Hey Maga & Rs how is that economy looking?

Well for starters, I wouldn't blame people that didn't vote, at all.

Yeah, it's a fact that everyone is to blame in the grand scheme, but those that choose not to vote will be blamed by whichever side loses anyways, so it cancels out in the end. Trump supporters blamed non-voters in 2020. Dem supporters do the same when they lose.

That's not even like blaming the refs for losing a game, though. That's like blaming your dog for the puke stain that just so happened to end up on the carpet the morning after you got blackout drunk at an Iowa-Iowa State football game watch-party........and you don't own a dog.

And third-party party voters can be on your list because they actually chose to vote. But again, they shouldn't be blamed by the losing side as if they're MORE responsible than the losing side.
Eligible voters who chose not to vote are absolutely culpable for our current mess. They had a choice that would have been far less bad (my opinion…obviously not everyone agrees) but chose to sit on the sidelines. They had agency and you are acting like they did not.

We are just going to disagree on this. If they face negative consequences then maybe next time around they will get off their lazy asses and vote.
Confused Britney Spears GIF
I get the response. ;)
I voted for neither. My best hope for Trump was a reset with some tariffs, tough times due to some austerity. Instead he’s been worse than expected, with zero adults in the room to course correct.
Worse than YOU expected because you summarily dismissed the many warnings. Project 2025 was a f’n blueprint for what they wanted to do, and despite the massive connections between that document and Trump, you ignored it. There were posters on this site telling you to expect a lurch toward fascism and a realignment toward Russia and you refused to listen. ANYONE who expected the GOP to behave like the “adults in the room” and push back against Trump’s power grab…I can’t come up with a sufficiently powerful word to describe how stupid they are. You “voting for neither” was a craven capitulation to Trump and to a reality you simply refused to accept in your “both sides” bullshit world.
This will be great fodder for the left probably for the next 2-3 quarters. I think a recession is likely, particularly with the focus on cutting waste in combination with the condition of the economy when Trump entered office, and the long overdue market correction which will have a negative impact on 401k/stocks.

Massive cuts to government spending and the elimination of government jobs are both positive for the long term economic prospects of America, but have a negative impact on GDP in the short term.

In that sense it actually kind of IS a feature, not a bug... BUT we aren't going to know probably for 12-18 months, which conveniently will align with the timing of mid-term elections, and I would be willing to bet that timing is not lost on team Trump or anyone in Washington.

Nonetheless, the Dems will have full license to hoot and hollar about it in the coming months, and Rs will just have to deal with it.

10 out of the last 11 recessions started under republican administrations so this is pretty much par for the course.

Every time democrats are in power, the cons hoot and hollar as if the country is falling apart and only the cons can save it. When they regain power, the smugness kicks in and they declare America saved and the left vanquished forever. Every time.

Actual results:

Real GDP growth4.33%2.54%1.79 pp0.01
Job creation rate %2.59%1.17%1.42 pp0.02
Unemployment rate %5.64%6.01%0.38 pp0.62
Unemployment rate change-0.83 pp+1.09 pp1.92 pp0.01
Inflation rate (GDP deflator)2.89%3.44%0.55 pp0.59
Budget deficit % potential GDP2.09%2.78%0.69 pp0.30
Stock market S&P 500 annual return8.35%2.70%5.65 pp0.15
Objection your honor - speculation.......
Well, I quoted you, so I suppose you object to yourself. And you should.
And you didn't do enough to stop it. Voting is not enough (apparently).

So I guess you're left with the question...............what more can you do?
Well, I knocked on doors and made phone calls but the vote is where power resides. That you refuse to accept that is just your apologist nature, I suppose. That’s speculation, of course. You might just be dumber than I think you are.
P.S. we need to have a side bar about the term GOP, and all the other f***ing moronic cringy political terminologies you people use like libtards etc etc. You people entrenched with your life-consuming daily doses of politics truly are f***ing geeks, and I mean that with the utmost disrespect. :D
I have no idea WTF this is supposed to mean. GOP is “f***ing moronic cringy political terminology”? Since when? The Republican Party has been referred to as the GOP for 150 years. Maybe you ARE dumber than I thought.
Worse than YOU expected because you summarily dismissed the many warnings. Project 2025 was a f’n blueprint for what they wanted to do, and despite the massive connections between that document and Trump, you ignored it. There were posters on this site telling you to expect a lurch toward fascism and a realignment toward Russia and you refused to listen. ANYONE who expected the GOP to behave like the “adults in the room” and push back against Trump’s power grab…I can’t come up with a sufficiently powerful word to describe how stupid they are. You “voting for neither” was a craven capitulation to Trump and to a reality you simply refused to accept in your “both sides” bullshit world.
His first term, before Covid , wasn’t bad at all
Get your house together and then worry about ours. None of this is a surprise to you guys but you couldn’t bother to take the necessary steps to stop it You guys cried for 4 years about the day democracy almost died, and then put the nail in the coffin.

Hell even Jake Tapper wrote a book about how everyone knew about Joe and tried to help cover it up.
Tapper is now the token white guy? I wonder how much he got paid off. Must be a Putin puppet and asset. Sabotaged the debate that some watched. We know not everyone watched one….
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It wasn't as great as he'd like people to believe either. He inherited a robust economy from Obama with low unemployment, low inflation, and solid if unspectacular GDP growth.
So true. MAGAs like to think he turned around a failing situation and that's not true at all. The truth is, Covid saved the blame for a falling economy on him.
Worse than YOU expected because you summarily dismissed the many warnings. Project 2025 was a f’n blueprint for what they wanted to do, and despite the massive connections between that document and Trump, you ignored it. There were posters on this site telling you to expect a lurch toward fascism and a realignment toward Russia and you refused to listen. ANYONE who expected the GOP to behave like the “adults in the room” and push back against Trump’s power grab…I can’t come up with a sufficiently powerful word to describe how stupid they are. You “voting for neither” was a craven capitulation to Trump and to a reality you simply refused to accept in your “both sides” bullshit world.
Democrats forget how much they tried to destroy this country under Biden.
You guys were trying to trans our kids, take away the rights of women, make race and gender more important than merit. You basically declared war against the white male. Biden signed the green energy deal which probably kept the economy from crashing but it also increased inflation so bad that everyone was suffering except the upper middle class and elite.
You pushed Dei to the point where we had to have trans onsies for babies displayed front and center in every Target around the country.

You guys were effed up and were a cancer to the country and the world. I would gladly take a recession under Trump to avoid all the crazy shit that was being pushed under Biden.

People finally started realizing that the dems were pushing a globalist system that would give the global elite more power in the USA than the people. You were on course to destroy our freedom and our democracy.
His first term, before Covid , wasn’t bad at all
Because he did nothing. He passed zero significant legislation - even with control of Congress for two years. He had people around him who refused to allow him to literally break the law - people who said they were afraid to resign in fear of who would take their place. Not one metric improved its trajectory from Obama through Trump's first term. Then covid comes along and he completely bungles it - to the point that the most cited author on infectious diseases in the world was hiding his face in his hands while Trump spoke nonsense. Trump stood right in front of you and incited a fvcking insurrection in an attempt to remain in power. People died as a result. His one VP was being hunted by the mob for refusing to ignore the Constitution.

Trump told you he wouldn't make the same mistakes in his second term - you know, by appointing people with some semblance of character. He told you he was going to exact political/legal revenge against anyone who opposed him. Project 2025 laid out their plans in the starkest terms. The congressional GOP made it abundantly clear that they were full-on cultists with no desire to stand up to Trump.

None of this is new information.




Democrats forget how much they tried to destroy this country under Biden.
You guys were trying to trans our kids, take away the rights of women, make race and gender more important than merit. You basically declared war against the white male. Biden signed the green energy deal which probably kept the economy from crashing but it also increased inflation so bad that everyone was suffering except the upper middle class and elite.
You pushed Dei to the point where we had to have trans onsies for babies displayed front and center in every Target around the country.

You guys were effed up and were a cancer to the country and the world. I would gladly take a recession under Trump to avoid all the crazy shit that was being pushed under Biden.
LOL...what a tool you are.
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You're a 5-year-old...and not a smart one.
You should probably check back with MSNBC to see what you are supposed to say next to someone who doesn't believe your propaganda. You already used the name calling, now its time you deny that the left did any of those things. Then follow that up with more name calling. Lastly, don't every concede that you were wrong about anything.

Did I get the lefts propaganda response right?
Democrats forget how much they tried to destroy this country under Biden.
You guys were trying to trans our kids, take away the rights of women, make race and gender more important than merit. You basically declared war against the white male. Biden signed the green energy deal which probably kept the economy from crashing but it also increased inflation so bad that everyone was suffering except the upper middle class and elite.
You pushed Dei to the point where we had to have trans onsies for babies displayed front and center in every Target around the country.

You guys were effed up and were a cancer to the country and the world. I would gladly take a recession under Trump to avoid all the crazy shit that was being pushed under Biden.

People finally started realizing that the dems were pushing a globalist system that would give the global elite more power in the USA than the people. You were on course to destroy our freedom and our democracy.

It's like you guys think in narratives and memes.

We are not trying to trans your kids, take away rights of women (LOL what?), or make race/gender more important than merit. Those are narratives and are false. Fake news. BS.

We also did not declare war against the white male. Please.

So the green energy deal is responsible for inflation? Strange that the inflation started in 2020 and affected the world.

We will see the actual results from republicans regaining power. While you are busy counting less "trans onsies" at target and whatever other liberal bogeyman trump and con media scare you with, the rest of us will be watching GDP, stocks, inflation/CPI, unemployment, job creation, government function, and global conflicts and hoping for the best over the next four years. You know... the stuff that REALLY matters.
Well, I quoted you, so I suppose you object to yourself. And you should.
Nah, goading people(you) into a response doesn't deserve an objection. It should be highly encouraged. ;)

Well, I knocked on doors and made phone calls
Oh f***.........your illness is worse than I thought. Have you ever helped with a political ad before? Nevermind........for your sake, you don't want to answer that.

but the vote is where power resides. (For now.....) That you refuse to accept that is just your apologist nature, I suppose. (I'm not apologizing for anything..............................................;)) That’s speculation, of course. You might just be dumber than I think you are.

I have no idea WTF this is supposed to mean. GOP is “f***ing moronic cringy political terminology”? (Yes.) Since when? (Since 150 years ago, apparently.....) The Republican Party has been referred to as the GOP for 150 years. Maybe you ARE dumber than I thought. (And that folks is how you get someone to defend a political party they despise. Make them believe they need to correct you on something. ;) I bet that's as close as you'll ever get to being nice regarding Republicans. Defending the term Grand Old Party.)
Look, all I'm saying is that I don't give a f*** when a term started. Constantly spamming GOP/Grand Old Party in real life sentences to refer to Republicans makes people look like no less of a f***ing geek than when they call Democrats/posters/supporters libtards.

And I'm glad that offends you.

Also, yes I just today felt compelled to look up what GOP meant because that's how few f***s I give about politics, and now that I know what it means, I think it's f***ing stupid, which only gives me more ammunition to shame people with regarding their obsessive passion for political discourse, and no I don't care what you think about that. Friends? :D

P.S. and because I already know what you're going to say, I need to reiterate, to save you the time that we both know you're going to waste anyways ;) I don't care what you think about that.
Eligible voters who chose not to vote are absolutely culpable for our current mess. They had a choice that would have been far less bad (my opinion…obviously not everyone agrees) but chose to sit on the sidelines. They had agency and you are acting like they did not.

We are just going to disagree on this. If they face negative consequences then maybe next time around they will get off their lazy asses and vote.
I apologize, but it's worth mentioning that it'll be easier for you going forward to just assume I know what you're going to say. ;)

Because I already knew this is exactly what you wanted to say before I made the post you responded to.

Food for thought..............but really though, it does have to make you wonder, just a little bit, how I know these things. :cool:
It's like you guys think in narratives and memes.

We are not trying to trans your kids, take away rights of women (LOL what?), or make race/gender more important than merit. Those are narratives and are false. Fake news. BS.

We also did not declare war against the white male. Please.

So the green energy deal is responsible for inflation? Strange that the inflation started in 2020 and affected the world.

We will see the actual results from republicans regaining power. While you are busy counting less "trans onsies" at target and whatever other liberal bogeyman trump and con media scare you with, the rest of us will be watching GDP, stocks, inflation/CPI, unemployment, job creation, government function, and global conflicts and hoping for the best over the next four years.
NO, these things did happen. This is why Trump won. The economy will probably crash to some extent, and then it will recover. I would rather this happen then put up with the insane social policies under the democrats.

Democrats tried to de-masculate the white male. they blamed all of Americas problems on white males and they refused to hire white males in favor of dei hiring. Then they tried to give power to the crazy mentally ill transgenders. This did not turn out well for democrats the last election did it? If you want more censorship and mutilation of kids, maybe you should move to the UK, France, or Germany. They still enjoy abusing kids.

As far as the economy, I am not worried. We need a correction in the economy, this is not a bad thing. Biden ruined the economy during his 4 years in office, Trump was never going to fix it in the first 3 months.
I apologize, but it's worth mentioning that it'll be easier for you going forward to just assume I know what you're going to say. ;)

Because I already knew this is exactly what you wanted to say before I made the post you responded to.

Food for thought..............but really though, it does have to make you wonder, just a little bit, how I know these things. :cool:
I'm not sure anyone types more words and says so little.

You're too predictable and boring to consider.
I'm not sure anyone types more words and says so little.

You're too predictable and boring to consider. (Aka I don't like what you're saying, so I'm gonna act really condescending and dismissive, and think that'll take care of the problem like most of my problems in life...........) ;)
Consider for what?
Look, all I'm saying is that I don't give a f*** when a term started. Constantly spamming GOP/Grand Old Party in real life sentences to refer to Republicans makes people look like no less of a f***ing geek than when they call Democrats/posters/supporters libtards.

And I'm glad that offends you.
I stand're far, far dumber than I could have suspected. Perhaps you should avoid politics obviously don't have any idea what you're talking about.
I stand're far, far dumber than I could have suspected. Perhaps you should avoid politics obviously don't have any idea what you're talking about.
You think you are the smartest person in the world, probably smarter than all of the economist that ever existed. You know everything and are never wrong. If only the rest of us were like you, we could all have rainbow colored hair, we could identify as women so we can beat the real women in sports and we would all own electric cars that no one could drive because we are using wind mills and solar panels to power them. What a great dysfunctional world it would be. And we would all bow down to the social media gods because they will have all the power over our lives. Sorry if you just orgasmed over this utopian world
Watching Cons twist themselves into pretzels to attempt explain or gaslight us all on the train wreck that is the Trump admin and the handling of the economy going into the shitter is going to be something else. The excuses in this thread are laughable. Just wait until it really hits the fan.
Watching Cons twist themselves into pretzels to attempt explain or gaslight us all on the train wreck that is the Trump admin and the handling of the economy going into the shitter is going to be something else. The excuses in this thread are laughable. Just wait until it really hits the fan.
Many on here hopes it really hits the fan…what say you about them?
I stand're far, far dumber than I could have suspected. Perhaps you should avoid politics obviously don't have any idea what you're talking about.
P.S. and because I already know what you're going to say, I need to reiterate, to save you the time that we both know you're going to waste anyways ;) I don't care what you think about that.

Sigh, if people started listening to me, in just the smallest of ways, the world would already begin to be a better place.................but no, we'd rather be making phone calls to strangers bothering them about who to vote for.

You guys were effed up and were a cancer to the country and the world. I would gladly take a recession under Trump to avoid all the crazy shit that was being pushed under Biden.
We know. You're exactly like every other maggot.

Your lot represents a smelly fish, flopping around on the bottom of the maggot boat, falling for tiny's rhetoric hook, line and stinker.