Look, Jan Itor, I didn't get to keep my insurance, OK? And I don't take personal income from huge international payments to my phony ass foundation. Sure, Trump makes CRAZY statements and he's not Presidential at all. I'll even concede that his business practices are questionable. Down right wrong on some things. But you have to concede that the Obamas have used $11.6 million of our money for their
F#%KING VACATIONS!!!!!!! Or how about Hill's outrageous lie about what she told the victim's families after Benghazi!!!!!!!!!!!! She called indirectly said they lied!!!
I don't give a shit about Trump's past.
He's my ammo to shoot Washington between the eyes. The same Washington that has been fisting you, me & Ciggy. I consider Hillery a far greater risk than Trump. She panders every bit as bad as Trump.
The old cliche definition of insanity is true. Well I'm getting off the fisting train. I'm no longer going to do the same thing over and over and over and over expecting things to get better. Instead, I'm going to force change if I can. I want to get Washington's hand our of my wallet, their fist out of my ass, and hope to holy hell that my granddaughters have a country when they reach my age. (And there is NO CHANCE if we don't act now.)
Ask yourself these 2 simple questions:
- Why in the hell did Congress give themselves a health plan different than what they gave you and me?
- Why in the hell are you so happy to accept it?