #1 regardless of what actually happens
If you are not a Trump fan the answer will be be #6 or below regardless of what actually happens
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Trump's presidency will mostly be good. Hardcore far left dems will hate everything because they have TDS.

I have zero worry about a peaceful transfer.
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So, you think he will be successful?
How much do you trust congressional Republicans and the SC? How much do you trust Trump's military leadership? How much do you trust the trucks of ostensibly armed assholes in the NC mountains who told the NG they were hunting FEMA...leading FEMA to move their people in multiple counties to secure locations?

I don't see Trump winning the presidency without also taking Congress. The SC is already in the bag. He'll be the CiC with the ability to appoint whoever he likes and issue any orders as part of his "official duties". There's no point asking about his admin...every one of them will be an ass-kisser so the DOJ will absolutely be going after his political opponents. Will he pull out of NATO? Will he cede Ukraine to Russia? What will he do if China makes moves on Taiwan?

Trying to dismiss the generational damage he could do even if you don't think he'll be "successful" is just remarkably dumb.
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How much do you trust congressional Republicans and the SC? How much do you trust Trump's military leadership? How much do you trust the trucks of ostensibly armed assholes in the NC mountains who told the NG they were hunting FEMA...leading FEMA to move their people in multiple counties to secure locations?

I don't see Trump winning the presidency without also taking Congress. The SC is already on the bag. He'll be the CiC with the ability to appoint whoever he likes and issue any orders as part of his "official duties". There's no point asking about his admin...every one of them will be an ass-kisser so the DOJ will absolutely be going after his political opponents. Will he pull out of NATO? Will he cede Ukraine to Russia? What will he do if China makes moves on Taiwan?

Trying to dismiss the generational damage he could do even if you don't think he'll be "successful" is just remarkably dumb.

I am not disputing him. I just wanted him to expound further.

I picked #8 out of optimism. I have a bad feeling it will be worse. And, as another poster commented, we can’t take that risk.

I am not disputing him. I just wanted him to expound further.

I picked #8 out of optimism. I have a bad feeling it will be worse. And, as another poster commented, we can’t take that risk.
I didn't accuse you...directly...but it's a common refrain among the maggot-adjacent that he can't do the things he says he will do so there's no danger. Whether he's successful or not is immaterial. That's not the point. The only relevant question is whether he will TRY to do the things he says he will do. That's constitutional crisis stuff all by itself.
I think 7 is the best case scenario. I'm sure they could come up with a 'sweetheart' deal to get him to leave office if it came to that.

Unfortunately he would still probably pass some unnecessary tax cuts, sign some more deregulation EOs, and possibly appoint 1-2 more Right Wing freaks to the Supreme Court during his term.
I didn't accuse you...directly...but it's a common refrain among the maggot-adjacent that he can't do the things he says he will do so there's no danger. Whether he's successful or not is immaterial. That's not the point. The only relevant question is whether he will TRY to do the things he says he will do. That's constitutional crisis stuff all by itself.
I agree.

And I am about 99.9% sure he will try.
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Trump as POTUS would be bad for the country as well as the world. He's not equipped with knowledge or the intelligence to navigate foreign affairs nor domestic affairs. Trump would most likely increase inflation as well as create a recession. The world will be unstable and he will move to the US to an authoritarian gov't.
I agree.

And I am about 99.9% sure he will try.
That's the only thing that matters. Like I said, he doesn't win the presidency without carrying both houses of Congress. No one will be splitting their vote "Trump/Down Ballot Democrats". He'll make sure his admin is stuffed with sycophants. The SC has already bent over for his "official acts" and there's no way he gets impeached. There's no branch of govt to constrain him and there are millions who would CHEER if he used the military to round up illegals (and legals) to send them...somewhere. And if the military is willing to do's a very short step for them to fulfill his wish to use them against US citizens. And there are millions of Americans who would literally cheer that.

The poll has no either view Trump as an existential threat or you don't. You can vote for him and support everything he wants to do or you can vote for him and hope for the best...which is a lot like playing Russian roulette with four or five bullets in the chamber. There's nothing "delusional" about any of that.
Now that is one multivariable equation. I'll go with something along the following lines:

1. Presidency a mixed bag in terms of policy.
2. Presidency will involve executive overreach using some of the same tools as the Biden administration, but also weaponization of doj, most of which will be struck down. No one will be killed, and no one of any import will go to jail.
3. Trump will try to make the case for 2029. Method A will entail constitutional amendment proposals (which I'm fine with process wise). Method B will entail some late-term 'crisis' and invocation of imaginary emergency powers. Neither will succeed. Americans like their constitution on this issue too.
4. I do think, semi seriously, that the Big Mac Scenario (or some other variation thereof) is realistic and could cancel this out.
I think anywhere from 7 to 10 with decreasing likelihood from 7 to 10. We are already so divided and distrustful of any government entity. That's his lasting legacy and in large part the damage is already done. Four more years of that will only make the division deeper and longer lasting along with another uptick in distrust of the government. Increase in political violence follows. How much violence? Who knows.

There is a right way to reform government and a wrong way. This is steamrolling down the path of the wrong way and it will be pretty hard to get us back on track. I'm just tired of all this shit. Trump wants us to tire out and quit. EFF THAT and EFF THAT GUY!
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That's the only thing that matters. Like I said, he doesn't win the presidency without carrying both houses of Congress. No one will be splitting their vote "Trump/Down Ballot Democrats". He'll make sure his admin is stuffed with sycophants. The SC has already bent over for his "official acts" and there's no way he gets impeached. There's no branch of govt to constrain him and there are millions who would CHEER if he used the military to round up illegals (and legals) to send them...somewhere. And if the military is willing to do's a very short step for them to fulfill his wish to use them against US citizens. And there are millions of Americans who would literally cheer that.

The poll has no either view Trump as an existential threat or you don't. You can vote for him and support everything he wants to do or you can vote for him and hope for the best...which is a lot like playing Russian roulette with four or five bullets in the chamber. There's nothing "delusional" about any of that.
Gee, I thought it was at least entertaining.

You’re bumming me out, bro.
Now that is one multivariable equation. I'll go with something along the following lines:

1. Presidency a mixed bag in terms of policy.
What "policy" would be a plus out of that bag? More tax cuts? Closer ties with dictators? Forcibly rounding up millions of immigrants and sending them...I don't the other side of the wall?
2. Presidency will involve executive overreach using some of the same tools as the Biden administration, but also weaponization of doj, most of which will be struck down. No one will be killed, and no one of any import will go to jail.
His entire admin would be weaponized. He literally mused about denying relief money after the fires in CA. He had to be convinced that there were lots of Republicans in that state.
3. Trump will try to make the case for 2029. Method A will entail constitutional amendment proposals (which I'm fine with process wise). Method B will entail some late-term 'crisis' and invocation of imaginary emergency powers. Neither will succeed. Americans like their constitution on this issue too.
There are millions...likely tens of millions - who favor Trump over the Constitution. If you think otherwise, you're not paying attention. If you think congressional Republicans would stand up to're REALLY not paying attention.
4. I do think, semi seriously, that the Big Mac Scenario (or some other variation thereof) is realistic and could cancel this out.
You betting the farm on that?

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Most likely outcome (choose from the following):

1. Trump’s presidency will go down as the greatest of all time. Trump will bring unprecedented prosperity to America, foreign conflicts will be resolved, our country’s borders will be secure, and there will be a peaceful transition of power January 2029.

2. Trump’s presidency will be mostly good and there will be a peaceful transition of power at the end of it in 2029.

3. Trump’s presidency will be somewhat good and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

4. Trump’s presidency will be neither good nor bad and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

5. Trump’s presidency will be somewhat bad and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

6. Trump’s presidency will be a shit show, as expected, but nothing remotely bad as the libs predicted will happen and there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2029.

7. Trump’s presidency will be___________(fill in the blank in your response), Trump will try to make the case to the American people to stay in power, enough Republicans will convince him to step away at the end of his term, and Trump reluctantly agrees and there is a successful transition of power in 2029.

8. Trump’s presidency will be ___________. Trump will make the case to stay in power, there will be fraction and division in the Republican Party, and it becomes a big ordeal with Trump eventually having to walk away and leave in a similar fashion as 2021. MAGA starts uprisings and lawlessness.

9. Trump’s presidency will be __________. Trump will make the case to stay in power, will have the backing of most Republicans, violence and civil war break out with _______ (Trump’s regime is put down and democracy is restored or Trump’s regime wins out, he controls the military, and the USA is a dictatorship).

10. Trump’s presidency is ____________. His dictatorship aims are ___________________. He dies in office due to a Big Mac cardiac attack or he is assassinated.

11. Trump becomes a dictator from day one. He is a major threat to the United States and the world. The world responds by ________. Division and violence in America are _____________. Trump’s political enemies are _____________. Illegal immigrants and other nonwhite, non-Christians are ________. This is the end of American democracy, Trump stays in power until death and autocratic power is handed down.

12. Come up with your very own unique position.

I will go on record as #8. Trump’s presidency will be a shit show, with a lot of social unrest and violence worse than the 1960s. At the end, Trump will try to stay in power, there will be serious division in the Republican Party, but eventually Trump will be forced to leave and he will sulk away in protest, leaving the White House in a similar fashion as 2021.
12. Trump's record will be great for responsible people with wealth. If you own assets you're going to be sitting pretty. Interest rates will come back down driving up the price of real estate. The stock market will continue to run. Inflation will come back again. Taxes will be low.
But if you own assets, who cares?
Probably only people who aren’t self-centered and actually care about future generations.

The crazy thing is the people who idolize and worship Trump the most will be hurt the most by his policies.

You know what? You’re right. **** ‘em. Who cares?
What "policy" would be a plus out of that bag? More tax cuts? Closer ties with dictators? Forcibly rounding up millions of immigrants and sending them...I don't the other side of the wall?

His entire admin would be weaponized. He literally mused about denying relief money after the fires in CA. He had to be convinced that there were lots of Republicans in that state.

There are millions...likely tens of millions - who favor Trump over the Constitution. If you think otherwise, you're not paying attention. If you think congressional Republicans would stand up to're REALLY not paying attention.

You betting the farm on that?

Jeebus, th, take a step back.

1. Just one example - trumps policy approach to drug pricing (address middleman discounts that don’t benefit consumers) was spot on.

2. To be sure, finance gets directed all the time to favorable places, so I’m not particularly concerned with that sort of weaponization. It’s modern federal spending, defined. I’m talking about the use of criminal and civil enforcement remedies against opponents in a payback sorta way, and I’ll be the first to defend them.

3. I don’t doubt that there’s a crazy hard core who have a bizarre messianic view. It’s like they think temperatures and the seas will fall. That said, I think the idea of actual civil war is laughable in a country as comfortable as this. I don’t doubt that conf repubs would do his bidding, just as congressional d’s will do hers (that parliamentary quality is our fundamental problem), but amendments and war are different matters entirely.
Now that is one multivariable equation. I'll go with something along the following lines:

1. Presidency a mixed bag in terms of policy.
2. Presidency will involve executive overreach using some of the same tools as the Biden administration, but also weaponization of doj, most of which will be struck down. No one will be killed, and no one of any import will go to jail.
3. Trump will try to make the case for 2029. Method A will entail constitutional amendment proposals (which I'm fine with process wise). Method B will entail some late-term 'crisis' and invocation of imaginary emergency powers. Neither will succeed. Americans like their constitution on this issue too.
4. I do think, semi seriously, that the Big Mac Scenario (or some other variation thereof) is realistic and could cancel this out.
It’s sad that 2 is so acceptable to you because you think there will be guardrails and only a few nobodies will be locked up. Gotta break a few eggs in order to be pro life, I guess?
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Probably only people who aren’t self-centered and actually care about future generations.

The crazy thing is the people who idolize and worship Trump the most will be hurt the most by his policies.

You know what? You’re right. **** ‘em. Who cares?
If you're responsible and hard working, and so are your kids, Trump will also great for future generations
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Now that is one multivariable equation. I'll go with something along the following lines:

1. Presidency a mixed bag in terms of policy.
2. Presidency will involve executive overreach using some of the same tools as the Biden administration, but also weaponization of doj, most of which will be struck down. No one will be killed, and no one of any import will go to jail.
3. Trump will try to make the case for 2029. Method A will entail constitutional amendment proposals (which I'm fine with process wise). Method B will entail some late-term 'crisis' and invocation of imaginary emergency powers. Neither will succeed. Americans like their constitution on this issue too.
4. I do think, semi seriously, that the Big Mac Scenario (or some other variation thereof) is realistic and could cancel this out.
Good grief. You believe all that is likely and will still vote for him.

Hope it all works out, eh?

What the hell is wrong with people. Smh
6 or below. The man has been a spectacular failure in life except for one thing, conning people. From 2017-2021 he was accountable and it was a miserable failure because he’s never run a successful enterprise. Trump Org to this day is run by Fred’s hires. Donald will gravitate towards bigger sycophants in a second term and we will see freaks like Mike Flynn take top level jobs.
Its so weird to see people think that a 78 year old man who has consistently failed at everyone except conning people will turn into a judicious, well meaning manager of people.
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6 or below. The man has been a spectacular failure in life except for one thing, conning people. From 2017-2021 he was accountable and it was a miserable failure because he’s never run a successful enterprise. Trump Org to this day is run by Fred’s hires. Donald will gravitate towards bigger sycophants in a second term and we will see freaks like Mike Flynn take top level jobs.
Its so weird to see people think that a 78 year old man who has consistently failed at everyone except conning people will turn into a judicious, well meaning manager of people.
They are already on record as loyalty to Trump being the most important qualification for a role in the administration.
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It’s sad that 2 is so acceptable to you because you think there will be guardrails and only a few nobodies will be locked up. Gotta break a few eggs in order to be pro life, I guess?
Who said anything about acceptable? It’s actually among my greatest concerns.

I’m not the one who set up the hypothetical prediction thread.