Harris vs Trump

With the state of the economy for the middle and lower class - it does appear the country is being run from the dementia wing of an assisted living community - so you got me on that. You are right. Congrats!
Surely electing a republican is going to help out the lower and middle class that they care nothing about.
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With the state of the economy for the middle and lower class - it does appear the country is being run from the dementia wing of an assisted living community - so you got me on that. You are right. Congrats!
Aww GIF by Originals
Groceries at 20% less, homes at 35% less, interest rates at 3% really sucked for them - they are surely much happier today 🙄.
"Hey Ma, them Republicans came through and lowered our grocery bill by 20%! We can go eat at Applebee's once a week! What's that you say? They gave corporations and rich people even more money than they gave us? They're buying up all the homes in our neighborhood so that our little son Jimmy won't ever be able to own a home? Money is power and all the money is going into less and less hands so they'll have all the power? Ahh well shucks, I get to eat Bourbon Street steak once a week so why would I care?"

Not to mention a global pandemic is what sent all those costs you mentioned through the roof but let's put our head on the sand and say it was because of dems.
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"Hey Ma, them Republicans came through and lowered our grocery bill by 20%! We can go eat at Applebee's once a week! What's that you say? They have corporations and rich people even more money than they gave us? They're buying up all the homes in our neighborhood so that our little son Jimmy won't ever be able to own a home? Money is power and all the money is going into less and less hands so they'll have all the power? Ahh well shucks, I get to eat Bourbon Street steak once a week so why would I care?"

Not to mention a global pandemic is what sent all those costs you mentioned through the roof but let's put our head on the sand and say it was because of dems.
Kamala - is that you?
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When they debate, when Trump is talking, I would advise Kamala to release the cakle.

Even if her mic is muted, that sound will carry and mess with his concentration, which is already comprimsed due to him being a selfish old mentally impairerd psychopath with a funky ear.
Trump will not be able to contain his mouth and it will further solidify the already galvanized female voters. I am setting the over/under of times "she is nasty" at eleventy billion.

And for the posters who said Dr. Jill is running the show, what say you?
Black, Asian, and a woman.

Trump won't be able to keep his mouth closed and if he does???? He'll stroke out .
She’ll lose worse than Joe would’ve.
I’m not sure about that. Folks who follow politics closely know a lot about her but folks that don’t follow politics too much don’t.
She has a chance to remake her image with those folks if she runs a focused campaign. Don’t know if she can but she has a shot.

Plus she can turn the age issue on Trump.
With the state of the economy for the middle and lower class - it does appear the country is being run from the dementia wing of an assisted living community - so you got me on that. You are right. Congrats!
Sorry you’re so poor apparently. Momma is grabbing your bottle boo boo.
And for the posters who said Dr. Jill is running the show, what say you?

She lasted a few weeks longer than I expected. There is no doubt she was running the show. The debate pulled the veil off her multi-year scheme to keep Joe isolated from all but a small handful of very loyal staffers. By loyal, I mean loyal to Jill.

Jill Biden Cheers Joe's Debate Performance Amid Criticism, Says 'You Did Such a Great Job'

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Sorry you’re so poor apparently. Momma is grabbing your bottle boo boo.
I’m glad you admit your party is the party of the elite. Want to throw out a racist comment about the black and brown people running toward the Republican Party too? Just like the poor - we know what you’re thinking.
I’m glad you admit your party is the party of the elite. Want to throw out a racist comment about the black and brown people running toward the Republican Party too? Just like the poor - we know what you’re thinking.
Don’t worry the Democrats are actually trying to help you if you’re willing to help yourself too. I have my doubts you’re willing to pull your weight on that.

And I’ll leave the racism and bigotry for the true professionals over in the GOP.
Don’t worry the Democrats are actually trying to help you if you’re willing to help yourself too. I have my doubts you’re willing to pull your weight on that.

And I’ll leave the racism and bigotry for the true professionals over in the GOP.
If that is what it takes to help you sleep at night, carry on. Just don’t let Kamala know you're a pothead 😂.
You know you’re the ****ing Devil so I’d think you have some understanding of this timeline.

I didn’t see Joe stepping down.

I don’t think it matters who replaces him. I think Republican courts will now decide our next president. I will gladly eat crow when I’m wrong.

All I see now are…..shenanigans.
I wish we could have had a open primary because Harris is not a good campaigner. She should maybe select a VP nominee who is a good campaigner.

That said this does present all the people who were moping about selecting between 2 very old men a chance to select a much younger and more coherent woman.
Right now the elites are weighing Kamala's chances, and their ability to have another puppet, against getting someone having a better chance to actually win.
Right now the elites are weighing Kamala's chances, and their ability to have another puppet, against getting someone having a better chance to actually win.

Logistically it has to be Harris. The Biden-Harris campaign could only be run by Biden or Harris. She can step in and use the campaign structure Biden was going to use for herself including all the cash it's built up.

If they had to pick someone else than the campaign cash could go to a super PAC but whomever the new candidate was would have to build an entire national campaign from scratch with 3 months to go to the election.

The building an entire national campaign is why people start campaigning for the presidential primaries pretty much as soon as the mid-term elections are done. Those people build their campaigns up over the course of 2 years. Building one up in 3 months is an extremely tall order.
I’m not sure about that. Folks who follow politics closely know a lot about her but folks that don’t follow politics too much don’t.
She has a chance to remake her image with those folks if she runs a focused campaign. Don’t know if she can but she has a shot.

Plus she can turn the age issue on Trump.
Precisely. The voters that are uncommitted at this point are don't actually have that fixed of a concept of her. Also there is a segment of voters that wanted anyone besides these 2 choices. I think Shapiro would be a stronger ticket but it doesn't sound like that is a possibility.

The question is what will motivate the voters that can actually be flipped or encourage more participation. The slut shaming stuff plays well to the base but won't convince moderate voters to not support her and may actually increase her support among women. Linking her to Biden will have some impact and she will have to address immigration.
But the absolute biggest issue for Harris is that she has to improve her ability to communicate. She needs to basically argue that nobody has really seen her actual personality and present herself in a way that comes off as authentic.

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