What's the worst date you've ever been on?

I firmly disagree with not sticking your dick in crazy. Crazy is fun, until the explosives start discharging, then you disengage.

The phrase should be “never commit to crazy”

But I feel you. Big difference between some sexy broad teasing about cum stains and some awkward cum stain jokes from some 5 with no sex appeal.
It was beyond teasing. I can handle teasing. It was like the focus of the date the entire time. It went from teasing to get me the F out of here.
She was definitely not DTF and tbh raised a lot of red flags right off the bat. Plus verbal abuse makes me not DTF.

It was beyond teasing. I can handle teasing. It was like the focus of the date the entire time. It went from teasing to get me the F out of here.

Whatever you need to tell yourself cum stain. :)
Went on a date with a girl I knew after my divorce. Very pretty, kind, fun to be around, easy to talk to. We went to a brewery and had 2 beers in maybe two hours. A friend was at a bar close by and asked us to come join them. We walked in, I grabbed a beer and went to their table to say hi.

Well, buddy was drunk AF and after a few minutes he thought I was talking shit about his wife. I had recently torn my biceps tendon, labrum, and rotator. Any my buddy, without provocation, shoves my as hard as he can and knocks my on the ground behind the bar. My shoulder was ****ed and I had to be helped up. She was mortified, buddy got kicked out, and I went home alone. Ashly hasn’t talked to me since.

dude's a dick. btw did you f*ck your neighbor?
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I got stood up on a date. Was jazzed about it, but she ended up double booking and I was the back up. I had a party to go to as a backup, and thats where I met my future no pics.

Took a girl out when in college. Didn't know she was a vegan and we ended up at some restaurant that had no real vegan meals. But she didn't want to go elsewhere. Probably as she knew being a vegan 20 years ago in Tally was a challenge. She was okay personality wise, but had this speaking pattern where every sentence ended up in a question sounding inflection. I also spent a LOT of time going "do I have to not eat meat around her?" If I cook dinner, do I need a vegan area?" Did she just ask me a question while I was obsessing about the vegan thing, I can't tell because of the inflection she puts on the last word. ?" It just seemed like a hassle I didn't want in my life.

Nothing too bad overall. Couple super awkward dates tho.
Went on a date with a girl in Iowa City a few years back. Went well, planning 2nd date. Then suddenly plans canceled, something came up. Ok no problem, figure something out later. Come to find out a couple weeks later she was pregnant with her ex's kid and had just got the positive test.
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Sometime between my senior year in HS and freshman year in college I took a girl to a black light mini golf place. The detergent from my clothes washer showed up weird all over my shorts and she kept saying it looked like a cum stain, which was funny at first. Then she started calling me cum stain. "Did you see that, cum stain?" "I got a hole in one, cum stain!" Then she was mad that I asked her to stop calling me cum stain. Then got mad when I told her I wasn't really interested in going on a 2nd date.
Went on a date with a girl in Iowa City a few years back. Went well, planning 2nd date. Then suddenly plans canceled, something came up. Ok no problem, figure soemthing out later. Come to find out a couple weeks later she was pregnant with her ex's kid.

You dodged a bullet! Ive never found "Im getting back with my Ex" to be a sign of someone who is stable and makes good decisions.

Person is an ex for a reason.
I've never really been on a date that afterwards I was like, "holy shit that was bad." But back when I was on a couple of the dating apps, I definitely got saved from what most likely would have been an incredibly weird/bad date. It was probably around late 2019 early 2020. It was right before covid came around. I had matched and started talking to a pretty good looking gal. We had planned to meet up for a date in a few days. I woke up one morning to a message from her that she sent at like 3:15AM. It was a NOVEL of just rambling nonsense. It started with "So I'm just going to put this out there because if you don't agree we can't go on a date." And then she proceeded to go on a Qanon rant, telling me about how all Democrats drink the blood of children, and only Trump can save the lives of the children in the US, etc. I remember one part talking about how Cedar Rapids is owned by people that live in China, and they want Cedar Rapids to be part of China or something like that. It was WILD. Part of me thinks she may have been on meth or something, it was quite the message. I immediately deleted her, and was thankful that I didn't give her any of my actual personal info. My only regret is not taking screenshots of the shitshow message.
I've never really been on a date that afterwards I was like, "holy shit that was bad." But back when I was on a couple of the dating apps, I definitely got saved from what most likely would have been an incredibly weird/bad date. It was probably around late 2019 early 2020. It was right before covid came around. I had matched and started talking to a pretty good looking gal. We had planned to meet up for a date in a few days. I woke up one morning to a message from her that she sent at like 3:15AM. It was a NOVEL of just rambling nonsense. It started with "So I'm just going to put this out there because if you don't agree we can't go on a date." And then she proceeded to go on a Qanon rant, telling me about how all Democrats drink the blood of children, and only Trump can save the lives of the children in the US, etc. I remember one part talking about how Cedar Rapids is owned by people that live in China, and they want Cedar Rapids to be part of China or something like that. It was WILD. Part of me thinks she may have been on meth or something, it was quite the message. I immediately deleted her, and was thankful that I didn't give her any of my actual personal info. My only regret is not taking screenshots of the shitshow message.
**** me. That Cambridge Analytica campaign ran deep in the swing states. Sending Bot pussy at young men trying to flip them to MAGA.
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Forgot to add another…I hung out with a woman twice…dunno about dates. We had a mutual friend so I thought why the hell not. Before I even met her, she was sending me very graphic videos and pics, masturbation, women sucking on her boobs, and if you go around the corner from the vagina, there is another hole that was also included. Nothing was left to the imagination. However when we hung out, she was so awkward and shy it was a total turnoff and we had zero chemistry together. Quite frankly she seemed crazy to me so after a horrible dog walking date, I stopped talking to her.

Fast forward to a month or so ago, my son tells me that he is “hanging out with a girl.” Turns out he is dating dog walking lady’s daughter. I warned him about sticking his stick in crazy as I’m guessing the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. He’s aware of how our interaction began but at just shy of 19, I’m guessing he’s thinking with the wrong head.
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Twice when i was younger, I went on a group date where I liked the one the person was trying to set me up with considerably less than the other one.
Twice when i was younger, I went on a group date where I liked the one the person was trying to set me up with considerably less than the other one.

Sounds like the start of a rom-com movie.

Did you also happen to be childhood friends to the girl that was trying to set you up with someone else?

Were you shy and awkward, yet the the matchmaker was the high school cheerleader type???

(and unrelated @Aardvark86 , I finished The Master and Margarita....was really really good)
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Met a girl from a group
My mostly guy group was next to her mostly girl group
Started talking to her
Cute girl, funny, next door type - definitely a guys girl not a girl girl
Got her number
Called her the industry standard two days later
We meet at a patio bar
There’s a cool vibe going on
15 minutes later her two friends show up and crash our table - don’t know if that was intentional or accidental
Killed the vibe and that was that
I probably screwed that up - would like a mulligan on that one.
Sounds like the start of a rom-com movie.

Did you also happen to be childhood friends to the girl that was trying to set you up with someone else?

Were you shy and awkward, yet the the matchmaker was the high school cheerleader type???

(and unrelated @Aardvark86 , I finished The Master and Margarita....was really really good)
yes; had been previously but not at the time; no

Funny, as part of setting up and testing my new frame tv, i was just pulling up the russian multipart video (with english subtitles) of M&M this weekend. A really good production btw.

Manuscripts don't burn.