GOP Irony

i firmly believe if the GOP had nominated little Marco or Kasich, this would election would have been a Republican windfall.
So you firmly believe this against all recent evidence to the contrary why exactly? Oh yeah, tds combined with stupidity.
Recent sitting presidents simply don't win their first midterms.
I tried to warn them...

(On who I would be okay with on the Republican side)
Maybe Kasich...and that's a big "maybe". I said that here at the time. I also said the next best thing for the Democrats would be Trump winning as he'll push a lot of independents into their arms. So far looks pretty spot on.


True liberals won when Trump won the nomination. I said it here at the time: Trump is the best gift to Democrats in 2018 and for the next four years. And now he is delivering!!! :D

Just too bad he is a disaster for the country.

I do NOT want Trump gone in 2018. He is the gift that keeps on giving for Democrats. I am satisfied with America watching him be embarrassingly incompetent to the tune of record low approvals. Let the people neuter the idiot at mid-terms.

60% of the American people are Democrats now? Whoa! Trump is #winning for us!

Listen, Republicans have control of all three branches of government, and the people see what an incompetent mess they are. Thank god the elder GOP and women of the party have spared us legislation from this new group of GOP idiots. This is all about the Trumpanzee Republican's failure, and there is no other way to spin it.

And now he flipped a county Romney won by 17 % to the Democrats. #Winning!

It gets old, being so right on these things all the time here.
You still bring up Benghazi? It's like you feel guilty about something...

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I think that Rubio or Kasich would have run on the economy, therefore keeping suburban GOP leaning women, while subtlety blown just enough racist, anti immigration dog whistles to incite the base.
The result would have been a hold on the house and an expanded GOP senate. My opinion, we will never know.
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I think either would have won easily. I know plenty of Obama voters willing to vote for Kasich. Once again, my opinion.
Loneclone, maybe you’re right, but I think you underestimate the strong anti Hillary vote that existed with the pro Bernie(anti Hillary sit it out), vote and he would have replicated Trump’s map
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