Exactly. Accordingly, attempting to use "bad fan" guilt to manipulate people into continuing to buy this shitty product is just goofy.
It lacks any understanding of the real world. And frankly, being so incessant about it is a little sus.
All I did was plead fans to "do their best" to attend and support the team.We are all fans and wish best for the program. But doesn’t mean we have to spend our $ to watch a bad product to be “real fans” let alone being lectured on it by someone who didn’t even attend the game last night.
It turned out I was not able to attend. But I did my best to make it happen. And again, I will attend the handful of games per season that that I'm capable of, regardless of the team's record or coach.
That fact that you guys are so sensitive to someone asking to help give the guys a good environment to play in shows what shitty fans you are. You weren't being "lectured" or "guilt-tripped", and you aren't now. Just calling it as it is