Why Biden Should Resign Now

It would make him hero as he would be responsible for the first woman President.
It would give Kamala a short audition period. This would give people a reason to vote for or against her at the convention.
It would make me feel better that the poor feeble minded man was no longer in charge.

I think Joe had made up his mind before the convention. Let Republicans obsess over him there, then pull the rug out from under him.
The question now is whether the Dems will attempt to build the best ticket.

I'm not saying Kamala can't make a case that she's the best option. But she should have to prove herself in competition with other top contenders like Newsom, Whitmer, Pete, Amy and more.

I'm a little worried that with everyone piling onto the Kamala bandwagon so quickly, we may not get a chance to explore a better ticket.

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