Hillary caught in a HUGE lie………..again.

In other breaking news, water is wet.

Look, even for a politician Hillary is slimy. I just don't think it matters. The people who are going to vote for Hillary are going to regardless at this point.

I think she could go on TV tomorrow and admit to feeding live babies to Cecil the Lions pride and none of her followers would care. Sheep do what sheep do.

This last statement isn't exactly true considering how many Clinton supporters gravitated towards Obama during primary season in '08. The polls disprove such idiocy. EVERY popular politician has apologists whose loyalty will overstep the bounds of rational evaluation. Hell, W was elected for a second term to get four more years of dragging this country into disrepair, so there are PLENTY of ignorant sheep on BOTH sides. Any attempt to say Hillary supporters are any different is the blathering of a simpleton.

We'll see if anything comes of this. There's a LOT left unreported. I see possible violations, but to compare this to what General P. was doing is ludicrous until we know more. I ALSO see a lot of desperate Republicans with no new ideas and a group of pathetic candidates DESPERATE for Clinton to stumble so they don't get waxed in another election.
There are quite a few different elements here but the one Hillary now needs to be extremely worried about are these emails that are being classified as top secret, or "SCI" level security clearance. If she was involved in the transfer of even one of these emails on a non-encrypted server, then she is in some major trouble. That is a felony. If there are multiple emails then it even gets worse. That's venturing into David Petraeus territory. He only supplied his personal calendar to the gal that wrote his auto biography. It had very low level security information which was dated and no longer very relevant and he ultimately had to plea out of serving jail time by agreeing to two years probation and a $100,000 fine. The information he was accused of compromising is peanuts compared to what Hillary possible exposed.

Everyone knows that Bill and Hillary are pathological liars. They simply don't operate on the same moral compass as the majority of humans. Some people could care less about that which to each their own. However, her handling of these emails brings up serious questions about her professional competence. If a non-political career federal employee did what Hillary did, they would be fired, permanently banned from any future federal employment and would do some jail time.

On the political front, she now no longer controls the story and the release of information. This is in the hands of a federal judge and the FBI.

Only those who have been brainwashed into Clinton Derangement Syndrome by the wingnut echo chamber of hatred and lies. (drink)
It seems like this should not at all be political. She either committed a crime by using private email addresses on a private server or she did not. She either sent classified material or she didn't. Shouldn't this be a slam dunk one way or the other? And hasn't she already flat out lied about having the private server already, or did someone make that up?
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It seems like this should not at all be political. She either committed a crime by using private email addresses on a private server or she did not. She either sent classified material or she didn't. Shouldn't this be a slam dunk one way or the other? And hasn't she already flat out lied about having the private server already, or did someone make that up?
She makes it up as she goes along just like her hubby did.
This will get ugly. The FBI will be looking at the emails of the people she sent emails to...there will be emails that Hillary deleted and didn't provide to congress but show up in the other people's computers.
Only those who have been brainwashed into Clinton Derangement Syndrome by the wingnut echo chamber of hatred and lies. (drink)

You are THE biggest Dem hack on this board. In the post above that mentioned Hillary feeding babies to lions, you are the first person I thought of.

The level of denial you have about anything negative, about any liberal politician or policy is astounding.
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This will get ugly. The FBI will be looking at the emails of the people she sent emails to...there will be emails that Hillary deleted and didn't provide to congress but show up in the other people's computers.
There are ways to pull back deleted items,.
It seems like this should not at all be political. She either committed a crime by using private email addresses on a private server or she did not. She either sent classified material or she didn't. Shouldn't this be a slam dunk one way or the other? And hasn't she already flat out lied about having the private server already, or did someone make that up?

Unfortunately it's not that simple. First off, there is nothing wrong with her using a private email address on a private server. Previous Sec. of States have had them. The problem is that her emails related to her position as Sec. of State are a matter of public record. She was comingling them on a private server with her private email. When she received requests from Congress to turn over emails regarding Bengazi, she made the determination of which ones she would turn over and which ones were of a "personal nature" and not subject to public disclosure. So she only released a very few. After more pressure she then was forced to release over 30,000 emails to the State Department. Before those emails can then be released for public viewing, the US Inspector General's Office reviews the emails to redact any classified or other protected information. In a 2% sample size of emails that the Inspector General reviewed during this investigation of the 30,000 emails, there are 4 that were listed with top secret/SCI level security. That has now opened up the criminal aspect of this issue.

If you are a government employee and you propagate the removal or transfer of classified information from a secure holding platform to one that is unsecure then you have violated the Espionage Act. That is a felony crime. Hillary is guilty of this by receiving classified emails on her un-encrypted server. If the sample size is consistent for the entire block of 30,000 emails she has released then she could be looking at 200-300 counts of violating the Espionage Act. David Petraeus almost did jail time for one count of the Espionage Act.

The final element here is that Hillary has deleted another 30,000 emails that she claims were her personal emails. Who is to know if all of those were personal or not which is why getting ahold of the server was so important. If the FBI can pull up any of the deleted emails, and if those emails were government related or related to Bengazi, or were also classified as top secret, then she is looking at obstruction of justice charges, obstruction of a congressional inquiry charges, criminal conspiracy, and multiple counts of perjury based on the sworn court statement she made just last week.

So if this goes down the way it appears that it may be, then she is in a world of trouble and the least of her concerns will be what happens to her campaign. She will have the fight of her life to stay out of jail.

As far as the lying, that is just par for the course for her.
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Lack of evidence of any crime for one thing.

Another little interesting tidbit. If Hillary has violated the Espionage Act, one of the penalties that comes with that is a lifetime ban from holding any elected or non-elected office in the United States.
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73chief, they only looked at 40 of the 30,000 emails and found that 4 of them contained classified info. 2 of the 4 had the 2nd highest level of classification and were Top Secret. They might find more than 4 after they look at the other 29,960 emails.
73chief, they only looked at 40 of the 30,000 emails and found that 4 of them contained classified info. 2 of the 4 had the 2nd highest level of classification and were Top Secret. They might find more than 4 after they look at the other 29,960 emails.

Wow, Thanks.

I thought I read that they took a larger sample. Obviously not. That's even worse.
Unfortunately it's not that simple. First off, there is nothing wrong with her using a private email address on a private server. Previous Sec. of States have had them. The problem is that her emails related to her position as Sec. of State are a matter of public record. She was comingling them on a private server with her private email. When she received requests from Congress to turn over emails regarding Bengazi, she made the determination of which ones she would turn over and which ones were of a "personal nature" and not subject to public disclosure. So she only released a very few. After more pressure she then was forced to release over 30,000 emails to the State Department. Before those emails can then be released for public viewing, the US Inspector General's Office reviews the emails to redact any classified or other protected information. In a 2% sample size of emails that the Inspector General reviewed during this investigation of the 30,000 emails, there are 4 that were listed with top secret/SCI level security. That has now opened up the criminal aspect of this issue.

If you are a government employee and you propagate the removal or transfer of classified information from a secure holding platform to one that is unsecure then you have violated the Espionage Act. That is a felony crime. Hillary is guilty of this by receiving classified emails on her un-encrypted server. If the sample size is consistent for the entire block of 30,000 emails she has released then she could be looking at 200-300 counts of violating the Espionage Act. David Petraeus almost did jail time for one count of the Espionage Act.

The final element here is that Hillary has deleted another 30,000 emails that she claims were her personal emails. Who is to know if all of those were personal or not which is why getting ahold of the server was so important. If the FBI can pull up any of the deleted emails, and if those emails were government related or related to Bengazi, or were also classified as top secret, then she is looking at obstruction of justice charges, obstruction of a congressional inquiry charges, criminal conspiracy, and multiple counts of perjury based on the sworn court statement she made just last week.

So if this goes down the way it appears that it may be, then she is in a world of trouble and the least of her concerns will be what happens to her campaign. She will have the fight of her life to stay out of jail.

As far as the lying, that is just par for the course for her.
Unfortunately the Clinton's are made of teflon and seem to be able to deflect anything that comes their way.
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Not a Hillary fan but so far don't think so far they have found anything that was actually classified when it was originally on her server. They changed the status of these documents later. And if the Pentagon can get hacked like it has, it is hard to be too critical of Hillary though she certainly should have known better than to use a private server.
It has reported those e mails were indeed classified when they were sent. Maybe they were not marked as classified but that makes no difference according to lawyers I have listened to.