Why Biden Should Resign Now

We don't. It's beyond stupid at this point. The media ignored the domestic terrorist and all in to try and force the President out. Rally.
Demographics alone make comparing numbers from 2016 to 2020 to 2024 treacherous. There are about 17 million less Boomers than there were in 2016 and about 8 million less than there were in 2020. Now add in the some 20 million newly minted 18 year olds in that same time span. That's a near 40 million demographic vote change in just 8 years. It's part of the reason why elections never stay static.
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I think Shapiro if given 3 months to campaign against Trump would obliterate the man. Really like that guy.

Wes Moore would be awesome as well.

As it stands the alternative to Joe is most likely Kamala and she’d be a crap shoot.
Harris is the only one who has a legal right to Biden's war chest. That alone makes any other candidate doubtful to take his place. She is also the only one Rs can't challenge to remove from ballots. She's already filed to be on them. And I agree that she's a complete roll of the dice to replace Biden.
Harris is the only one who has a legal right to Biden's war chest. That alone makes any other candidate doubtful to take his place. She is also the only one Rs can't challenge to remove from ballots. She's already filed to be on them. And I agree that she's a complete roll of the dice to replace Biden.
The Dems held to an impossible standard and the GOP can go full terrorist and BothSidesBins just keeps weighing in on the Dems. The act is old and pathetic.
I think that a lot are forgetting that just a few short months ago the Rs were in complete disarray trying to elect a new Speaker. What's going on now is not necessarily a great reason to drastically change what's going to happen four months from now.
I think that a lot are forgetting that just a few short months ago the Rs were in complete disarray trying to elect a new Speaker. What's going on now is not necessarily a great reason to drastically change what's going to happen four months from now.
They are 24/7/365 and not worthy of any office.
How old is too old to serve?
I don't have an issue. I was making fun of the several in this thread on both sides of the isle and a bit more at H Hawk for not being able to have an intelligent discussion on the Ukraine war. That is all.

I don't have a problem with an 82 yo being Pres. I do have problems with someone with dementia being president. My neighbor is 96 and was cleaning the top of his camping trailer this week. I regularly converse with a 100 yo ww2 vet and he is sharper than many on this board.
I have a hard time with this logic ( much like when i’m with your mom).
Exactly when does he cross the line in your mind?

In my mind, Joe was too old when the primary season was getting started.
That said, people are asking him to drop out because they are concerned he can not beat Trump and the problems his presence in the race could cause down the ticket. That is their primary concern; it is not that he is incapable of finishing off the next six months.

Everyone is aware that the President does not make decisions alone, and the same people who have been handling him for the last six months will handle him for the next six months.

If the concern was his competency for the next six months, they could enact the 25th Amendment, and Joe would have no say.
I'm starting to lean towards AOC being correct on this and that Biden needs to be the candidate until somebody provides a viable plan otherwise that puts the new candidate on every ballot that will survive court challenges and funders can all support. It would already be done if both of those could be satisfied imo.

Read between the lines.

AOC is taking a public stance strategically designed to make her look okay whatever Biden does.
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The Dems held to an impossible standard and the GOP can go full terrorist and BothSidesBins just keeps weighing in on the Dems. The act is old and pathetic.
The Dems are propping up a completely unfit and quickly deteriorating candidate and next in line is the most despised, ridiculous and clueless VP since email lady. There is no standard in either party now. Very sad for the nation.
Lol the Biden Administration has done a fantastic job. Do not go BothSidesBins
Mostly. He has done a great job for upper income earners. The middle class has an all-time unprecedented high in credit card debt. For the poor folks, homelessness has never been higher. So life has been good for us on the upper end. Cheers!
Mostly. He has done a great job for upper income earners. The middle class has an all-time unprecedented high in credit card debt. For the poor folks, homelessness has never been higher. So life has been good for us on the upper end. Cheers!
That's not because of Biden. He's addressed eneldess disasters left by the worst President in history and a terrorist organization blocking legislation in Congress. Please
Lol the Biden Administration has done a fantastic job. Do not go BothSidesBins
Yes, but when Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Clinton, Obama, and many big donors (really almost everyone except Hunter and Jill who has failed him) are telling him it’s time, why do you think he can do four more years? I would listen to the Dem heavyweights like I do to the former trump staffers that say trump cannot be re-elected and is a danger.
Yes, but when Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Clinton, Obama, and many big donors (really almost everyone except Hunter and Jill who has failed him) are telling him it’s time, why do you think he can do four more years? I would listen to the Dem heavyweights like I do to the former trump staffers that say trump cannot be re-elected and is a danger.
I don't know if he can do 4 more years. He's leading effectively now. Needs to win reelection and if he dies or needs to resign 2nd term the VP can take the reigns. This isn't hard.
I don't know if he can do 4 more years. He's leading effectively now. Needs to win reelection and if he dies or needs to resign 2nd term the VP can take the reins. This isn't hard.
So we know more than Obama and Clinton and all the rest begging him to withdraw? And the VP is universally despised and literally less than 20% of the people are behind her. She is a disaster.
So we know more than Obama and Clinton and all the rest begging him to withdraw? And the VP is universally despised and literally less than 20% of the people are behind her. She is a disaster.
Clinton for sure hasn't done that and I am hearing mixed signals on Obama. This is a democracy. He won his primary. This isn't fantasty football plus this isn't a difficult vote regardless. Stop making it harder than it ever needed to be
Clinton for sure hasn't done that and I am hearing mixed signals on Obama. This is a democracy. He won his primary. This isn't fantasty football plus this isn't a difficult vote regardless. Stop making it harder than it ever needed to be
Unfortunately, his inner circle including unfortunately the criminal money grubbing Hunter and power hungry Jill have made it harder. He won his primary and is now not capable. He’s done. Time to move on to a competent candidate. The American people are not interested in a confused weak candidate.
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So we know more than Obama and Clinton and all the rest begging him to withdraw? And the VP is universally despised and literally less than 20% of the people are behind her. She is a disaster.
This is BS.
Polling of Trump vs Harris has shown Harris does better than Biden vs Trump with it close to a tie.
Let's try to be reasonably close to factual.
The right wing simply hate Democratic women ....hillary, Michelle, Pelosi, Harris...something in their lizard brain...never evolved.
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True party colors are shown by actions, not rhetoric. Both political party’s are power hungry and only care about their self interests - it’s simply the dem party’s time to shine.

It’s amazing how the dem party deceived their worshippers by propping up a corpse for their highest leader. It is comical to see how these worshippers react to being duped so magnificently.

Get your popcorn ready for more. You should hear how the white liberals I work with describe the people of color who are moving to Trump in droves. These “tolerant” people revert right back to their original party roots.

Stay tuned. It’s getting fun!!!
Excellent post and so true.
I really think the focus is on the wrong thing here when the opponent just went on a 90 minute meandering speech after being introduced by a wrestler with a history of racism, a fight promoter that’s on video beating his wife, and a musical artist that canceled a business for its choice to have a transgender spokesperson. Just my $.02.
Lol the Biden Administration has done a fantastic job. Do not go BothSidesBins

Biden's Obama grudge drives 2024 resolve​

Why it matters: Several people close to Biden said they believe his bitterness toward former President Obama, and the congressional Democrats now trashing him, is making the president more determined to continue his campaign even as some of his own aides think an exit is inevitable.

  • Many Obama advisers pressured Biden to not run in 2016 and Biden's resentment over that episode has diminished Obama's influence with Biden as the president contemplates his path forward.
  • If Obama directly pushed Biden to not to run this time, Biden aides told Axios it could make Biden even more resolved to remain the nominee.
  • A former Biden aide said: "Obama already used that chit in 2016 when his team lobbied him against running. You don't get to do that more than once."
Driving the news: When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, Biden felt guilty for not running himself and furious at the people who pushed him not to. He thought he could have beaten Trump in 2016, according to people who spoke with him afterward.

  • Some Biden aides see parallels to the current situation.
  • While Biden may bow to the extraordinary pressure from the party, his resentment from 2016 is fueling his determination to stay in the race as he is convinced he is the most electable candidate against Trump.
  • Biden's core team often tunes out their skeptics after winning the 2020 nomination and the better than expected 2022 midterms, far better than Obama did in his first midterms, they note.
  • A Biden aide told Axios: "There have been countless moments during which we're counted out by Washington and a wide range of Democrats, only to deliver unprecedented successes."
The intrigue: Obama does not have closerelationships with most of Biden's inner circle, further limiting his influence.

  • His strongest connection is with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, who is influential but not as personally close with Biden as other top aides.
  • Obama isn't in frequent contact with Biden either. The president told NBC News on Monday that he had not talked to the former president in "a couple weeks."
  • There is also tension between Michelle Obama and the First Family over the Bidens' treatment of Hunter's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle--Michelle's close friend.
The resentments from 2016 linger in the minds of Biden's family too.

  • Biden family members have expressed wariness of people who sided with Hillary Clinton before Biden had made up his mind in 2015.
  • That includes some of Biden's top aides now like Jake Sullivan, although Biden still selected him to be the youngest National Security Adviser in decades.
Flashback: When Obama and Biden connected on the phone after Trump won in 2016, a person familiar with the call recalled that Biden's comments were unremarkable but his tone was "I told you so."

  • When Biden was weighing whether to run in the summer and fall of 2015, he had meetings with Obama's top political hands — David Plouffe, David Axelrod, and David Simas.
While Biden could win a general election, they all told the then-vice president that winning the primary was remote given the late date and the strength of both Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Plouffe told the New York Times earlier this year that the "notion that there was a red carpet available that, you know, Barack Obama blocked is just not based in reality."

  • He added: "Joe Biden would have run for president for the third time, for the nomination, would not have succeeded, and would have never been president."
What they're saying: White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said that "President Biden is motivated by the same principles that have defined his life of public service, to 'finish the work' on behalf of the American people – having rich special interests pay their fair share in taxes, strengthening and expanding Social Security, restoring Roe, and bringing the country together."

  • Axelrod, Simas and spokespeople for Obama and Sullivan declined to comment.
  • Plouffe did not respond to a request for comment.
Between the lines: Obama and Biden have a sincere friendship, but that emotional tie at times makes the dynamic even more fraught than the typically tense president-vice president relationship.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, who is close with the president, said on his show last week that "Joe Biden is deeply resentful of his treatment under not only the Obama staff but also the way he was pushed aside for Hillary Clinton."

  • Obama's aides have long argued that Obama was merely a sounding board for Biden in 2015 and gave his candid advice, but did not push him aside.
  • Obama was also concerned about Biden at the time given it was in the months after Beau Biden died and the vice president was very emotional.
The bottom line: Biden remembers things differently and it's informing his decision-making now.

  • In his interview last fall with special counsel Robert Hur, Biden recalled that in 2015, "a lot of people ... were encouraging me to run in this period, except the president .... He just thought that [Clinton] had a better shot of winning the presidency than I did."

This is BS.
Polling of Trump vs Harris has shown Harris does better than Biden vs Trump with it close to a tie.
Let's try to be reasonably close to factual.
The right wing simply hate Democratic women ....hillary, Michelle, Pelosi, Harris...something in their lizard brain...never evolved.

That's why it will be so epic when a woman beats trump.

Biden's Obama grudge drives 2024 resolve​

Why it matters: Several people close to Biden said they believe his bitterness toward former President Obama, and the congressional Democrats now trashing him, is making the president more determined to continue his campaign even as some of his own aides think an exit is inevitable.

  • Many Obama advisers pressured Biden to not run in 2016 and Biden's resentment over that episode has diminished Obama's influence with Biden as the president contemplates his path forward.
  • If Obama directly pushed Biden to not to run this time, Biden aides told Axios it could make Biden even more resolved to remain the nominee.
  • A former Biden aide said: "Obama already used that chit in 2016 when his team lobbied him against running. You don't get to do that more than once."
Driving the news: When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, Biden felt guilty for not running himself and furious at the people who pushed him not to. He thought he could have beaten Trump in 2016, according to people who spoke with him afterward.

  • Some Biden aides see parallels to the current situation.
  • While Biden may bow to the extraordinary pressure from the party, his resentment from 2016 is fueling his determination to stay in the race as he is convinced he is the most electable candidate against Trump.
  • Biden's core team often tunes out their skeptics after winning the 2020 nomination and the better than expected 2022 midterms, far better than Obama did in his first midterms, they note.
  • A Biden aide told Axios: "There have been countless moments during which we're counted out by Washington and a wide range of Democrats, only to deliver unprecedented successes."
The intrigue: Obama does not have closerelationships with most of Biden's inner circle, further limiting his influence.

  • His strongest connection is with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, who is influential but not as personally close with Biden as other top aides.
  • Obama isn't in frequent contact with Biden either. The president told NBC News on Monday that he had not talked to the former president in "a couple weeks."
  • There is also tension between Michelle Obama and the First Family over the Bidens' treatment of Hunter's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle--Michelle's close friend.
The resentments from 2016 linger in the minds of Biden's family too.

  • Biden family members have expressed wariness of people who sided with Hillary Clinton before Biden had made up his mind in 2015.
  • That includes some of Biden's top aides now like Jake Sullivan, although Biden still selected him to be the youngest National Security Adviser in decades.
Flashback: When Obama and Biden connected on the phone after Trump won in 2016, a person familiar with the call recalled that Biden's comments were unremarkable but his tone was "I told you so."

  • When Biden was weighing whether to run in the summer and fall of 2015, he had meetings with Obama's top political hands — David Plouffe, David Axelrod, and David Simas.
While Biden could win a general election, they all told the then-vice president that winning the primary was remote given the late date and the strength of both Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Plouffe told the New York Times earlier this year that the "notion that there was a red carpet available that, you know, Barack Obama blocked is just not based in reality."

  • He added: "Joe Biden would have run for president for the third time, for the nomination, would not have succeeded, and would have never been president."
What they're saying: White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said that "President Biden is motivated by the same principles that have defined his life of public service, to 'finish the work' on behalf of the American people – having rich special interests pay their fair share in taxes, strengthening and expanding Social Security, restoring Roe, and bringing the country together."

  • Axelrod, Simas and spokespeople for Obama and Sullivan declined to comment.
  • Plouffe did not respond to a request for comment.
Between the lines: Obama and Biden have a sincere friendship, but that emotional tie at times makes the dynamic even more fraught than the typically tense president-vice president relationship.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, who is close with the president, said on his show last week that "Joe Biden is deeply resentful of his treatment under not only the Obama staff but also the way he was pushed aside for Hillary Clinton."

  • Obama's aides have long argued that Obama was merely a sounding board for Biden in 2015 and gave his candid advice, but did not push him aside.
  • Obama was also concerned about Biden at the time given it was in the months after Beau Biden died and the vice president was very emotional.
The bottom line: Biden remembers things differently and it's informing his decision-making now.

  • In his interview last fall with special counsel Robert Hur, Biden recalled that in 2015, "a lot of people ... were encouraging me to run in this period, except the president .... He just thought that [Clinton] had a better shot of winning the presidency than I did."

He is an angry, bitter old man.
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Odds of winning with Biden ~ 10%
Odds of winning with Kamala ~ 15%
Odds of winning with a well-considered replacement ticket ~ 50%

Obstructionists are all but guaranteeing a Trump win and a totally red Congress.
...because folks that have consistently voted 60% in favor of abortion rights (in virtually every state it's been on the ballot) want to put the folks in power who have claimed they will enact a national ban...
Sad that Joe waited too long. He’s now screwed the country. He’s put himself and family before what is best for Democracy. Huge gamble, we will see how it turns out in November.
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Enough With the Biden Psychodrama​

This isn’t about you, Joe.​

JOE BIDEN AND A SMALL GROUP of his protectors want to make this all about them.

They want Biden to be able to exit in a “dignified” way. They are annoyed at the “elites” who underestimated or sidelined him in the past and, as Biden himself said, “think they know so much more.” They are mad that he’s being “railroaded” by aides to Barack Obama—and maybe Obama himself. They “DETEST” the fact that people are downtalking him to the media.

It’s a bunch of self-indulgent malarkey.

All of this stuff might make vaguely interesting fodder for a lightly watched limited Netflix series about the Bidens in 2027 (assuming Obama doesn’t undermine that one, too). But it is completely irrelevant to the responsibility with which they have been charged.

This campaign is not about Joe Biden, the man. It is not about Joe Biden’s feelings. And it sure as shit is not about Joe Biden’s legacy, something nobody in this country gives more than two minutes’ thought to besides people with the last name Biden, a coterie of pop historians whose opinion the president cares about, Sam Stein, and a handful of social media influencers that the campaign has paid to care. (And, either way, his legacy is consumed by this humiliating defeat if he doesn’t change course.)

This campaign is about whether Biden and his team are able to successfully take on Donald Trump. The ability to do that is what got Biden the presidency. And the inability to do it again is why two-thirds of the Democratic party want him to drop out.
I want the Biden team to understand something.

Every minute that goes by that is spent fretting over Joe Biden’s emotional state rather than how to move forward with a candidate who is able to defeat Donald Trump is a betrayal of everyone who came together in 2020 to make his presidency happen.

The vast majority of the 81 million people who turned out to support their candidate in 2020 did so not because they had some special affinity for his narrative arc but because they wanted to cast a ballot for someone, anyone, who was able to build a large enough coalition to give an Aussie-style booting to the most noxious and polarizing person in all of American public life.

And at the end of a contentious primary practical, earnest Democrats determined that Joe Biden was the big-ass boot they needed. No more, no less.

THOSE OF US WHO SUPPORTED Biden in 2020 had hoped that that booting would be the last one required—that we wouldn’t have Donald Trump to kick around anymore. Unfortunately that did not turn out to be the case.

The bitch is back.

As such, the 2024 election is once again about galvanizing a coalition to beat Donald Trump. And since it comes after the horrors of January 6th—and with the Supreme Court codifying broad immunity for whoever occupies the Oval Office—that task is even more serious this time. It’s about the protection of American democracy. It’s about whether we are able to beat back an aspiring strongman who has already instigated an assault on our Capitol in an attempt to stay in power against the will of the people.

But more than that, the 2024 election is about choosing a president who cares about the people he serves rather than his desire to keep himself out of jail.

It’s not about Joe Biden’s feelings.
Before the debate, the Biden high command demonstrated it understood all this.

Biden’s team made the preservation of democracy central to this election. His closest adviser, Mike Donilon, said as much in an interview with the New Yorker earlier this year.

They also were aware that a huge swath of the country is skeptical that Biden is up to the task. After all, the Biden campaign proposed the earliest televised presidential debate in American history precisely to demonstrate that. They wanted to use it to turn the focus of this election onto Trump’s lies and his unfitness.

It was the biggest tactical catastrophe in modern campaign history.

They did not merely fail at their stated objective, but the candidate’s complete inability to deliver coherent arguments meant that this gambit boomeranged back on them. After such a performance it became impossible for the Biden campaign to focus on the stakes or threat of Trump because the entire country was now consumed with questions about Joe Biden.

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