Hearst TV and dish network..

Kurt Warner

HB Heisman
Jan 12, 2010
Anyone else mad as heck about their contract dispute?? Damn I'm so pi**ed. I blame Hearst, am I right in doing so? Anyone know?
Anyone else mad as heck about their contract dispute?? Damn I'm so pi**ed. I blame Hearst, am I right in doing so? Anyone know?
This will become a regular on going problem between the networks and satalite or cable providers. Even though network programming was always said to be free to consumers, the networks have found a way to charge the outside providers with fees in order to carry their programming. It all seems counter productive, because now the network in question,(in KC market its channel 9), has removed their own programming from the TV's of all those households. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Went through the same thing with channel 4 (Fox), last year.