Harris the likely nominee, who should be the VP choice?

Who should Harris peg as her running mate?

  • Whitmer

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Mayor Pete

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • Newsome

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • Mark Kelly

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Josh Shapiro

    Votes: 30 45.5%
  • Someone else I posted in comments

    Votes: 6 9.1%

  • Total voters
I fully expect Pete to be the nominee at some point in my life. We forget how young he is.
Dems actually have a quality bench of younger governors (Shapiro, Beshear, Polis, Whitmer) and legislators like Booker and someone like Pete. The DNC just needs to know how to utilize their talent (not normally their strong suit).
I think Mayor Pete or Newsome would wipe the floor with Vance in their debate but unfortunately both have some baggage. Whitmer is on deck for '28 so I think that knocks her out of contention. Mark Kelly or Shapiro would be fine choices.
Good thoughts. I shudder to think of the snappy nickname Trump would think up for Mayor Pete, and Kimberly Guilfoyle would go on Fox claiming she and Gavin did blow with hookers, which would be disqualifying in the average Fox viewer's eyes, but make Guilfoyle heroic for coming forward to TeLL tHe TrUTh.
Hmm yeah I suppose that’s true. I thought he was ‘18 but you’re right. I still think getting one of the young governors is the way to go but Kelly would be a good choice as well.
Don't get me wrong - Shapiro is my first choice. Dems absolutely have to have PA and Shapiro is pretty popular there, probably helps in MI as well.

Kelly helps in AZ but that state would be a nice to have, not a need to have. Locking up MI and PA greatly narrows Trump's paths to victory.
He would be a solid pick, but he doesn't bring a state along with him. Harris needs to be very tactically smart with the pick. Bring in someone who has won a statewide office in a swing state.
I think the argument with Beshear might be that he could help with moderates, having won 2x in a deep red state. Could be helpful in an attempt to flip NC.
Kelly just won in '20 for his full term, so Hobbs would get to appoint someone for the next 4, right?
I do not think so. I think they would hold an election in 2026. Most states allow the governor to fill a seat until the next election. Many states moved away from having the governor fill the seat for the remainder of the term in order to get the selection back to the people as soon as logistically possible without a special election.
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I think the argument with Beshear might be that he could help with moderates, having won 2x in a deep red state. Could be helpful in an attempt to flip NC.
Again, I think he'd be a good choice, but getting moderates on board isn't the problem. Biden did that in 2020. Voter turnout and the narrow margins in the 5-7 meaningful states is what matters. Beshear does not have good name recognition.
I think the argument with Beshear might be that he could help with moderates, having won 2x in a deep red state. Could be helpful in an attempt to flip NC.

Yep...he will make the GQP spend money to defend Kentucky but more importantly. he will help in swing states. Also, there won't be much pain in giving up the KY governorship if he is VP.
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Well, to be fair...KY ain't in play if Jesus Christ were the VP.

True but you can make they have to work and spend resources to defend it. But that is just gravy. That isn't why he is a strong candidate. It's because he's won twice in a deep red state that he will have strong appeal in swing states, the rust belt and with moderates everywhere.
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For the record this is a risky move and I'm concerned some corrupt joke of a Judge will allow some frivolous lawsuit to possibly impact ballot access in key states...
It’s a reassurance that people are less doomsaying than I.

I am absolutely sure that the courts will decide our next president. Our Supreme Court specifically.

I hope I’m wrong.
It’s a reassurance that people are less doomsaying than I.

I am absolutely sure that the courts will decide our next president. Our Supreme Court specifically.

I hope I’m wrong.
I'm concerned here as well. They somehow get their hands on weighing in on a ballot situation I have 0 faith they'd do the right thing. Zero
I'm concerned here as well. They somehow get their hands on weighing in on a ballot situation I have 0 faith they'd do the right thing. Zero
I am still absolutely sure that trump will not win any election via the popular nor electoral. I am not sure that he will not get in via court challenges.
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Maybe I am wrong about this, but I am skeptical that an openly-gay candidate is electable as POTUS or VPOTUS today.

Maybe things will change in the future, but I think we need to be realistic at a time when the Evangelical Right-Wingers and MAGA have united behind the most insidious demagogue in American history. Pete is young enough to wait until the time is right.
Blitz primary, town halls and open convention....let's have democracy and may the best candidate win
You know, if the Dems just jam Harris in there and lose, they will look back on it as the dumbest thing they’ve ever done politically (besides setting up their own debate to lose). Here they are being offered a clean slate to pick whoever they want and they’re gonna choose the only person who can lose to Trump…again. Someone a small minority of the party actually like. Imagine how dumb this would look in 3 years.
Gavin Newsom would be a disaster. He is the quintessential smug "limousine liberal." He is EXACTLY the kind of person guys like JD Vance and Trump eat for lunch.
Maybe I am wrong about this, but I am skeptical that an openly-gay candidate is electable as POTUS or VPOTUS today.

Maybe things will change in the future, but I think we need to be realistic at a time when the Evangelical Right-Wingers and MAGA have united behind the most insidious demagogue in American history. Pete is young enough to wait until the time is right.
I like Pete. I don’t know if your post is satire or are you really feeling this.
Gavin Newsom would be a disaster. He is the quintessential smug "limousine liberal." He is EXACTLY the kind of person guys like JD Vance and Trump eat for lunch.
Holy ****. I keep letting myself be astounded by the lack of self awareness other people exude.

But ****. It keeps astounding me.
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He would be a solid pick, but he doesn't bring a state along with him. Harris needs to be very tactically smart with the pick. Bring in someone who has won a statewide office in a swing state.
This. Will be PA, NC, or MI Govenors in that order I think.
It should be someone who is good at campaigning which I think is Harris's weakness.

Buttigieg fits the bill, but there are governors that fit that bill as well.

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