Going to buy PS5

Thanks everyone for the input. Went with a regular model with Disc. The hang up for digital only to me was being at the Store’s mercy on prices or possible developer disagreements.
Will wait to see on how much memory I use. Looked online can get 2 to 8 TB storage external drives. Getting up to switch games isn’t a huge concern to me. Not that lazy yet.
Bought College FB 25 for 30 and WWE 2K24 for 20. Yes I’m a huge wrestling nerd. Figure check out retail stores and game stops for more titles later. Once again thanks for helping an old fart out.
As long as you don't put anyone else in danger and are a productive citizen go for it.
Thanks everyone for the input. Went with a regular model with Disc. The hang up for digital only to me was being at the Store’s mercy on prices or possible developer disagreements.
Will wait to see on how much memory I use. Looked online can get 2 to 8 TB storage external drives. Getting up to switch games isn’t a huge concern to me. Not that lazy yet.
Bought College FB 25 for 30 and WWE 2K24 for 20. Yes I’m a huge wrestling nerd. Figure check out retail stores and game stops for more titles later. Once again thanks for helping an old fart out.
The nice bonus to a disk version is that you can watch blu-rays/DVD's on it. With that said, I pretty much donated my collection due to streaming.
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I like the disc drive for the 4k Blu-ray. If I really like a movie I like to own it vs relying on streaming to carry it. I admittedly do most of my gaming now on pc or retro consoles and the new gen consoles are basically relegated to video devices.
The nice bonus to a disk version is that you can watch blu-rays/DVD's on it. With that said, I pretty much donated my collection due to streaming.
There are some horror movies that you can’t stream. Or only available at certain times of the year.