GoT geek post: Theories of what we saw this season.


HB Legend
Mar 23, 2015
1. Arya staring down Jaime Lannister as if she wanted his Golden rod. Some people have pointed this out but some people haven't really been able to muster much of an explanation about it, except that she was eye-balling a future victim. But I say there is a deeper meaning and explanation behind that eye f'ing.

NOW- Her list includes his sister, not him. As a matter of fact, the keen eyed noticed that she is well versed on the 'KingSlayer', as she pointed him out when the Kings Party first arrived in Winterfell in Season 1. That is not why I think she eyed him down. The reason I personally think she did is this...
Flash backward to the confrontation betwen Brienne/Podrick and Hound/Arya. Hound pointed out the sword which signified the Lannisters by it's gold and the Lion Crest at the end of it. Brienne then explained that she got the sword from Jaime Lannister. She said this after explaining that she swore a blood oath to Catelyn Stark that she would find Sansa and Arya and return them to Winterfell. Which she did for at least one of them.
So, it stands to reason that Arya, understood that Jaime, did something to help the Starks, by allowing Brienne to leave to go fulfill that mission. By allowing Brienne to go about looking for the Starks as she had promised to Catelyn, Jaime had in fact helped an ally of the Starks in Brienne. Now also keep in mind, that it stands to reason that Arya knows all about what is going on at Winterfell(By now) and also knows that Sansa is there because of Brienne (Friend of Jaime), and that Jon is now also there. Plus, she witnessed first hand how Jaime insulted and put down Walder.

Ergo, Jaime helping Brienne, helped Aryas family. Hence why she smiled at him.

2. Cersei will have an ally despite her situation looking dire. In the guise of Euron Greyjon, who by now is probably aware that Dany is heading his way with her forces(and some of his) and it's unlikely he will win her courtship.

At the same time, Cersei isn't doing what she did recently in letting her city burn and her child die just because she felt like it. Here is the awful yet kind of awesome truth to why she did what she did.....SHE

.....has finally found faith in something. It's terrible, it's ugly, but it's possibly true. Cersei has found something to believe in and is diving head first into her own prophecy, because she now has faith in something bigger than herself. She realizes that now matter what she wanted for herself, fate and destiny found it's way. She's not doing this anymore because she is spiteful, she is doing this because she is playing her part, while also accepting that she is just a part and not the whole damn show. Think about that for awhile, and comment back.

3. The Wall, Coldhands/Benjen hinted that there is great power within the wall and that the Wall itself cannot keep the dead from crossing simply because of it's construction and size. It's something else within it, that stops that from happening. So.....we are going to learn eventually that a power that controls the wall is the key to opening the wall for the Nights King. What that is exactly isn't known, but it is interesting.
Can Arya take on a man's face? She could kill Jaime knowing his face would get her past all security to see Cersei. Just saying.
I just got done reading a piece on HuffPo and it went into great depth about the scene of Jon's birth. Some weirdos spent hours going over the scene trying to lip read what Lyanna said and came up with Jaehaerys, which was a name used by the Targaerons. Jaehaerys was the king who received the prophecy about the one who defeats the White Walkers. Now, if Lyanna was raped would she have given him a familiar name? Was she smitten with Rhaeger and went willingly? The TV series said she was raped, right?
Can Arya take on a man's face? She could kill Jaime knowing his face would get her past all security to see Cersei. Just saying.
I just got done reading a piece on HuffPo and it went into great depth about the scene of Jon's birth. Some weirdos spent hours going over the scene trying to lip read what Lyanna said and came up with Jaehaerys, which was a name used by the Targaerons. Jaehaerys was the king who received the prophecy about the one who defeats the White Walkers. Now, if Lyanna was raped would she have given him a familiar name? Was she smitten with Rhaeger and went willingly? The TV series said she was raped, right?
It didn't necessarily say either way. I think Oberyn implied that it was Rhaegar falling in love.
1. Arya staring down Jaime Lannister as if she wanted his Golden rod. Some people have pointed this out but some people haven't really been able to muster much of an explanation about it, except that she was eye-balling a future victim. But I say there is a deeper meaning and explanation behind that eye f'ing.

NOW- Her list includes his sister, not him. As a matter of fact, the keen eyed noticed that she is well versed on the 'KingSlayer', as she pointed him out when the Kings Party first arrived in Winterfell in Season 1. That is not why I think she eyed him down. The reason I personally think she did is this...
Flash backward to the confrontation betwen Brienne/Podrick and Hound/Arya. Hound pointed out the sword which signified the Lannisters by it's gold and the Lion Crest at the end of it. Brienne then explained that she got the sword from Jaime Lannister. She said this after explaining that she swore a blood oath to Catelyn Stark that she would find Sansa and Arya and return them to Winterfell. Which she did for at least one of them.
So, it stands to reason that Arya, understood that Jaime, did something to help the Starks, by allowing Brienne to leave to go fulfill that mission. By allowing Brienne to go about looking for the Starks as she had promised to Catelyn, Jaime had in fact helped an ally of the Starks in Brienne. Now also keep in mind, that it stands to reason that Arya knows all about what is going on at Winterfell(By now) and also knows that Sansa is there because of Brienne (Friend of Jaime), and that Jon is now also there. Plus, she witnessed first hand how Jaime insulted and put down Walder.

Ergo, Jaime helping Brienne, helped Aryas family. Hence why she smiled at him.

2. Cersei will have an ally despite her situation looking dire. In the guise of Euron Greyjon, who by now is probably aware that Dany is heading his way with her forces(and some of his) and it's unlikely he will win her courtship.

At the same time, Cersei isn't doing what she did recently in letting her city burn and her child die just because she felt like it. Here is the awful yet kind of awesome truth to why she did what she did.....SHE

.....has finally found faith in something. It's terrible, it's ugly, but it's possibly true. Cersei has found something to believe in and is diving head first into her own prophecy, because she now has faith in something bigger than herself. She realizes that now matter what she wanted for herself, fate and destiny found it's way. She's not doing this anymore because she is spiteful, she is doing this because she is playing her part, while also accepting that she is just a part and not the whole damn show. Think about that for awhile, and comment back.

3. The Wall, Coldhands/Benjen hinted that there is great power within the wall and that the Wall itself cannot keep the dead from crossing simply because of it's construction and size. It's something else within it, that stops that from happening. So.....we are going to learn eventually that a power that controls the wall is the key to opening the wall for the Nights King. What that is exactly isn't known, but it is interesting.
Does Arya reunite with her family early in season 7? She's close by. Or, does she continue her solitary killing bucket list?

Regarding Arya's ability to take on a man's face. Why not? Late in season 5 she was flipping through the faces on the corpse on the floor of the house of black & white until she came upon her own and Jaquen commented.

That said, I see no precedent for her to be able to take on a man's body. She's quite small. All the characters she's used faces for so far were short women or girls.
Isn't Euron Grayjoy a little brother? Isn't Cersei supposed to be killed by a little brother in that prophesy?
Isn't Euron Grayjoy a little brother? Isn't Cersei supposed to be killed by a little brother in that prophesy?
Prophecy is her being killed by her younger brother. She thinks that means Tyrion. I believe in the books, it mentions her being born slightly before Jamie, so it could be him.
Things are shaping up for Jaime to kill Cersei. Jaime is conflicted. He loves Cersei, but he now sees that she only loves power, and she sacrificed their son to get it. The scenes with Brienne and The Late Walder Frey imply that Jaime is becoming the true knight he swore to be. While he does not love Brienne, he does love the idea of Brienne. He really wants to do what she does. She holds honor above all and is willing to fight anyone to uphold it. Walder Frey, on the other hand, represents to Jaime his failures as a knight. Walder Frey had no honor. He violated guests rights, which is almost the most dishonorable thing a man can do. Jaime does not like the association with such a man. When Walder implied they were alike because they were both kingslayers, Jaime got super pissed.
Fast forward to Kings Landing and the throne room. Jaime sees Cersei on the Iron Throne, shortly after she unleashed wildfire on the city. Jaime killed Aryes for threatening to do that very thing. He will see it as his duty to kill her, and he'll flashback to Brienne before he decides to do it.
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Also, that scene between Jaime and Walder, Jaime had promised Edmure Tully that he could live out his days with his son at a castle teaching him to be a nobleman, knight, etc. if he would end the siege and get his troops to stand down (they were his troops as he was Lord of House Tully, not the Blackfish). The first thing Walder Frey mentioned in his conversation with Jaime is how he immediately threw Edmure back into the dungeon where he belongs, which made Jaime an oathbreaker.

Lyanna Stark wasn't raped. That narrative was pushed by Robert Baratheon and was the motive for his war to overthrow the Mad King. Now, he may believe that she was kidnapped and raped because how could he believe that she actually left him willingly? History is written by the victors so that is the story that was told.
Kingslayer will kill his sister the queen. Someone has to do it.

1. Arya staring down Jaime Lannister as if she wanted his Golden rod. Some people have pointed this out but some people haven't really been able to muster much of an explanation about it, except that she was eye-balling a future victim. But I say there is a deeper meaning and explanation behind that eye f'ing.

NOW- Her list includes his sister, not him. As a matter of fact, the keen eyed noticed that she is well versed on the 'KingSlayer', as she pointed him out when the Kings Party first arrived in Winterfell in Season 1. That is not why I think she eyed him down. The reason I personally think she did is this...
Flash backward to the confrontation betwen Brienne/Podrick and Hound/Arya. Hound pointed out the sword which signified the Lannisters by it's gold and the Lion Crest at the end of it. Brienne then explained that she got the sword from Jaime Lannister. She said this after explaining that she swore a blood oath to Catelyn Stark that she would find Sansa and Arya and return them to Winterfell. Which she did for at least one of them.
So, it stands to reason that Arya, understood that Jaime, did something to help the Starks, by allowing Brienne to leave to go fulfill that mission. By allowing Brienne to go about looking for the Starks as she had promised to Catelyn, Jaime had in fact helped an ally of the Starks in Brienne. Now also keep in mind, that it stands to reason that Arya knows all about what is going on at Winterfell(By now) and also knows that Sansa is there because of Brienne (Friend of Jaime), and that Jon is now also there. Plus, she witnessed first hand how Jaime insulted and put down Walder.

Ergo, Jaime helping Brienne, helped Aryas family. Hence why she smiled at him.

2. Cersei will have an ally despite her situation looking dire. In the guise of Euron Greyjon, who by now is probably aware that Dany is heading his way with her forces(and some of his) and it's unlikely he will win her courtship.

At the same time, Cersei isn't doing what she did recently in letting her city burn and her child die just because she felt like it. Here is the awful yet kind of awesome truth to why she did what she did.....SHE

.....has finally found faith in something. It's terrible, it's ugly, but it's possibly true. Cersei has found something to believe in and is diving head first into her own prophecy, because she now has faith in something bigger than herself. She realizes that now matter what she wanted for herself, fate and destiny found it's way. She's not doing this anymore because she is spiteful, she is doing this because she is playing her part, while also accepting that she is just a part and not the whole damn show. Think about that for awhile, and comment back.

3. The Wall, Coldhands/Benjen hinted that there is great power within the wall and that the Wall itself cannot keep the dead from crossing simply because of it's construction and size. It's something else within it, that stops that from happening. So.....we are going to learn eventually that a power that controls the wall is the key to opening the wall for the Nights King. What that is exactly isn't known, but it is interesting.
Prophecy is her being killed by her younger brother. She thinks that means Tyrion. I believe in the books, it mentions her being born slightly before Jamie, so it could be him.
My Prediciton: Tyrion is riding Viserion when attacking King's Landing. He sees Cercei at the Red Keep watching over the battle and they make eye contact and have a stare down similar to the Ice King and Jon Snow. He turns the dragon around to go in for the kill but an arrow gets shot at him by the Mountain and he loses his balance and falls off as there aren't many safety features riding a dragon bareback. He then lands on Cersei killing her as Dany and her hoard roast King's Landing. Tyrion survives the fall because Cersei broke his fall and when he gets up, he requests a drink to mourn the loss of his sister and another to celebrate Dany's victory. End of Part 1.
1. Arya staring down Jaime Lannister as if she wanted his Golden rod. Some people have pointed this out but some people haven't really been able to muster much of an explanation about it, except that she was eye-balling a future victim. But I say there is a deeper meaning and explanation behind that eye f'ing.

NOW- Her list includes his sister, not him. As a matter of fact, the keen eyed noticed that she is well versed on the 'KingSlayer', as she pointed him out when the Kings Party first arrived in Winterfell in Season 1. That is not why I think she eyed him down. The reason I personally think she did is this...
Flash backward to the confrontation betwen Brienne/Podrick and Hound/Arya. Hound pointed out the sword which signified the Lannisters by it's gold and the Lion Crest at the end of it. Brienne then explained that she got the sword from Jaime Lannister. She said this after explaining that she swore a blood oath to Catelyn Stark that she would find Sansa and Arya and return them to Winterfell. Which she did for at least one of them.
So, it stands to reason that Arya, understood that Jaime, did something to help the Starks, by allowing Brienne to leave to go fulfill that mission. By allowing Brienne to go about looking for the Starks as she had promised to Catelyn, Jaime had in fact helped an ally of the Starks in Brienne. Now also keep in mind, that it stands to reason that Arya knows all about what is going on at Winterfell(By now) and also knows that Sansa is there because of Brienne (Friend of Jaime), and that Jon is now also there. Plus, she witnessed first hand how Jaime insulted and put down Walder.

Ergo, Jaime helping Brienne, helped Aryas family. Hence why she smiled at him.

2. Cersei will have an ally despite her situation looking dire. In the guise of Euron Greyjon, who by now is probably aware that Dany is heading his way with her forces(and some of his) and it's unlikely he will win her courtship.

At the same time, Cersei isn't doing what she did recently in letting her city burn and her child die just because she felt like it. Here is the awful yet kind of awesome truth to why she did what she did.....SHE

.....has finally found faith in something. It's terrible, it's ugly, but it's possibly true. Cersei has found something to believe in and is diving head first into her own prophecy, because she now has faith in something bigger than herself. She realizes that now matter what she wanted for herself, fate and destiny found it's way. She's not doing this anymore because she is spiteful, she is doing this because she is playing her part, while also accepting that she is just a part and not the whole damn show. Think about that for awhile, and comment back.

3. The Wall, Coldhands/Benjen hinted that there is great power within the wall and that the Wall itself cannot keep the dead from crossing simply because of it's construction and size. It's something else within it, that stops that from happening. So.....we are going to learn eventually that a power that controls the wall is the key to opening the wall for the Nights King. What that is exactly isn't known, but it is interesting.
Some super observant GoT fans had some fascinating observations about the library's chandelier(s) in Oldtown, the glasses the guy was wearing who "checks" Sam in, and the intro to the show.
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