He should still be with us

Good, however many do and continue to use that as an example, along with the Blake kid from Wisconsin.

Imagine if the left didn't utilize false narratives from cases to fan the flames of racial division. Maybe if this wasn't part of their playbook, the country could have avoided the death and destruction in the aftermath of the MN case.
Imagine if the left didn't utilize false narratives from cases to fan the flames of racial division. Maybe if this wasn't part of their playbook, the country could have avoided the death and destruction in the aftermath of the MN case.
The economy sucked and Obama won in '08 and maybe rightfully so. '12 was the introduction into race/woke politics and we still see the effects of it.
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Maybe Heather Locklear should move to MN to make you happy. You do care or you wouldnt have commented. Oh wait she not a black male.

This is a perfect example of a bigot commenting on a tragic situation.

Unfortunately, the world has to exist with like you in it.

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