Good God, the Republican Electorate is Stupid

How anyone can support Trump after listening to this is, as Ciggy said, stupid.

Yes, John Oliver is a comedian, and his goal is to entertain, but he backs his points up with actual facts.

You could make a real strong point not to vote for any of the candidates this time around, actually most every election. Why do people think Trump is supposed to be different? You have people, who are going to vote for the most owned and corrupt politician on the stage, screaming about a guy who has self-financed his campaign. It's absolutely mind-boggling how mind-controlled some of you are.
You could make a real strong point not to vote for any of the candidates this time around, actually most every election. Why do people think Trump is supposed to be different? You have people, who are going to vote for the most owned and corrupt politician on the stage, screaming about a guy who has self-financed his campaign. It's absolutely mind-boggling how mind-controlled some of you are.

I'm not voting for Hillary or Trump.
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This is such a retarded smear piece. It isn't even believable. I know quite a few Trump supporters and not one of them believes in slavery.
Trump is being endorsed by the KKK. Not sure why you have a hard time accepting this.
Have to be careful how I say this but it is desperation time. Someone must take one for the Team Republican. Someone with a fatal illness or beginnings of Alzheimers needs to make sure Trump does not make it to the finish line.

Have to be careful how I say this but it is desperation time. Someone must take one for the Team Republican. Someone with a fatal illness or beginnings of Alzheimers needs to make sure Trump does not make it to the finish line.

But how does one go about doing this?
How anyone can support Trump after listening to this is, as Ciggy said, stupid.

Yes, John Oliver is a comedian, and his goal is to entertain, but he backs his points up with actual facts.

Look, Jan Itor, I didn't get to keep my insurance, OK? And I don't take personal income from huge international payments to my phony ass foundation. Sure, Trump makes CRAZY statements and he's not Presidential at all. I'll even concede that his business practices are questionable. Down right wrong on some things. But you have to concede that the Obamas have used $11.6 million of our money for their F#%KING VACATIONS!!!!!!! Or how about Hill's outrageous lie about what she told the victim's families after Benghazi!!!!!!!!!!!! She called indirectly said they lied!!!

I don't give a shit about Trump's past. He's my ammo to shoot Washington between the eyes. The same Washington that has been fisting you, me & Ciggy. I consider Hillery a far greater risk than Trump. She panders every bit as bad as Trump.

The old cliche definition of insanity is true. Well I'm getting off the fisting train. I'm no longer going to do the same thing over and over and over and over expecting things to get better. Instead, I'm going to force change if I can. I want to get Washington's hand our of my wallet, their fist out of my ass, and hope to holy hell that my granddaughters have a country when they reach my age. (And there is NO CHANCE if we don't act now.)

Ask yourself these 2 simple questions:
  1. Why in the hell did Congress give themselves a health plan different than what they gave you and me?
  2. Why in the hell are you so happy to accept it?
For the first time ever, I agree with you on something. I can't believe this guy is fooling so many people. Embarrassing.

Well as long as YOU and a few others have Trump pegged, the majority of us will be safe. :
Ciggy actually got something right. Yes the Republican eloctorate is incredibly stupid. Fortunately, it is exceeded only by the Democrats in stupidity. Hillary Clinton? Really? Dumbasses

YES, YES, and Hillary would NEVER lie to us about anything.
Look, Jan Itor, I didn't get to keep my insurance, OK? And I don't take personal income from huge international payments to my phony ass foundation. Sure, Trump makes CRAZY statements and he's not Presidential at all. I'll even concede that his business practices are questionable. Down right wrong on some things. But you have to concede that the Obamas have used $11.6 million of our money for their F#%KING VACATIONS!!!!!!! Or how about Hill's outrageous lie about what she told the victim's families after Benghazi!!!!!!!!!!!! She called indirectly said they lied!!!

I don't give a shit about Trump's past. He's my ammo to shoot Washington between the eyes. The same Washington that has been fisting you, me & Ciggy. I consider Hillery a far greater risk than Trump. She panders every bit as bad as Trump.

The old cliche definition of insanity is true. Well I'm getting off the fisting train. I'm no longer going to do the same thing over and over and over and over expecting things to get better. Instead, I'm going to force change if I can. I want to get Washington's hand our of my wallet, their fist out of my ass, and hope to holy hell that my granddaughters have a country when they reach my age. (And there is NO CHANCE if we don't act now.)

Ask yourself these 2 simple questions:
  1. Why in the hell did Congress give themselves a health plan different than what they gave you and me?
  2. Why in the hell are you so happy to accept it?

I'm not happy with the way things are. I do think it's cute that you believe a vote for Trump is going to change things.

He's funding his campaign? No. He's loaning his campaign the money. The guy "IS" special interest.

Yes, Hillary is sickening, and I will not vote for her.

So show me a candidate that will honestly try to change things, and I'll vote the that guy/gal. Not one candidate still standing fits that description.

If you vote for Trump, and he wins, check back in with us down the road and let us know how you like his brand of fisting.

No to Hillary and no to Trump.

I know it's more serious that this, but if I look at the movie listings at the local theater and don't like anything I see, I'm not going to go just for the sake of going. I'll wait for something of my liking.
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I'm not happy with the way things are. I do think it's cute that you believe a vote for Trump is going to change things.

He's funding his campaign? No. He's loaning his campaign the money. The guy "IS" special interest.

Yes, Hillary is sickening, and I will not vote for her.

So show me a candidate that will honestly try to change things, and I'll vote the that guy/gal. Not one candidate still standing fits that description.

If you vote for Trump, and he wins, check back in with us down the road and let us know how you like his brand of fisting.

No to Hillary and no to Trump.

I know it's more serious that this, but if I look at the movie listings at the local theater and don't like anything I see, I'm not going to go just for the sake of going. I'll wait for something of my liking.
Hate to break it to you, but you'll have to see the movie whether you like it or not. Simply because you sit out an election doesn't mean that you won't suffer the consequences of whomever gets in.
They've been so brainwashed into Clinton Derangement Syndrome by 25 years of made up scandals and Clinton bashing by the right wing echo chamber, that they actually belief its nonsense. Sad to see minds wasted so.

So where there's smoke there's fire is false?

Don't waste your time with a response Ciggy. You know what I mean and I know the weakness in the statement. But let's face it, stained dresses and a history of secrets is hard to ignore.
Interesting that the last polls I have seen had Trump ahead in Florida and Ohio. However, Clinton was ahead in places like Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, New Mexico, and Indiana. I think you would see Trump/Clinton spin the dial a little on states that are competitive.

Perhaps not a coincidence that the KKK is active in the states that favor Hillarious. Maybe it's an anti Trump conspiracy!! :oops:
If McCain won, we would never gotten Obamacare. Depends on where you want to suffer an by how much.

Not to mention that we'd have American boots on the ground in significant numbers in more than a dozen countries where we don't now.
Not to mention that we'd have American boots on the ground in significant numbers in more than a dozen countries where we don't now.
Everybody's poison is different. Some think Obamacare is poison. Others think that tax cuts for the rich is poison. What everybody must understand, though, is that given the option of picking your poison, you might as go with the stuff you think will do you the least harm
If McCain won, we would never gotten Obamacare. Depends on where you want to suffer an by how much.

I voted for Obama in 08 because McCain picked Palin as VP. Now I'm only one vote, but I blame myself for the ACA.........
So where there's smoke there's fire is false?

Don't waste your time with a response Ciggy. You know what I mean and I know the weakness in the statement. But let's face it, stained dresses and a history of secrets is hard to ignore.

Ciggy's been brainwashed into believing none of what the Clinton's have been suspected of is true. They're clean and pure, and have never lied to him in his entire life.
I voted for Obama in 08 because McCain picked Palin as VP. Now I'm only one vote, but I blame myself for the ACA.........
Palin a heartbeat from being President or Obamacare. It's a bad choice, but one you had to make.
Ciggy's been brainwashed into believing none of what the Clinton's have been suspected of is true. They're clean and pure, and have never lied to him in his entire life.

Has either one ever been convicted of any of the terrible things they've been accused of? Seriously, what's the worst thing either one has done? Lied about getting a blow job.
Has either one ever been convicted of any of the terrible things they've been accused of? Seriously, what's the worst thing either one has done? Lied about getting a blow job.

Lied under oath to Congress. But let me guess, they're squeaky clean in your mind too.
Palin a heartbeat from being President or Obamacare. It's a bad choice, but one you had to make.

Both bad, both shaming. I've decided if the choices are this bad, and they are, I'm not holding my nose to vote. I'm just holding my nose.
Not to mention that we'd have American boots on the ground in significant numbers in more than a dozen countries where we don't now.

Correct. We'd have boots on the ground and the grand migration from Syria would not have taken place. German girls would have less chance of rape. The Middle East would be more stable and we wouldn't be able to watch beheadings on line. The victims of Benghazi would likely being enjoying the gifts they received last Christmas.

But yep, there would be boots on the ground and the foot of an American soldier willing to risk his life in each boot.
Lied about getting a blow job.

What would you be charged with if you lied under oath in a court of law, which is what lying under oath to congress amounts to.. So what else has he lied about? If he has no problem with lying under oath, he obviously doesn't have a problem lying while not under oath.
What would you be charged with if you lied under oath in a court of law, which is what lying under oath to congress amounts to.. So what else has he lied about? If he has no problem with lying under oath, he obviously doesn't have a problem lying while not under oath.

Doesn't it really just boil down to what your definition of "is" is?
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Correct. We'd have boots on the ground and the grand migration from Syria would not have taken place. German girls would have less chance of rape. The Middle East would be more stable and we wouldn't be able to watch beheadings on line. The victims of Benghazi would likely being enjoying the gifts they received last Christmas.

But yep, there would be boots on the ground and the foot of an American soldier willing to risk his life in each boot.

Well, you certainly have a vivid imagination, I'll give you that! Too bad much of it is fantasy and magical thinking.
What would you be charged with if you lied under oath in a court of law, which is what lying under oath to congress amounts to.. So what else has he lied about? If he has no problem with lying under oath, he obviously doesn't have a problem lying while not under oath.

Find me a politician that doesn't lie and I've got a bridge to sell you. The point is, Trump's lies are Legion, yet the wingnuts give him a free pass and attack Hillary because of something her husband did.
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