Has anyone stopped watching the news???


HB Heisman
Jan 27, 2023
I'm pretty sure I posted this before but I've finally taken the plunge.

I was/am a news junkie. I get home and watch 5 hours of CNN, MSNBC and Fox (Fake) News before bed.

The news is extremely toxic. It's endless tragedy and death.

I'm also bitter that cable news has been doing 8 hours of Trump coverage per day since 2015...almost 10 years!

Today, I'm watching EWTN instead.


Anyone quit watching news??

5 hours?!?! Holy crap.

I do not watch television news, and haven’t for years. I don’t commute these days but will listen when I’m in the car, CNN or CNBC.

Do you ever listen to the other side? Just to hear their thoughts on specific topics?
I'm pretty sure I posted this before but I've finally taken the plunge.

I was/am a news junkie. I get home and watch 5 hours of CNN, MSNBC and Fox (Fake) News before bed.

The news is extremely toxic. It's endless tragedy and death.

I'm also bitter that cable news has been doing 8 hours of Trump coverage per day since 2015...almost 10 years!

Today, I'm watching EWTN instead.


Anyone quit watching news??

Ya I don’t watch the news. Sometimes I’ll check the local news website. Otherwise I get my news through twitter memes where people are just roasting the **** out of world events
Whatever happened to people on here posting Babylon Bee stuff. That stuff was almost ironically funny because it was so unfunny.
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Do you ever listen to the other side? Just to hear their thoughts on specific topics?
Sometimes. I used to listen to FOXNews a little bit to hear their take. Cavuto and Shepard Smith weren’t bad. The Five when the cast was more sane. I can’t take Jesse Watters or Pirro. Never listened to Hannity or Carlson for more than a few minutes. They are pieces of shit.
Sometimes. I used to listen to FOXNews a little bit to hear their take. Cavuto and Shepard Smith weren’t bad. The Five when the cast was more sane. I can’t take Jesse Watters or Pirro. Never listened to Hannity or Carlson for more than a few minutes. They are pieces of shit.

Just me, but I think there are pieces on both sides
Whatever happened to people on here posting Babylon Bee stuff. That stuff was almost ironically funny because it was so unfunny.
now we get posts like "Libs, care to explain this?" and it's just like, a state congressperson begging for basic human rights
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I'm pretty sure I posted this before but I've finally taken the plunge.

I was/am a news junkie. I get home and watch 5 hours of CNN, MSNBC and Fox (Fake) News before bed.

The news is extremely toxic. It's endless tragedy and death.

I'm also bitter that cable news has been doing 8 hours of Trump coverage per day since 2015...almost 10 years!

Today, I'm watching EWTN instead.


Anyone quit watching news??

Long ago, and to have been watching that much talking heads was downright unhealthy. For the record, the world over is no better than the news.
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The issue is that you’re not watching ‘the news’. You’re watching, for lack of a better word, propaganda stations. CNN, Fox and others like them might sprinkle in a news story throughout their shows, but they are not dedicated ‘news’ networks.

I know this is not going to be popular, but if you truly want to know what’s going on in your community, state and nationally, then stick with the major networks like ABC, NBC and CBS and their affiliates. They will give you a more comprehensive, albeit in small doses, look at what is going on. In 30 minutes, they will cover politics, weather, current events, sports, domestic and international topics and so on.

The CNNs, Foxs, Newsmaxs and CNBCs of the world push politics and viewpoints and they cater to very particular audiences.
The issue is that you’re not watching ‘the news’. You’re watching, for lack of a better word, propaganda stations. CNN, Fox and others like them might sprinkle in a news story throughout their shows, but they are not dedicated ‘news’ networks.

I know this is not going to be popular, but if you truly want to know what’s going on in your community, state and nationally, then stick with the major networks like ABC, NBC and CBS and their affiliates. They will give you a more comprehensive, albeit in small doses, look at what is going on. In 30 minutes, they will cover politics, weather, current events, sports, domestic and international topics and so on.

The CNNs, Foxs, Newsmaxs and CNBCs of the world push politics and viewpoints and they cater to very particular audiences.
Neither is really the news.
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Hell yes, about 8-9 years ago. I watch nothing any more - local, national, cable networks, news at all.

To add to that, Covid pretty much gave me a terrific time to quit watching TV entirely except for football and other occasional sporting events.

I do watch a couple hours of Youtube per day (based around 25 or so contributors), and that's about it.
Stopped watching local and national news at least 6-7 months ago. We live in the Chicago area and part of the problem locally is 95% of the time the news opens up with some shooting/murder. Our young kids don’t need to see that stuff
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Here's your boy's question getting answered on EWTN.

Pascal's wager only works if God can be fooled by pretending to believe something.

And to answer the OP, I stopped watching any TV news 20+ years ago. 95% of TV news is produced to manipulate emotions and entertain and about 5% is to inform. It's not difficult to understand how we got to this point.
I looked at stuff online. CNN, BBC, Huff Post, Fox News. But my primary source is HROT.
Mine too. It is why I don’t have many people on ignore-so I can get both sides. Also drive a lot for work so alternate between AM600 (conservative) and NPR. The shows on 600 are constant anything Biden does is bad and Trump is the best ever but biggest victim as well. Constant. Non stop. At least NPR has science and music. Funny story-the week Trump started selling bibles, Doug Wagner on the morning show for the first time ever started talking about how we could all use a little more Godliness. I laughed….
Mine too. It is why I don’t have many people on ignore-so I can get both sides. Also drive a lot for work so alternate between AM600 (conservative) and NPR. The shows on 600 are constant anything Biden does is bad and Trump is the best ever but biggest victim as well. Constant. Non stop. At least NPR has science and music. Funny story-the week Trump started selling bibles, Doug Wagner on the morning show for the first time ever started talking about how we could all use a little more Godliness. I laughed….
While it is not my primary source, I do think there’s truth to the fact that sites like this (and their more conservative analogs) actually provide an outstanding way to keep current via crowdsourcing. You have to do a little triangulation and of course filtering of the worst users on such sites, but in my experience it’s both better and faster as a gateway to all sorts of information.
I stopped almost all video news and commentary early in the Trump presidency when I decided to put him on ignore. I’ve noticed my like-minded people who continue to consume infotainment at even moderate rates are emotional, irrational, and forgetfully fickle with “their” opinions—swayed by the never ending rearrangement of “facts” to suit the mass narratives. If you point out what they fervently believed 6
Months ago and they get deeply irritated. I prefer a long-context type of understanding which is easily eroded by the info blitz. Being “informed ” is a passive process that requires submission.

EDIT: The non like minded people are much the same, but scary and shithouse rat crazy.
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Never really started. I'll watch it if I'm at my parents house and they want to, but other than that I'm mostly watching sports and kids shows.

Watching 5 hours of news every day is just absolutely insane. No offense.
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Morning local news every morning—primarily for weather and traffic as well as local events stories. NPR really early when I go to the gym and on the weekends. And several news driven podcasts.
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I never watched any national News entertainment channels and stopped watching local News almost 15 years ago, it’s been blissful. I still visit our local online news sites at least once a week. Like others have said, I get most of my relevant news from here.
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We will probably cut down as the election draws closer. I listen to CNN and MSNBC during the day while doing other things and already I sometimes switch to music or anything else. Something we may try again what we did in 2020 and 2016, - when the wall to wall political ads show up on TV, record the network news so we can fast forward through the ads later.
Downside is I like to flip through the 3 networks and I won't bother recording all 3 of them!
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