Going to buy PS5

Ya it's not the excitement like opening that Tecmo Super Bowl game game back in 91. I opened that and didnt unwrap another gift for a good 6 hours
You and me both brother!! I was 15 that year and just wearing out that nintendo!

I bought a PS4, the latest COD title, and the latest FIFA title in 2016 thinking I would get back into those games like in college. Not nearly as much fun as when pounding Keystones with the boys and I stopped playing the games and just used it as a $400 Roku until I sold it on craigslist in 2019 or 2020. I play Rain Man games (cards or dice) now against the computer mostly and that's all I have the attention span for in the gaming world.
Always start a HBOT sports online league
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I bought a PS4, the latest COD title, and the latest FIFA title in 2016 thinking I would get back into those games like in college. Not nearly as much fun as when pounding Keystones with the boys and I stopped playing the games and just used it as a $400 Roku until I sold it on craigslist in 2019 or 2020. I play Rain Man games (cards or dice) now against the computer mostly and that's all I have the attention span for in the gaming world.

Those were - as they say - the days.
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I bought a PS4, the latest COD title, and the latest FIFA title in 2016 thinking I would get back into those games like in college. Not nearly as much fun as when pounding Keystones with the boys and I stopped playing the games and just used it as a $400 Roku until I sold it on craigslist in 2019 or 2020. I play Rain Man games (cards or dice) now against the computer mostly and that's all I have the attention span for in the gaming world.
The parking booths with no internet turned my macbook pro into a $1200 free cell machine.
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The parking booths with no internet turned my macbook pro into a $1200 free cell machine.
I used to roll into those booths with the 5 newspapers you could get for free with student ID and do crosswords while listening to Brent Balbinot's sports talk show. Horse and buggy ass job
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For me it comes down to system exclusive games and ease of controller.

Appreciate the PS but could never master the controller.
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Not huge. I’m more about open world games exploring and sports. The whole multiplayer shooter isn’t my bag.
If you would like to waste hundreds of hours, buy Skyrim (elder scrolls 5). It is open world but you don't play online. It is leveling up game like Zelda, except there are a bunch of different skills you can level up ranging from potion making to archery to hand to hand combat. So you can mainly be a wizard, or a ranger type with a bow, or a viking type, although eventually, as you level up you are good at everything. You can choose to be different races, genders, etc. and customize your character. There lots of free aftermarket mods you can download from the playstation store. Bottom line is that I'm a geek, and you can play through multiple times as different types of characters and it is still fun. Apparently, they have been teasing a new Elderscrolls 6 for years. I think it will hit in 2026.
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If you would like to waste hundreds of hours, buy Skyrim (elder scrolls 5). It is open world but you don't play online. It is leveling up game like Zelda, except there are a bunch of different skills you can level up ranging from potion making to archery to hand to hand combat. So you can mainly be a wizard, or a ranger type with a bow, or a viking type, although eventually, as you level up you are good at everything. You can choose to be different races, genders, etc. and customize your character. There lots of free aftermarket mods you can download from the playstation store. Bottom line is that I'm a geek, and you can play through multiple times as different types of characters and it is still fun. Apparently, they have been teasing a new Elderscrolls 6 for years. I think it will hit in 2026.
All true except the end bit. I bet we don't see it until 2028.
I'd also suggest Red Dead Redemption 2.
Those are better. LOL

But there are many on here that run their mouth all the time and they are pot smoking gamers. AKA losers (at least in my book).
What about high earners who pop a gummy and game for a bit when they have some down time?
Be careful with digital. During Covid time someone hacked into my PSN account and bought some shit. Tried repeatedly contacting PlayStation and couldn’t get through to anyone so I reversed the fraudulent transactions. Obviously I was immediately sent an email after the reversal and was banned and lost all my digital games on PS4.
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What if the children are in college or on their way out the door?

I don't think a grown ass adult that does gummys/pot on a regular basis is very "responsible", I'm not sure that's the best word.

Don't get me wrong, I look down on people that drink too much as well. :)

When I was 19?

Smoked a ton of pot and drank a ton of beer.

But after I got married and had kids, it was time to grow up and be the best role model possible.

So far so good.
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I don't think a grown ass adult that does gummys/pot on a regular basis is very responsible.

Don't get me wrong, I look down on people that drink too much as well. :)

When I was 19?

Smoked a ton of pot and drank a ton of beer.

But after I got married and had kids, it was time to grow up and be the best role model possible.

So far so good.
You've read "regular basis" into it. I'll leave out the details but I think we have lived our lives in reverse order with the middle part being the same. Never did weed or anything like that in my younger years. Still haven't. It is only in the past year or two with legal hemp products that I have dabbled. My days of coaching youth sports teams and all of that stuff is in the rearview mirror, my kids are doing well with one in college and one to be soon. I feel like I have won in life in terms of degrees, profession, and compensation, and now if I want to chill at the end of the day, I will do so with a clean conscience.
Don’t play COD or you will be called a poor and berated with smoke detector chirps.

PC master race brah
Digital: ease of access, discs require downloads anyway, a lot of games don't even get a physical release, and you can get mega sale prices. BUT, it can be taken away from you at any time and you can't resell. It's also harder to keep track of what you have. Especially if you have more than one system/PC.

Physical: well, the opposite of the above. And you get the benefit of having something tangible.

I'll be happy to send any game recommendations your way, based on what you're looking for.
I love the pot smoking video gaming adults on this board.
Times have changed. The gaming industry has grown up, as has its audience. It's bigger than movies now. Stereotyping "gamers" makes as much sense as lumping "people who watch movies" into one thing.
You've read "regular basis" into it. I'll leave out the details but I think we have lived our lives in reverse order with the middle part being the same. Never did weed or anything like that in my younger years. Still haven't. It is only in the past year or two with legal hemp products that I have dabbled. My days of coaching youth sports teams and all of that stuff is in the rearview mirror, my kids are doing well with one in college and one to be soon. I feel like I have won in life in terms of degrees, profession, and compensation, and now if I want to chill at the end of the day, I will do so with a clean conscience.

As long as you don't put anyone else in danger and are a productive citizen go for it.
Can PS5s not have SD cards or externals connected?
It can have an external HD or it takes about 2 minutes to install up to 4 or 5 terabyte internal HD. The con with the external drive is its storage only, can’t play games from it.
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Really? I have an external on my (non-pro) PS5. It stores my PS4 games and they run right off of there.
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If you would like to waste hundreds of hours, buy Skyrim (elder scrolls 5). It is open world but you don't play online. It is leveling up game like Zelda, except there are a bunch of different skills you can level up ranging from potion making to archery to hand to hand combat. So you can mainly be a wizard, or a ranger type with a bow, or a viking type, although eventually, as you level up you are good at everything. You can choose to be different races, genders, etc. and customize your character. There lots of free aftermarket mods you can download from the playstation store. Bottom line is that I'm a geek, and you can play through multiple times as different types of characters and it is still fun. Apparently, they have been teasing a new Elderscrolls 6 for years. I think it will hit in 2026.
I've probably played more Skyrim than any other game. I would suggest Baldur's Gate 3 as another game where you can play in all sorts of ways.
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Con-You don't own it. You're renting the license to have it on your device. They can remove the game at any time PS5 and Developer have a dispute
Con-Can't resell
Con-If you sell PS5, next person can't own this game, they will have to buy it themselves.
F' the corporate machine!
Pros/Cons of Digital vs disc?
You must be wary of the PS5 controller where the gimble goes bad. They have more expensive controllers where you can replace the gambles.

For me - I would buy it for NCAA football and maybe other sports games. The other games are too advanced for my simpleton brain. I maxed on on PC Half Life 2 game. The new worlds are far too big for me. Although RDR2 looks amazing

You must be wary of the PS5 controller where the gimble goes bad. They have more expensive controllers where you can replace the gambles.

For me - I would buy it for NCAA football and maybe other sports games. The other games are too advanced for my simpleton brain. I maxed on on PC Half Life 2 game. The new worlds are far too big for me. Although RDR2 looks amazing

RD2 has an amazing story. It is also a different tone compared to other open world games. There is a survival component but isn't burdensome. Just wandering around the environment, hunting is fun.
I still do both. Like someone else said, games I know I’m going to play over and over, I’ll download. A lot of RPG’s, and some other games, that I know I’m only going to do one play through, I’ll buy a physical copy and then turn around and sell it on EBay.

I got a PS5 when it first came out, played the crap out of it the first three years, but haven’t played much the past year. Thought about selling it. Then early access for Path of Exile 2 came out in December, and that’s sucked me right back in.

+1 to Skyrim. I have that downloaded and still go back to that. Especially with all the mods that are available. Updated graphics mods make it look like a new game.