Help me...

CSB time.
My FIL showed up at our house yesterday with a Trump 2024 hat on. My youngest spotted it out the window and asked why he was wearing a Trump hat to my NP and me. I just rolled my eyes but Mrs. Insane about lost her shit. I’m pretty sure he was wearing it just to get a reaction, which after I calmed the NP down, didn’t happen.

He’s an old, white, religious farmer who watches Fox regularly. He fits every demographic Trump goes after, so it was no surprise to me that he will vote for Trump a third time despite having a trans grandchild.

I just found out tonight, that my SIL had recently FaceTimed my FIL and he was wearing the same hat. Apparently she cried herself to sleep that night because she has completely lost respect for her father. It will be an interesting Holiday season if Trump wins.

Luckily for me, I burned the in-laws bridge. Haven't been to Hee Haw Ozarks in 2 1/2 years. Another quiet Christmas coming. I love it.

Luckily for me, I burned the in-laws bridge. Haven't been to Hee Haw Ozarks in 2 1/2 years. Another quiet Christmas coming. I love it.
I would be okay burning the in-law bridge as well as most of my family.

The in-law Christmas got a little edgy last year when a couple of the aunts and uncles went on a racist rant. Our kids were looking at us like WTF?
I hate Trump. I really hate Trump. However, with what I have read and watched lately I think he is going to win. Americans are stupid.

Help me off the cliff.
CSB time.
My FIL showed up at our house yesterday with a Trump 2024 hat on. My youngest spotted it out the window and asked why he was wearing a Trump hat to my NP and me. I just rolled my eyes but Mrs. Insane about lost her shit. I’m pretty sure he was wearing it just to get a reaction, which after I calmed the NP down, didn’t happen.

He’s an old, white, religious farmer who watches Fox regularly. He fits every demographic Trump goes after, so it was no surprise to me that he will vote for Trump a third time despite having a trans grandchild.

I just found out tonight, that my SIL had recently FaceTimed my FIL and he was wearing the same hat. Apparently she cried herself to sleep that night because she has completely lost respect for her father. It will be an interesting Holiday season if Trump wins.
Sounds like everyone in your family needs to get a grip on life, except for your father-in-law. Seriously, crying and losing your shit because dad doesn’t vote the way you want him to? Sounds like his biggest fault was raising spoiled, entitled brats, rather than voting a particular way.
OP here’s the way I look at it:
  1. He very well may win. It’s sad it is a dead heat, but this is a real possibility. But, if he does it will be two years with a red senate and a blue house. In 26 both houses will go blue and in 2028 we will see the MAGA rebuke. Yes Trump will damage the country in those four years, but not irreparably. The best way to avoid this is to convince as many people as possible to vote Harris.
This is pretty reasonable. You realize this doesnt fit the existential threat narrative right?
I think we should have some kind of wager on here. If Trump wins, all of the hard core lefties predicting a surefire Trump win (we can make a list) have to stay off of HBOT until inauguration day. If Harris wins, (again we make a list), all of the hardcore righties have to do the same.

What do you think?
Yep. Im for it. Count me in.
Sounds like everyone in your family needs to get a grip on life, except for your father-in-law. Seriously, crying and losing your shit because dad doesn’t vote the way you want him to? Sounds like his biggest fault was raising spoiled, entitled brats, rather than voting a particular way.
I agree. How someone can be so hardened in their politics that they dislike family because of who they vote for is crazy.

This is their politics. I dont hate Harris voters. I think they are wrong and voting for an unprepared candidate but they are still my fellow American.

This is like saying I hate someone because of what gender they decide to marry. I mean really it is. They made a choice, in this example, that dont agree with so I hate them. This sort of choice is bigoted and closed minded. Yet, if someone hates someone because of their vote its ok?

Everyone has reasons for voting the way they do. It may be one small issue for all you know. The fact is, Trump really is not the existential threat you all claim him to be so any excuse to be mad at voters for him because he wants to destroy America is dishonest. 'I can hate my father-in-law because he wants to vote for Trump'. Grow the F up.

If I was a world expert in your serious cancer type, and I voted Trump, would you seriously walk out? Because if the answer is no, you're a POS human for judging family for this.

As others have said, 4 years will go by, no matter the President, and the country will still be here. I think a great number of thigs will be temporarily worse if Harris wins but I have also been around long enough to know this thing too will pass.
His former attorney Michael Cohen said it on his podcast.

Let's hope he's wrong.

He said, if Trump gets in we are invading Mexico and/or Canada? Did he also give a reason why?

I mean, if we are just going with “because he is crazy” why not say if Trump is president he is going to declare pepperoni pizza as the only type of object people can wear on their heads……because you know….he’s crazy.

Now if you said, he’s going to use the US military to stop the influx of immigration….ok, it seems extreme from what we’ve traditionally done but I could believe that.
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He said, if Trump gets in we are invading Mexico and/or Canada? Did he also give a reason why?

I mean, if we are just going with “because he is crazy” why not say if Trump is president he is going to declare pepperoni pizza as the only type of object people can wear on their heads……because you know….he’s crazy.

Now if you said, he’s going to use the US military to stop the influx of immigration….ok, it seems extreme from what we’ve traditionally done but I could believe that.

Because Trump loves Putin and wants to be like him.

aI’m a big Avett Brothers fan, in their song Head full of doubt, Road full of Promise, they have a verse that says, “when your life doesn’t change by the man who’s elected” that verse always stuck out to me because it’s so true. Your life won’t change much no matter who is elected.

They played that song at their concert in CR soon after Trump was elected and the crowd went wild after those lyrics. It was a great concert.

It is strange, I was listening to that song this weekend and thought the same thing. Huge fan of them. However, I don't think the lyric is applicable this year. Trump has no guardrails.

I would be okay burning the in-law bridge as well as most of my family.

The in-law Christmas got a little edgy last year when a couple of the aunts and uncles went on a racist rant. Our kids were looking at us like WTF?

I officially burned my bridge with my MIL when she came into the house and said multiple very subtle racist bombs. I don't care what you want to believe in your own house, but don't drop the passive aggressive racist comments in my house.
CSB time.
My FIL showed up at our house yesterday with a Trump 2024 hat on. My youngest spotted it out the window and asked why he was wearing a Trump hat to my NP and me. I just rolled my eyes but Mrs. Insane about lost her shit. I’m pretty sure he was wearing it just to get a reaction, which after I calmed the NP down, didn’t happen.

He’s an old, white, religious farmer who watches Fox regularly. He fits every demographic Trump goes after, so it was no surprise to me that he will vote for Trump a third time despite having a trans grandchild.

I just found out tonight, that my SIL had recently FaceTimed my FIL and he was wearing the same hat. Apparently she cried herself to sleep that night because she has completely lost respect for her father. It will be an interesting Holiday season if Trump wins.
If you find yourself fighting family over politics, you are doing it wrong.
Buy this and wait for the apocalypse after November 5th. Better to be prepared!!

Prepper jokes aside, it's going to be a very ugly November no matter how the vote comes out or is spun.
Oh he's definitely going to win, and you should be excited as he is 100x better than Kamala harris, the failed border czar. Enjoy the show, comrades.

She's gonna lose bigly lmfaooooo but in her own words lefties, do not despair. You cannot despair.
I hate Trump. I really hate Trump. However, with what I have read and watched lately I think he is going to win. Americans are stupid.

Help me off the cliff.
Thank goodness the President of the United States is not a king. We have a system of checks and balances. The Executive Branch is only 1/3 of the government. So despite what the media tries to scare you into believing, Trump cannot become a dictator. If he could, so could every president we've ever had or will ever have, including Kamala Harris.
The best way to keep a president in check is to not give that president's party a super majority in Congress.
(2) Trump is going to win (Harris wins the popular vote but not enough swing states). Take heart, this is his last term! Our armed forces will not let him stay longer than that.
Our "armed forces" would have no say in the matter here.

Once America loses its Constitutional protections due to a dictator taking hold w/ his lackeys doing what he wants, all bets are off.

Quite a few historians have outlined that this is exactly how democracies fail. SC already dropped a massive bomb w/ "absolute immunity" nonsense, which completely undermines Rule of Law.
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Yes Trump will damage the country in those four years, but not irreparably.

You underestimate how much damage his policies can do in 2-4 yrs.

Tariffs, alone, are going to break the economy and set us up for another major Depression event.
If Trump wins my life stays the same

No; it really won't.

Tariff/trade wars are going to impact Main St badly.
You're going to see budget deficits balloon the debt beyond anything you'd imagined (which is what economists are warning you about).

But, you'll get to bully gay and trans people, incessantly, so you'll have that going for you.