Holy Fudge: The GOP Convention is off the rails…

It's not lazy on the medias part. It's complicit. If any Dem had Hulk Hogan rip his shirt off right before introducing them, then gave an insanely long speech that went off script and quickly dissolved into one unhinged self indulgent story after another, the media would have been all over that Dems neck questioning everything about them. But Trump does it and the media acts like it's all normal.
Because they're sick of the BS the Biden admin has been putting them through.
You just have to so admire Trump last night and especially his " common sense" proposals he presented for solving this country's most pressing issues. Combating inflation, especially excessive grocery, gas, and housing costs: Trump's solution given last night - "drill baby, drill." Addressing the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Gaza: Trump's solution given last night - " I will end them with a phone call." Solving the immigration problem at our southern border: Trump's solution last night - immediate lock down of the border and then rounding up every illegal in the country and deporting them all. Again, what terrific thought-out solutions to our country's most perplexing problems.
It’s so damn cute that the GOP just continues to gobble up the bullshit that he shovels. Such simple minded rubes.

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