GOP coming for the "entitlements"

Misinformation Czar where you? Chis the liar is on the loose. She will be knocking on your door very soon Chis.
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Sorry Plan F is a Medicare supplement plan that essentially fills in all the gaps and out of pockets. It was nice because seniors could pay the premium for Plan F and not have to worry about having out of pocket expenses. The best supplement plan now available can still cover quite a bit but can not longer cover the Part B deductible; which the Part B deductible is a variable amount that will only go up; the part B deductible can no longer be covered by a supplement plan. Seems pretty minor but it’s a lever the feds can use to shift more costs to seniors and it is only going to increase.
I currently have a Plan I was grandfathered in....It ain't cheap but Dr's offices sure love me! My "F" premium just went from $295/month to $350/ my $170/month for MediCare....My bride couldn't get an "F" plan.....
Be damned wary of "advantage plans" unless your are healthy! They nickel and dime you to death....if you have a chronic condition that needs medical monitoring, there are better ways to go. I find it more than a little disingenuous how the TV ads for MediCare are pushing "advantage plans" without mentioning they are "advantage plans......Don't trust Joe Willy or JJ!
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They are telling us this is their plan. The messed up is voting for this.
So, it is your assertion that the phrase “entitlement reform” was just invented by Graham there? And never mentioned Ned by Newt or Ryan decades ago and every week since?

You need to take a page from ciggy in how to fearmonger properly.
Social Security is going to run out anyway. Either the Republicans will cut it or it will run dry. Either way unless changes are made it's gone. Democrats are hiding the fact that it's running out and deflecting the blame by scaring us that the republicans are going to cut it. There are too many loopholes that allow people that haven't contributed to it to get distributions out of it.

It's a lot like Lake Mead. If you're paying attention it's running dry, and it's just a matter of time before it's gone unless changes are made on how it's distributed or refilled. California is taking from it but not doing anything to preserve it. Many people recognize the impact of it running out and want to make changes, like republicans to Social Security. Californians want it to keep coming and blaming others for trying to cut off their water supply, like democrats to Social Security.
Is anybody under the impression that reform doesn't mean cuts? I have a hard time believing Rs will raise taxes to pay for this stuff.
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I would imagine most people are losing sleep because we are heading into recession, all time high inflation, stock market crashing, all time high fuel prices, wages that are not keeping up, all time credit card debt, sky high housing/renters markets, feds raising rates.

But you keep posting bold face lies.
If they get the majority and Presidency it'll happen. Keep deflecting.
I’m not and I’m standing by my stance. Just because a group of republicans signed some pact doesn’t mean anything will happen lol. How many times has this happened where this fear mongering is used but nothing comes of it?
I’m not and I’m standing by my stance. Just because a group of republicans signed some pact doesn’t mean anything will happen lol. How many times has this happened where this fear mongering is used but nothing comes of it?
That is their platform. Lol. My goodness what more do you need. Fear mongering? Lolololol
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Yes. Have you listened to Rick Scott as well on this. They already are going to raise taxes on middle class as well.
Democrats beat them to it, and walloped the poor to boot.

The law of supply and demand is not to be conned. As the supply of money (of claims) increases relative to the supply of tangible assets in the economy, prices must eventually rise. Thus the earnings saved by the productive members of the society lose value in terms of goods. When the economy's books are finally balanced, one finds that this loss in value represents the goods purchased by the government for welfare or other purposes with the money proceeds of the government bonds financed by bank credit expansion. - Alan Greenspan.
Well the age has already been raised in the past. And new Medicare eligible folks can no longer get a plan F.
I believe the last president to tinker with benefits was Obama (notably a Democrat) who took money from Medicare to partially pay for Obamacare.

I know the Medicare benefits for retired military have been reduced dramatically.

I did NOT know that plan F had been axed.

Plan F is one of an array of cookie-cutter Medicare Supplement plans that cover the healthcare expenses that go uncovered by Medicare (The 20% co-insurance plus deductibles and so on.) I think there are between 15-20 different plans. You buy your supplement from a private insurance company, picking a lettered plan in the process, and they set the rates. Medicare determines the coverage of each lettered plan which is identical regardless of which company you buy from. The prices vary company to company.

I just checked our supplements and discovered that Plan F is what my wife is signed up for. She pays $350 a month for this, but it covers deductibles and copays. ... I have Plan N. and pay around $200, and still have various copays and deductibles. I go along happily paying the copays and receive the same level of attention, and access to flexibility that my wife receives so it all works. The physicians' offices seem to love either combination (Medicare and F/Medicare and N) so there is a hassle factor has been eliminated.

Thanks for the information. I am not surprised that the Dems are coming after our Healthcare insurance plans. I am not surprised that they would claim the opposite.



I would be wary of "Advantage" Plans. They are structured in a manner similar to HMO plans. You do not get to see regular doctors ... just the ones who agree to their rate schedule, and accordingly wait times for appointments are lengthy. Additionally, many of the procedures that are covered by the supplement plans are either not covered or a less expensive alternative is substituted.

Be careful if you are thinking of going this route. Read the material in detail.
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Kiss your Social Security good-bye. I’ve paid into Social Security my entire life. The GOP @SenateGOP @HouseGOP wants to slash it for the Americans, that count on the benefit for retirement, to facilitate tax cuts for the wealthy.
Nothing in the law regarding the Democrats favorite Ponzi scheme has been changed.

The reality is the Ponzi can’t pay out promised benefits after 2034.
This has been the case for a long time.
If you read the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees message to the public instead of Twitter you would have known this years ago.

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.
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Dude. You got busted posting another not true thread. Just stop.
Chis trying to keep up with his anti-GOP twitter algorithm...sometimes it overwhelms him. LOL

You pay for your Social Security and Medicare. Every paycheck since your first job.
Problem is, the past recipients never actually paid enough to make the system sustainable.

Expect tax hikes (as they’ve done over dozen times to keep the Ponzi going since inception) and or benefit cuts.

Logical place to start would be not making welfare payments to people who don’t need welfare, but this will be couched as ‘cutting benefits promised to seniors’ with no regard for wealth status or income of those getting the benefits versus those currently paying for them.
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Chis trying to keep up with his anti-GOP twitter algorithm...sometimes it overwhelms him. LOL

man-using-multiple-phones-using-many-phones.gif have no reason to doubt him. He is spot on. Republicans have been after SS since its inception and MediCare, too!
Republicans HATE government programs that are successful. It damages their anti-government rhetoric. The Republicans dont trust the middle class and never have.
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You know things are bad when the left starts using the social security attacks.

This isn't a secret. Scott, Johnson and others have been talking (seriously) about this for some time.

Do some of you listen to what you want to hear? I can't believe its carrier related since it's definitely stupid TV fodder.
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I would love to no longer pay into social security return to me what I have paid into it and I will invest in my own retirement account. In return, I would never collect a dime of Social Security.
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I would love to no longer pay into social security return to me what I have paid into it and I will invest in my own retirement account. In return, I would never collect a dime of Social Security.
Glad it's all about you. Screw the retirees living on it or people about to retire relying on it.