GOP platform 2024

Notice all the R posters haven't been able to dispute the fact that the GOP has nothing.
Ok, I’ll bite. GOP wants a strong economy, secure border, continued low tax structure, and lower crime in the streets (with a court system that isn’t a turn style to repeat offenders). Re-implement respect for our law enforcement. Limit, or stop, endless wars via “peace through strength” doctrine of the Reagan era. Continue to let adults do whatever they want in their private lives, but not push the LGBTQ+ etc agenda onto young children. On the divisive issue of abortion…let the states decide, which puts that decision in the voters hands. Lastly, have a strong leader and a capable vice president.
Ok, I’ll bite. GOP wants a strong economy, secure border, continued low tax structure, and lower crime in the streets (with a court system that isn’t a turn style to repeat offenders). Re-implement respect for our law enforcement. Limit, or stop, endless wars via “peace through strength” doctrine of the Reagan era. Continue to let adults do whatever they want in their private lives, but not push the LGBTQ+ etc agenda onto young children. On the divisive issue of abortion…let the states decide, which puts that decision in the voters hands. Lastly, have a strong leader and a capable vice president.
a lot of our foreign policy issues are a direct result of things the reagan administration did

arming/training the mujhadeen
overthrowing/destabilizing govts in central america

hell, they even sold weapons to iran (to fund their actions in central america)

gtfo with wanting to run back reagan's foreign policy approach