Has DJT been sedated?

You'll have to excuse me for hedging my bet against the lady who a) cannot tell the same.story twice b) said the event happened in a dress that hadn't even been created for 2 years post the supposed event, c) thinks rape is "sexy".
Well do ya believe donnie when he says he can grab women by the pussy because he is a celebrity? Not necessarily the one he is liable for, maybe a few others?
That is you and the Likers. The gotcha is the story of JB and KH. They gotcha
Oh My Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live
You'll have to excuse me for hedging my bet against the lady who a) cannot tell the same.story twice b) said the event happened in a dress that hadn't even been created for 2 years post the supposed event, c) thinks rape is "sexy".
Hopefully this wouldn’t be your attitude if your daughter is ever sexually assaulted.

Let me know when there’s a party that’s serious about the national debt.
Agreed, while I think there are many first-timer politicians that have that in mind when they get elected into office, once they get to Washington it’s a tough thing to stick with. However, doesn’t mean we don’t keep trying to vote such people into office.
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Her being a mega donor

Wow, that’s especially unhinged talk there.

In summary, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is actually better than the Congressional Medal of Honor because most of the soldiers who received that award are in bad shape and full of shrapnel or dead.

And all the while, stroking Miriam Adelson’s crusty crack.

What is this guy doing?
I'm demanding your candidate stop lying, quit childish ramblings, quit committing felonies, stop cavorting and paying off porno prostitutes, and stop sexual abusing women. I demand it. Not sure why you and others are not.
Poor ff is about to tap out. Harris is loving it. She is winning the debate without saying anything, save the occasional dagger.
The drump, meanwhile, continually gushes mush mouth crap non stop, meanwhile his posse demands that Harris speaks more.
Why speak, let the clown run his circus.
Wow, that’s especially unhinged talk there.

In summary, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is actually better than the Congressional Medal of Honor because most of the soldiers who received that award are in bad shape and full of shrapnel or dead.

And all the while, stroking Miriam Adelson’s crusty crack.

What is this guy doing?
rewarding people that give him money
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I'm demanding your candidate make herself available, not sure why you and others are not.
Are you her boss? You don’t tell her what to do or when. We already know her agenda and priorities. You can read about them…
drump demands air time, Harris is laughing every time the clown speaks. He is the gift that keeps on giving.
Are you her boss? You don’t tell her what to do or when. We already know her agenda and priorities. You can read about them…
drump demands air time, Harris is laughing every time the clown speaks. He is the gift that keeps on giving.
You can read about them…..
You seem really sad that Harris doesn’t listen to your demands. She is allowing her opponent the chance to self destruct and he is doing so.

Research Ali and rope a dope.
You are swinging at windmills and missing badly, as is your desperate leader.
Funny as hell…
You are a clown also.
  • Haha
Reactions: billanole
You are a clown also.
This is post 135 from this thread. Thanks and props, @RileyHawk
You want to know some of what Harris stands for, dip stick?
Her positions have been articulated and are easy to find. Your simply following along with the rest of the desperate right wing claiming she hasn't stated her policy positions.

Kamala Harris, as Vice President and previously as a U.S. Senator and 2020 presidential candidate, has advocated for a range of policies that reflect her platform on various issues. Here’s an overview of the key elements of her platform:

1. Health Care

  • Medicare for All: Initially supported a single-payer system during her presidential campaign, with a plan that would transition over 10 years and allow for the continuation of private insurance.
  • Affordable Care: Advocated for strengthening and expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure more Americans have access to affordable health care.
  • Reproductive Rights: Strong advocate for protecting and expanding access to reproductive health services, including abortion rights.

2. Criminal Justice Reform

  • End Cash Bail: Proposed the elimination of cash bail to reduce the criminal justice system’s disproportionate impact on low-income individuals.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Supported the federal legalization of marijuana and the expungement of records for those convicted of marijuana-related offenses.
  • Police Reform: Advocated for police accountability measures, including a national database for police misconduct, banning chokeholds, and implementing nationwide use of body cameras.

3. Economic Justice

  • Middle-Class Tax Cuts: Proposed tax cuts for middle-class families, including the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which would provide tax credits of up to $6,000 per year.
  • Minimum Wage Increase: Supported raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
  • Equal Pay: Advocated for policies to close the gender pay gap, including requiring companies to certify that they are paying men and women equally for comparable work.

4. Climate Change and Environmental Justice

  • Green New Deal: Co-sponsored the Green New Deal, a broad resolution aimed at addressing climate change through investments in clean energy and infrastructure.
  • Environmental Justice: Introduced legislation focused on addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on low-income communities and communities of color.

5. Education

  • Teacher Pay: Proposed a federal investment to increase teacher salaries by an average of $13,500 per year.
  • Student Debt Relief: Advocated for reducing student loan debt, particularly for borrowers from low-income backgrounds, and supported making community college free.

6. Immigration

  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Supported creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DREAMers protected under DACA.
  • Family Reunification: Opposed the Trump administration’s family separation policy and advocated for reuniting families who were separated at the border.

7. Voting Rights

  • For the People Act: Supported this electoral reform bill that aims to expand voting rights, reduce the influence of money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants.
  • John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: Advocated for restoring and strengthening the Voting Rights Act to protect against discriminatory voting practices.

8. Gun Control

  • Universal Background Checks: Called for mandatory universal background checks for all gun purchases.
  • Assault Weapons Ban: Supported reinstating the federal ban on assault weapons.

9. Women’s Rights

  • Reproductive Freedom: Strong advocate for women’s reproductive rights and access to abortion services.
  • Paid Family Leave: Supported federal policies to ensure workers have access to paid family leave for family and medical reasons.

10. Labor Rights

  • Workers’ Rights: Advocated for strengthening unions, protecting workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively, and ensuring fair wages and working conditions.

11. Civil Rights

  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Supported measures to protect and expand rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, including advocating for the Equality Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Racial Equity: Promoted policies aimed at addressing systemic racism, including criminal justice reform, economic justice initiatives, and expanding access to quality education and health care.

12. Foreign Policy

  • Global Alliances: Emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening global alliances, especially with NATO allies.
  • Human Rights: Advocated for a foreign policy centered on human rights, including supporting democratic movements and condemning authoritarian regimes.
These elements reflect the major themes of Kamala Harris’s platform, which is aligned with many progressive and Democratic Party values. As Vice President, her role primarily involves supporting the broader agenda of the Biden administration.
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This is post 135 from this thread.
You want to know some of what Harris stands for, dip stick?
Her positions have been articulated and are easy to find. Your simply following along with the rest of the desperate right wing claiming she hasn't stated her policy positions.

Kamala Harris, as Vice President and previously as a U.S. Senator and 2020 presidential candidate, has advocated for a range of policies that reflect her platform on various issues. Here’s an overview of the key elements of her platform:

1. Health Care

  • Medicare for All: Initially supported a single-payer system during her presidential campaign, with a plan that would transition over 10 years and allow for the continuation of private insurance.
  • Affordable Care: Advocated for strengthening and expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure more Americans have access to affordable health care.
  • Reproductive Rights: Strong advocate for protecting and expanding access to reproductive health services, including abortion rights.

2. Criminal Justice Reform

  • End Cash Bail: Proposed the elimination of cash bail to reduce the criminal justice system’s disproportionate impact on low-income individuals.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Supported the federal legalization of marijuana and the expungement of records for those convicted of marijuana-related offenses.
  • Police Reform: Advocated for police accountability measures, including a national database for police misconduct, banning chokeholds, and implementing nationwide use of body cameras.

3. Economic Justice

  • Middle-Class Tax Cuts: Proposed tax cuts for middle-class families, including the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which would provide tax credits of up to $6,000 per year.
  • Minimum Wage Increase: Supported raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
  • Equal Pay: Advocated for policies to close the gender pay gap, including requiring companies to certify that they are paying men and women equally for comparable work.

4. Climate Change and Environmental Justice

  • Green New Deal: Co-sponsored the Green New Deal, a broad resolution aimed at addressing climate change through investments in clean energy and infrastructure.
  • Environmental Justice: Introduced legislation focused on addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on low-income communities and communities of color.

5. Education

  • Teacher Pay: Proposed a federal investment to increase teacher salaries by an average of $13,500 per year.
  • Student Debt Relief: Advocated for reducing student loan debt, particularly for borrowers from low-income backgrounds, and supported making community college free.

6. Immigration

  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Supported creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DREAMers protected under DACA.
  • Family Reunification: Opposed the Trump administration’s family separation policy and advocated for reuniting families who were separated at the border.

7. Voting Rights

  • For the People Act: Supported this electoral reform bill that aims to expand voting rights, reduce the influence of money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants.
  • John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: Advocated for restoring and strengthening the Voting Rights Act to protect against discriminatory voting practices.

8. Gun Control

  • Universal Background Checks: Called for mandatory universal background checks for all gun purchases.
  • Assault Weapons Ban: Supported reinstating the federal ban on assault weapons.

9. Women’s Rights

  • Reproductive Freedom: Strong advocate for women’s reproductive rights and access to abortion services.
  • Paid Family Leave: Supported federal policies to ensure workers have access to paid family leave for family and medical reasons.

10. Labor Rights

  • Workers’ Rights: Advocated for strengthening unions, protecting workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively, and ensuring fair wages and working conditions.

11. Civil Rights

  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Supported measures to protect and expand rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, including advocating for the Equality Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Racial Equity: Promoted policies aimed at addressing systemic racism, including criminal justice reform, economic justice initiatives, and expanding access to quality education and health care.

12. Foreign Policy

  • Global Alliances: Emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening global alliances, especially with NATO allies.
  • Human Rights: Advocated for a foreign policy centered on human rights, including supporting democratic movements and condemning authoritarian regimes.
These elements reflect the major themes of Kamala Harris’s platform, which is aligned with many progressive and Democratic Party values. As Vice President, her role primarily involves supporting the broader agenda of the Biden administration.
They are desperately waiting to counter Orange’s regular mouth garbage with what they will say is word salad from Harris. Because they have nothing else.
This is post 135 from this thread. Thanks and props, @RileyHawk
You want to know some of what Harris stands for, dip stick?
Her positions have been articulated and are easy to find. Your simply following along with the rest of the desperate right wing claiming she hasn't stated her policy positions.

Kamala Harris, as Vice President and previously as a U.S. Senator and 2020 presidential candidate, has advocated for a range of policies that reflect her platform on various issues. Here’s an overview of the key elements of her platform:

1. Health Care

  • Medicare for All: Initially supported a single-payer system during her presidential campaign, with a plan that would transition over 10 years and allow for the continuation of private insurance.
  • Affordable Care: Advocated for strengthening and expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure more Americans have access to affordable health care.
  • Reproductive Rights: Strong advocate for protecting and expanding access to reproductive health services, including abortion rights.

2. Criminal Justice Reform

  • End Cash Bail: Proposed the elimination of cash bail to reduce the criminal justice system’s disproportionate impact on low-income individuals.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Supported the federal legalization of marijuana and the expungement of records for those convicted of marijuana-related offenses.
  • Police Reform: Advocated for police accountability measures, including a national database for police misconduct, banning chokeholds, and implementing nationwide use of body cameras.

3. Economic Justice

  • Middle-Class Tax Cuts: Proposed tax cuts for middle-class families, including the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which would provide tax credits of up to $6,000 per year.
  • Minimum Wage Increase: Supported raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
  • Equal Pay: Advocated for policies to close the gender pay gap, including requiring companies to certify that they are paying men and women equally for comparable work.

4. Climate Change and Environmental Justice

  • Green New Deal: Co-sponsored the Green New Deal, a broad resolution aimed at addressing climate change through investments in clean energy and infrastructure.
  • Environmental Justice: Introduced legislation focused on addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on low-income communities and communities of color.

5. Education

  • Teacher Pay: Proposed a federal investment to increase teacher salaries by an average of $13,500 per year.
  • Student Debt Relief: Advocated for reducing student loan debt, particularly for borrowers from low-income backgrounds, and supported making community college free.

6. Immigration

  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Supported creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DREAMers protected under DACA.
  • Family Reunification: Opposed the Trump administration’s family separation policy and advocated for reuniting families who were separated at the border.

7. Voting Rights

  • For the People Act: Supported this electoral reform bill that aims to expand voting rights, reduce the influence of money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants.
  • John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: Advocated for restoring and strengthening the Voting Rights Act to protect against discriminatory voting practices.

8. Gun Control

  • Universal Background Checks: Called for mandatory universal background checks for all gun purchases.
  • Assault Weapons Ban: Supported reinstating the federal ban on assault weapons.

9. Women’s Rights

  • Reproductive Freedom: Strong advocate for women’s reproductive rights and access to abortion services.
  • Paid Family Leave: Supported federal policies to ensure workers have access to paid family leave for family and medical reasons.

10. Labor Rights

  • Workers’ Rights: Advocated for strengthening unions, protecting workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively, and ensuring fair wages and working conditions.

11. Civil Rights

  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Supported measures to protect and expand rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, including advocating for the Equality Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Racial Equity: Promoted policies aimed at addressing systemic racism, including criminal justice reform, economic justice initiatives, and expanding access to quality education and health care.

12. Foreign Policy

  • Global Alliances: Emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening global alliances, especially with NATO allies.
  • Human Rights: Advocated for a foreign policy centered on human rights, including supporting democratic movements and condemning authoritarian regimes.
These elements reflect the major themes of Kamala Harris’s platform, which is aligned with many progressive and Democratic Party values. As Vice President, her role primarily involves supporting the broader agenda of the Biden administration.
^^^^This is all great, but she won't do an interview.

Amirite, MAGA
I'd say he has the public speaking skills of a kindergartener, but that would be offensive to kindergarteners.
4th grade. I keep posting this. Ask any grade school teacher you know and they will tell you he functions at a grade school level. The most charitable will say 6th grade. There are reasons he never shows his transcripts.
Are you her boss? You don’t tell her what to do or when. We already know her agenda and priorities. You can read about them…
drump demands air time, Harris is laughing every time the clown speaks. He is the gift that keeps on giving.

This is post 135 from this thread. Thanks and props, @RileyHawk
You want to know some of what Harris stands for, dip stick?
Her positions have been articulated and are easy to find. Your simply following along with the rest of the desperate right wing claiming she hasn't stated her policy positions.

Kamala Harris, as Vice President and previously as a U.S. Senator and 2020 presidential candidate, has advocated for a range of policies that reflect her platform on various issues. Here’s an overview of the key elements of her platform:

1. Health Care

  • Medicare for All: Initially supported a single-payer system during her presidential campaign, with a plan that would transition over 10 years and allow for the continuation of private insurance.
  • Affordable Care: Advocated for strengthening and expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure more Americans have access to affordable health care.
  • Reproductive Rights: Strong advocate for protecting and expanding access to reproductive health services, including abortion rights.

2. Criminal Justice Reform

  • End Cash Bail: Proposed the elimination of cash bail to reduce the criminal justice system’s disproportionate impact on low-income individuals.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Supported the federal legalization of marijuana and the expungement of records for those convicted of marijuana-related offenses.
  • Police Reform: Advocated for police accountability measures, including a national database for police misconduct, banning chokeholds, and implementing nationwide use of body cameras.

3. Economic Justice

  • Middle-Class Tax Cuts: Proposed tax cuts for middle-class families, including the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which would provide tax credits of up to $6,000 per year.
  • Minimum Wage Increase: Supported raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
  • Equal Pay: Advocated for policies to close the gender pay gap, including requiring companies to certify that they are paying men and women equally for comparable work.

4. Climate Change and Environmental Justice

  • Green New Deal: Co-sponsored the Green New Deal, a broad resolution aimed at addressing climate change through investments in clean energy and infrastructure.
  • Environmental Justice: Introduced legislation focused on addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on low-income communities and communities of color.

5. Education

  • Teacher Pay: Proposed a federal investment to increase teacher salaries by an average of $13,500 per year.
  • Student Debt Relief: Advocated for reducing student loan debt, particularly for borrowers from low-income backgrounds, and supported making community college free.

6. Immigration

  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Supported creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DREAMers protected under DACA.
  • Family Reunification: Opposed the Trump administration’s family separation policy and advocated for reuniting families who were separated at the border.

7. Voting Rights

  • For the People Act: Supported this electoral reform bill that aims to expand voting rights, reduce the influence of money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants.
  • John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: Advocated for restoring and strengthening the Voting Rights Act to protect against discriminatory voting practices.

8. Gun Control

  • Universal Background Checks: Called for mandatory universal background checks for all gun purchases.
  • Assault Weapons Ban: Supported reinstating the federal ban on assault weapons.

9. Women’s Rights

  • Reproductive Freedom: Strong advocate for women’s reproductive rights and access to abortion services.
  • Paid Family Leave: Supported federal policies to ensure workers have access to paid family leave for family and medical reasons.

10. Labor Rights

  • Workers’ Rights: Advocated for strengthening unions, protecting workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively, and ensuring fair wages and working conditions.

11. Civil Rights

  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Supported measures to protect and expand rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, including advocating for the Equality Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Racial Equity: Promoted policies aimed at addressing systemic racism, including criminal justice reform, economic justice initiatives, and expanding access to quality education and health care.

12. Foreign Policy

  • Global Alliances: Emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening global alliances, especially with NATO allies.
  • Human Rights: Advocated for a foreign policy centered on human rights, including supporting democratic movements and condemning authoritarian regimes.
These elements reflect the major themes of Kamala Harris’s platform, which is aligned with many progressive and Democratic Party values. As Vice President, her role primarily involves supporting the broader agenda of the Biden administration.
You realize you can't even get past the very first one before you already get a contradiction in her record right? She just killed Medicare for all.
This is post 135 from this thread. Thanks and props, @RileyHawk
You want to know some of what Harris stands for, dip stick?
Her positions have been articulated and are easy to find. Your simply following along with the rest of the desperate right wing claiming she hasn't stated her policy positions.

Kamala Harris, as Vice President and previously as a U.S. Senator and 2020 presidential candidate, has advocated for a range of policies that reflect her platform on various issues. Here’s an overview of the key elements of her platform:

1. Health Care

  • Medicare for All: Initially supported a single-payer system during her presidential campaign, with a plan that would transition over 10 years and allow for the continuation of private insurance.
  • Affordable Care: Advocated for strengthening and expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure more Americans have access to affordable health care.
  • Reproductive Rights: Strong advocate for protecting and expanding access to reproductive health services, including abortion rights.

2. Criminal Justice Reform

  • End Cash Bail: Proposed the elimination of cash bail to reduce the criminal justice system’s disproportionate impact on low-income individuals.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Supported the federal legalization of marijuana and the expungement of records for those convicted of marijuana-related offenses.
  • Police Reform: Advocated for police accountability measures, including a national database for police misconduct, banning chokeholds, and implementing nationwide use of body cameras.

3. Economic Justice

  • Middle-Class Tax Cuts: Proposed tax cuts for middle-class families, including the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which would provide tax credits of up to $6,000 per year.
  • Minimum Wage Increase: Supported raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
  • Equal Pay: Advocated for policies to close the gender pay gap, including requiring companies to certify that they are paying men and women equally for comparable work.

4. Climate Change and Environmental Justice

  • Green New Deal: Co-sponsored the Green New Deal, a broad resolution aimed at addressing climate change through investments in clean energy and infrastructure.
  • Environmental Justice: Introduced legislation focused on addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on low-income communities and communities of color.

5. Education

  • Teacher Pay: Proposed a federal investment to increase teacher salaries by an average of $13,500 per year.
  • Student Debt Relief: Advocated for reducing student loan debt, particularly for borrowers from low-income backgrounds, and supported making community college free.

6. Immigration

  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Supported creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DREAMers protected under DACA.
  • Family Reunification: Opposed the Trump administration’s family separation policy and advocated for reuniting families who were separated at the border.

7. Voting Rights

  • For the People Act: Supported this electoral reform bill that aims to expand voting rights, reduce the influence of money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants.
  • John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: Advocated for restoring and strengthening the Voting Rights Act to protect against discriminatory voting practices.

8. Gun Control

  • Universal Background Checks: Called for mandatory universal background checks for all gun purchases.
  • Assault Weapons Ban: Supported reinstating the federal ban on assault weapons.

9. Women’s Rights

  • Reproductive Freedom: Strong advocate for women’s reproductive rights and access to abortion services.
  • Paid Family Leave: Supported federal policies to ensure workers have access to paid family leave for family and medical reasons.

10. Labor Rights

  • Workers’ Rights: Advocated for strengthening unions, protecting workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively, and ensuring fair wages and working conditions.

11. Civil Rights

  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Supported measures to protect and expand rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, including advocating for the Equality Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Racial Equity: Promoted policies aimed at addressing systemic racism, including criminal justice reform, economic justice initiatives, and expanding access to quality education and health care.

12. Foreign Policy

  • Global Alliances: Emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening global alliances, especially with NATO allies.
  • Human Rights: Advocated for a foreign policy centered on human rights, including supporting democratic movements and condemning authoritarian regimes.
These elements reflect the major themes of Kamala Harris’s platform, which is aligned with many progressive and Democratic Party values. As Vice President, her role primarily involves supporting the broader agenda of the Biden administration.
I’m sure she just flip flopped on all those.
Awesome thread. Nine pages of people who aren’t going to change their minds about who they’re going to vote for trying to convince people on the opposite side of the spectrum to change their minds about who THEY’RE going to vote for.

Clown show.
  • Haha
Reactions: RileyHawk
He grifted a free hour of TV time. They can’t repeat that.
Maybe, but by about 1/3 of the way through the slithering idiots speech, MSNBC cut away.
Then just over 1/2 way through CNN cut off the clownshow.
I think Fox may have covered nearly all off it, but that's a sizeable portion of viewers that didn't watch the entire thing.

Regardless, most sane people saw what it really was and everyone had heard that spiel before.

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