God made this rare bird "trans"

Joes Place

HB King
Aug 28, 2003
113 need to hunt this down and stomp this abomination out of existence...


Researchers have spotted an “extremely rare” green honeycreeper in Colombia that’s half female and half male. The bird’s plumage is divided directly down the middle, with blue feathers typical of males on its right side and the emerald-green feathers of females on its left. This individual is only the second of the species ever recorded exhibiting this trait—called bilateral gynandromorphism—and the first in more than 100 years.
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Funny, I bet some of the anti-trans folks also eat barrimunidi. And Barramundi are protandrous hermaphrodites, which means they change sex from male to female. They mature first as functional male fish and then undergo sex change to become female. Sounds gay. Sure hope none of that gender fluidity rubs off on the anti crew.....


Now we know what triggers people into becoming trans.
Cuz, you are what you eat, Amirite?
"Bilateral gynandromorphism occurs in a variety of species—including spiders, butterflies, crustaceans and lizards—though it’s never been recorded in humans. In humans, biological sex is usually determined by our chromosomes. Those born female typically have two X chromosomes, while those born male tend to have an X and a Y chromosome. Birds are the opposite. Their chromosomes are designated as Z and W—females have a Z and a W, while males have two Z chromosomes."

It has the feathers of both sexes, it didn't wake up and decide it wanted to be something else. This is the equivalent of a female who grows a beard.

Thanks for posting.
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"Bilateral gynandromorphism occurs in a variety of species—including spiders, butterflies, crustaceans and lizards—though it’s never been recorded in humans. In humans, biological sex is usually determined by our chromosomes. Those born female typically have two X chromosomes, while those born male tend to have an X and a Y chromosome. Birds are the opposite. Their chromosomes are designated as Z and W—females have a Z and a W, while males have two Z chromosomes."

Thanks for posting.

And yet, in humans, we can get "mixed chromosomes", just not bi-lateral.

You knew this, of course.
Funny, I bet some of the anti-trans folks also eat barrimunidi. And Barramundi are protandrous hermaphrodites, which means they change sex from male to female. They mature first as functional male fish and then undergo sex change to become female. Sounds gay. Sure hope none of that gender fluidity rubs off on the anti crew.....

As long as the barrimundi are swimming in a race based on their sex at birth....
"Bilateral gynandromorphism occurs in a variety of species—including spiders, butterflies, crustaceans and lizards—though it’s never been recorded in humans. In humans, biological sex is usually determined by our chromosomes. Those born female typically have two X chromosomes, while those born male tend to have an X and a Y chromosome. Birds are the opposite. Their chromosomes are designated as Z and W—females have a Z and a W, while males have two Z chromosomes."

It has the feathers of both sexes, it didn't wake up and decide it wanted to be something else. This is the equivalent of a female who grows a beard.

Thanks for posting.
God's work will be done.

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What a stupid thread. Showing science while purposefully ignoring science in the topic
What "science" is being "ignored" here?

List specifics.

Include the following in your answer-

Classical disorders of sex chromosome are Klinefelter syndrome, XX male, XYY male, Turner syndrome, XXX female, and XY female. True hermphroiditism, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, and pure gonadal dysgenesis are also included, because most of these disorders have abnormal sex chromosome.

Are you guys really that dumb? Nobody gives shit to people born with actual physical gender disorders. I think people understand that.

What's contentious is whether or not many of the people claiming to be 'trans' are actually 'born that way'
Cuz it's just UNPOSSIBLE there could be disorders that affect their brains & perceptions, Amirite?....
No, but it's also not clear that is a thing. And it's certainly not clear it's a thing for the 2.9 percent of kids that claim to be trans.

In fact, we can be rather skeptical they are all trans in any deep physical sense.
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Skeptical, lol, you mean fearful.

Mind your own business and preach those individual freedoms y'all harp on all the time.
I'm not fearful you idiot. Regardless of why people are that way I don't find it to be 'wrong' or 'sinful' -- if you want to live that way, fine, go for it.

I'm talking about the phenomenon itself and why people are the way they are. Because if you get that wrong the sort of help you offer said individuals may be inappropriate.

Lots of intelligent people, unfortunately, have adopted the born-that-way narrative on this phenomenon because it's all they know having dealt with gay people. I don't know that being gay is a great analog for this phenomenon, however.
I'm not fearful you idiot. Regardless of why people are that way I don't find it to be 'wrong' or 'sinful' -- if you want to live that way, fine, go for it.

I'm talking about the phenomenon itself and why people are the way they are. Because if you get that wrong the sort of help you offer said individuals may be inappropriate.

Lots of intelligent people, unfortunately, have adopted the born-that-way narrative on this phenomenon because it's all they know having dealt with gay people. I don't know that being gay is a great analog for this phenomenon, however.
No, you FEAR.
No matter how, nature fcvks up in all species. The fact is the clock turns with or without church and its ideas, countless natural accidents occur all over the universe including human conceptual developments. Deviations create abnormal conditions, including behavior, which wingnuts can't bring themselves to accept.

This rejection can be attributed to:
a) negative input by cultural conditioning,
b) active feedback from organizations, such as one's church,
c) propaganda, such as conservative media,
d) and transactions with friends, relatives.


1. commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.
"proponents of theological conservatism"

  1. the holding of political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.
    "a party that espoused conservatism"

Whether it's peanut butter taking the top spot with jelly beneath or the reverse arrangement, the timeless debate over the ideal order of these classic sandwich spreads continues. Thanks for sharing this.
So, you do not know, nor can you rule it out.

Despite clear evidence that a single enzyme anomaly can literally change the sex of kids going thru puberty.

You're just fearful & suspicious of people who are "different" than you are.
There is no “change” you fool.

Per the article:

But for some male babies, the missing 5-α-reductase enzyme - which triggers the hormone surge - means they appear to be born female with no testes and what looks very much like a vagina.

When puberty hits, a large surge of testosterone triggers the male reproductive organs to grow, causing voices to deepen and a penis to develop.

So, they are born male and stay male. No change. Just their development is delayed.

How did you phuck that up so bad?
Whether it's peanut butter taking the top spot with jelly beneath or the reverse arrangement, the timeless debate over the ideal order of these classic sandwich spreads continues. Thanks for sharing this.

Uh, yeah. There actually is.

Those kids were raised as "girls" for the first decade of their lives. And some of them have chosen to remain as such (if you read the article)
So “raising” a child one way now equates to their biological gender? They are born male with male chromosomes and stay biologically male. Or, are you admitting social conditioning plays a MAJOR factor? You can’t have it both ways.

Dude - don’t double-down here. You really phucked up in this thread.
So “raising” a child one way now equates to their biological gender?
It most certainly may push them in that direction.

Which is WHY some of these "males" decide to transition when they hit puberty.
Others, do not. That's their choice.
Funny, I bet some of the anti-trans folks also eat barrimunidi. And Barramundi are protandrous hermaphrodites, which means they change sex from male to female. They mature first as functional male fish and then undergo sex change to become female. Sounds gay. Sure hope none of that gender fluidity rubs off on the anti crew.....

Fish species are interesting when it comes to gender.

Some are literally born male and female and stay that way. Some like the clownfish all start as males and then the largest become females. The clownfish can also revert back to male if a bigger female shows up. Meanwhile, most wrasses start as females and can turn into males when they are larger. And some wrasses (like my orangeback fairy wrasse) have three genders. They start as females and become males when the population mix drops below one male for every three females. They can change back and forth as needed to keep the population at 3 to 1. BUT if there are three males in a given area/pod, then one will convert into a third Sex called a supermale. This supermale then rules the “harem“ of nine females and two males. The supermale never converts back to male or female and all 9 fish in the harem are needed to ensure appropriate copulation and reproduction.
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Or, are you admitting social conditioning plays a MAJOR factor?

It is clearly ONE factor, because SOME of these kids decide to remain "female". Or, maybe it's not a factor at all, and they are born with that gender disposition already - despite being an underlying male all along.

That creeps you out. We get it.
But that doesn't mean these are not people who are making their own choices and deserve the same rights as you do.